Learning Pill Recipes

"What are you doing here? Didn't you want to sleep?" ,Lucy asked in a gentle tone.

"Umm.. I - I just came here for some water.", he replied.

Lucy then got near the fridge and poured a glass of water for John before going back to the room. Just before she closed the door, John could hear her say, "Come fast. I wanna sleep by your side."

John felt a indescribable feeling right now and hastily replied, "Okay. Coming in a bit."

John was not sure why Lucy had ignored this book that was in his hand. It was a pretty thick book that looked like an encyclopedia and also had an ancient design and feel to it.

Just then, the system said, [ Ding.. The things such as recipes and skill books are not visible to anyone except the user. They also cannot touch these things. ]

John then didn't think much of it and opened the encyclopedia-like book he had just gotten out of his inventory. A small dialog box appeared in his vision.


[ Would you like to learn Basic Alchemy skill? ]

[ Yes ] [No]


Two options were also given in the dialog box. John then moved his hand and clicked on the Yes button.

All of a sudden, the book glowed with a blinding light that made John use his hand to cover his face to hide his eyes. Soon, the book disintegrated into thousands of tiny specks of light that hovered in air for a bit before travelling inside John's mind through his forehead.

John became tensed as his head felt like bursting. He clenched his teeth and persisted. The pain started to become more and more intense. After about thirty seconds, the pain started to fade and his pale face started to regain colour.

His body was drenched with sweat. His mind was filled with knowledge of various herbs, basic alchemy technique, fire control,etc.

John then took out the recipe for the Basic essence energy replenishment pill. It had an ancient feel to it just like the skill book just now. It was a scroll that looked like it was made out of animal skin.

Soon, a few notifications rang in his ears.

[ Ding.. Basic essence energy replenishment pill recipe detected. ]

[ Ding.. Checking requirements to learn the recipe... ]

[ Ding.. Requirement needed - Basic Alchemy skill has been met. ]

[ Ding.. Open the recipe scroll to learn the recipe. ]

John opened the scroll that caused the scroll to emit the binding light like the skill book. The scroll then disintegrated into tiny specks of light that hovered in air for a bit and flew into John's mind through his forehead.

John got a headache similar to earlier. But the pain this time only lasted for about ten seconds. John's head became filled with the basic technique to prepare the pill.

The energy that the people of this world cultivated was called essence energy. It seemed that this pill was used as a replenishment source for essence energy.

He also found out that he needed five whole saiko herbs in order to prepare one batch of pill. Each batch of pill has ten pills.

What John didn't know was that this 'basic' recipe he had had obtained just now was the most refined and efficient recipe and in this period of time, making one pill needed two whole saiko herbs, let alone one batch of pills.

John then took out the Basic healing pill recipe from the inventory and learned it. This recipe scroll was similar to that of the other recipe he had just learned. The time for which he felt pain for was also similar.

The basic healing pill could be used to heal wounds and stop bleedings. It seemed that the 'healing' act Lucy had shown was only possible for people with cultivation of late Xiantian or above.

It seemed that it needed three whole unioko herbs, half saiko herb and two whole glishe herbs to make a batch of basic healing pill.

This pill recipe was also different from the one people in this time period. Normally, one batch of basic healing pills needed fifteen whole unioko herbs, two whole saiko herbs and five glishe herbs.

John then took out the array recipe he had stored up in his inventory. He heard a few notifications that made him frown and put the recipe back inside the inventory.

[ Ding.. Basic essence energy gathering array recipe detected. ]

[ Ding.. Checking requirements to learn the recipe... ]

[ Ding.. Requirement needed - Basic Alchemy skill has not been met. ]

[ Ding.. Host cannot learn this recipe. ]

[ Ding.. Host will lose this recipe if he tries to open it and learn it by force. ]

John didn't know what to do or where to start his future journey. He then decided to go back and sleep. He would sleep and leave all the matters for later on.

After all, Lulu was waiting for him. He then got up from the chair he had been sitting on to move towards the bedroom. It was only then did he realize that his whole body was drenched with sweat. The pain he had been feeling had resulted in him sweating buckets of sweat.

John then didn't go directly to sleep. He went inside the room and went into the bathroom to take a bath. He chuckled when he remembered the eager expression he had seen on Lucy's face just now.….