Red Rosy Fire

After taking the bath, John came out and went into the bed. It was still daytime and Lucy was up and looking at John.

John then pulled Lucy in his embrace and drifted to sleep. Lucy smiled for a while before going to sleep.

John woke up at 9 PM. He was woken up by Lucy. Lucy had woken up at around 8. She had woken up John only after preparing the meal.

John washed his face and went to eat dinner. John took in the familiar scent of Lucy's cooking and looked at Lucy who was bringing the last of the cooked dishes.

"Wash your hands." ,Lucy said while placing the dishes on the table.

John nodded and went to wash his hands. Actually, Lucy had done this to test if John was still lovey-dovey or did he revert back to the same old frustrated guy.

Lucy was smiling gleefully when she saw John follow her 'command'. John also knew that he was being 'tested' but he didn't pay it much heed. After all, this second life he had gotten, he would treat Lulu the best and as for those that opposed him, they would get a piece of him.

John sat down and looked over the prepared dishes. Roasted chicken, tofu, .... , each and every dish was his favourite.

He dug right in and kept praising the dishes by saying comments like, "Delicious!" , "I could eat this for the rest of my life." , etc.

After dinner, Lucy started doing dishes while John went into the bedroom and laid on the bed. He took out his mobile and started searching for cauldrons and alchemic fires for pill-making.

The normal currency in this world was spirit coins. If compared to his last world, one spirit coin was equal to one US dollar.

In this world, Lucy was the deputy chief of the Provincial Cultivation Law committee. Her salary alone was more than enough for the two of them and also save for future.

John checked out his bank balance which showed a pitiful amount of two hundred thirty spirit coins. John was dispirited when he saw this as the worst type of cauldron cost 5,000 spirit coins and the weakest alchemic fire cost over 10,000 spirit coins.

John then remembered that he had a friggin' system. He asked in his mind, "System, do you have a store where I can buy the cauldron and the alchemic fire?"

[ Ding.. Yes. ]

"Open the store."

A screen appeared that showed a few options including the cauldron and the alchemic fire.


Fires ( Includes fires needed for both forging and alchemy )

Raw materials ( Includes various herbs, metals, etc )

Cauldrons ( Includes the cauldrons used for alchemy )

Recipes ( Includes all recipes of various pills, arrays, etc )





Lottery ticket - 1,000 system points


John skimmed over the list and opened the 'fires' section. He didn't want to see the whole list of available fire so he said, "Just show me the cheapest fire that can be used in both weapon forging and pill refining."


1) Red rosy fire - 40,000 points


John grudgingly bought it. He felt like he had paid a lot but he would be grinning like an idiot if he found out that this fire he just bought was a very rare type.

Fires were usually single purpose ones. The fires used for alchemy could not be used for forging but this red rosy fire was a dual purpose one that could be used for pill refining and weapon forging.

Only ten thousand system points remained from his initial sum of fifty thousand system points he had gotten from the beginner's package. John then said, "System, show me the cheapest cauldron."


1) Two headed dragon cauldron - 50,000 points


John sucked in a cold breath when he saw the price. Maybe, I will just buy one using spirit coins. John remembered that he had seen lottery ticket.

John only had 10,000 points. He bought five tickets for five thousand system points and left the remaining five thousand points for emergency purposes.

John then took out one of the tickets. He then heard a few notifications.

[ Ding.. Would you like to use the Lottery ticket? ]

"Yes" ,John said in his mind.

Soon, the rectangular white ticket that was in his hand disintegrated into tiny specks of light and formed a set of twenty cards. Each card was white and was empty with no letters or numbers on it. The cards were floating in air.

[ Ding.. Choose one card. Tap the card you wish to choose. ]

John tapped the fifth card which then flipped and showed a few words that said, '20 sets of Saiko herbs'.

John was plenty satisfied as these herbs could be used to make the essence energy replenishment pill. He then once again use the lottery ticket.

In his second, third, fourth and fifth chance, he obtained 5,000 system points, Lucky necklace, 1kg gengitium metal and 20,000 system points respectively.

John had worn the Lucky necklace after he had gotten it so his luck had improved considerably and he had gotten better things in the fourth and fifth chance.


Lucky necklace - Increases luck of wearer by 10,000 %


Gengitium was one of the rarest metal of 'this earth'. So, it was pretty good to be able to get one kilogram of that metal. Just this one kilogram of gengitium metal could be sold for a hundred million spirit coins.

But John didn't know any better and just let it rot in his inventory till he got the forging skill. John was planning on binding with his red rosy fire when Lucy came into the room.

She smiled at the sight of John lying on the bed. She then went ahead and lied beside john. John didn't bring out the red rosy fire as it could be seen by others too.

John then said, "Lulu."
