Advanced Lottery Ticket

[ Ding.. Would you like to merge the lottery tickets into Advanced lottery tickets? ]

[ Ding.. Ten normal lottery tickets can be exchanged for one Advanced lottery ticket? ]

John speculated that the rewards in the Advanced lottery ticket would be much better along with his lucky necklace, so he said, "Merge them."

[ Ding.. Merging lottery tickets…. ]

[ Ding.. Three Advanced lottery tickets have been placed in host's inventory. ]

John then checked his inventory and brought out the advanced lottery ticket and used it. The similar set of cards appeared. He chose one in the sixth place.

[ Ding.. Host has obtained a Random Cultivation promotion card. ]

John naturally didn't know what this thing would do so he just went ahead and used the remaining two tickets.

[ Ding.. Host has obtained Cultivation Concealing Card. ]

[ Ding.. Host has obtained Random Max. Star Job Promotion Card. ]

John had a basic understanding about what these stuff he just got might turn out to be but he still checked their descriptions.


1) Random cultivation promotion card

Description : This card will randomly promote your current cultivation to any higher realm depending on your luck.


2) Cultivation concealing card

Description : This card will hide your cultivation from everyone and only the people you allow will be able to probe your realm. To others, you will be akin to a mortal without any cultivation.


3) Random max star job promotion card

Description : This card will select a random job and push you to obtain the maximum star rank of that job.


John was already laughing inwardly while looking at the first card but reading all of these cards, he couldn't help but praise the lucky necklace he had worn.

'This thing is magical.' ,he thought to himself.

John was not a fool. As he was probably going to have a breakthrough if he used the cultivation promotion card, he, first of all, used the cultivation concealing card.

[ Ding.. Host's cultivation has been concealed. Not even Beyond Divinity realm experts can find out your cultivation. ]

( Author Note :- Beyond Divinity realm is the highest realm in this cultivation world. )

John then brought out the Random cultivation promotion card and crushed it. The notifications that followed suit made him ecstatic beyond measure.

[ Ding.. Selecting Random Realm of cultivation to promote to. ]

[ Ding.. Peak Divinity realm selected. ]

[ Ding.. Commencing promotion.…. ]

[ Ding.. Cultivation concealment card in effect... Controlling any leakage of essence energy that might alert others of Host's cultivation. ]

[ Ding.. Excess essence energy is being taken care of. ]

[ Ding.. Unable to contain heavenly effect. ]

From the moment John heard the commencing promotion notification. John had closed his eyes and he had been sealed in a essence energy ball which floated in the air. It was the purest of energy which had come here just like that.

Soon, the clouds above Manhendranagar city lit up as, lightning clouds shrouded the city. The essence energy ball that had engulfed John soon disappeared as John gently landed on his feet.

In a cave a few hundred kilometers away from the Manhendranagar city, a old man with white beard suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the direction of the city while saying, "This.. Who knew that there was such a senior residing in this distant city. I should go visit him. It would be good if I could get a few pointers."

This thunder and lighting only happened once someone stepped on the Divinity realm. Even though john had directly stepped onto the Peak of Divinity realm, it was still Divinity realm.

The old man in the cave stood up. He was wearing a white robe which didn't have a speck of dust which was unusual considering how he had been cultivating here for the last few hundred years. He then slowly strodded out of the cave while walking towards Manhendranagar city.

John slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was feeling much fresher than earlier and could clearly feel everything within a few miles radius.