Alchemy God

This whole thing only took a few minutes. When John used his new found sense to probe the kitchen, he found that Lucy was still in the kitchen, doing dishes.

Lucy hadn't felt a thing, neither had the others in the city except a few people. These people were naturally the ones who knew when this sort of heavenly effect took place.

Even though it had been a few ten thousand years since someone in this planet stepped onto the Divinity realm, these few people still knew about it thanks to various old documents and historical writings.

John then didn't do much and went to sit in the chair in the room. He then took out the random max star job promotion card and used it.

[ Ding.. Selecting random job for promotion. ]

[ Ding.. Alchemy selected.. ]

[ Ding.. Alchemy job promoted to 15 star job. ]

[ Ding.. Congratulations host for becoming an alchemy god. ]

[ Ding.. Rewarding ten random pill recipes… ]

[ Ding.. Pill recepies stored in the inventory. ]

Suddenly, a slight pain in his mind made him feel bad. It wasn't too much but there was slight pain. John knew that this was the pain from the sudden promotion in job as knowledge was pouring into his brain.

If he hadn't reached the divinity realm and was still in Houtian realm, he would have wished he was dead because of the pain he would feel but now, the pain was not even worthy to be called a headache.

'Woahhh! I am gonna make lots of money. Hehehhe' ,John thought while chucking inwardly.

John then checked his inventory. He saw the ten recipes he had been awarded. He then checked their description.


1) Truth pill ( 2-star )

Description : This pill makes a person of any cultivation realm speak truth for the next one hour.


2) Soul energy pill ( 3-star )

Description : This pill increases one's soul energy by 2%.


3) Dream pill (4-star )

Description : This pill let's you cultivate while sleeping. ( The cultivation is carried out at normal speed. )


4) Ice kill pill ( 5-star )

Description : Incurable poison with ice properties. ( It can be cured by the use of over 12-star detoxification pills. )


5) Avedly pill ( 6-star )

Description : This pill increases users cultivation by one whole realm for one hour.

Side effect : Weakness and inability to use essence energy for a whole week


6) Revolving Dan pill ( 7-star )

Description : It provides direct breakthrough to Early revolving Dan realm from any lower realm.


7) Advanced healing pill ( 9-star )

Description : Even cut off limbs and damaged organs can be regrown with this pill.


8) Advanced detoxification pill ( 8-star )

Description : This pill detoxifies poison of up to 8-star rank.


9) Dantian forming pill ( 15-star )

Description : This forms a new dantian in people without a dantian, mortals.


10) Dantian mending pill ( 13-star )

Description : This pill mends the dantian of people with crippled Dantian.


John was skimming over the descriptions of the pill while Lucy's voice drifted into his ears, "I am going to sleep. You come down soon."

John didn't say anything and just smiled while taking out all the pill recipes. He then learned each of them one by one.

The herbs needed for the higher star pills were quite the expensive ones. There were even some pills and herbs he hadn't heard of, considering his knowledge on herbs and pills was based on the 'research' he had done on his mobile.

John then once again postponed his pill refining as he silently went towards the bedroom. Lucy was lying on the bed. The lights were still on, she seemed to be waiting for him.

John's arrival startled Lucy who was gazing at the roof while pondering about something. She then flashed a beautiful smile and said, "Turn off the lights."

John nodded while switching the lights off and going towards the bed. He then hugged Lucy and drifted to sleep with a slight smile on his face.

Lucy naturally noticed the fact that she couldn't see John's cultivation realm but she didn't ask anything as she thought that he would tell her when he wanted to.

John and Lucy went to sleep while a row of black cars with a white car in the middle was going towards the city gates. Along with these five cars were a group of cultivators in flying swords.

These cultivators were escorting the rides. Each of these twenty five cultivators looked fierce and had a cultivation of at least Early Revolving Dan realm.