Returning Home

A WEEK HOLIDAY WAS CALLED TO HALT. I even didn't know how fast the time elapsed. I thought for a week, time was still. But I was proved wrong when I heard the ticktock of the wall clock. It was Saturday 9 March, 5:30 a.m.

I dressed myself, applied perfume and made myself handsome. Unexpectedly, I had a call from an unknown number, +975 77205615.

"Hi." Said from the other side. It was a young girl's melodious voice.

"Hello, who's on the line?" I asked.

"'s me , Lhasang." She replied in a nightingale voice.

"Oh Lhasang! Are you? How did you get my number?" I enquired her with bated breath, really startled.

"Haha...that's an interesting story. I met with your friend Tshering who dropped out from the school last year. I came to know him when we met at City Mall. So, I asked your number. Aren't you obsessed?" Her sweet voice echoed from the other side.

" will I! It's good that you met my friend. So how are you over there?" I replied, almost jumping.

"Yeah...I am fine. What about you, darls?" Enquired her. I was almost passed out when I heard that she mentioned darling! I was rendered awe-struck.

''Oh...I am too sweetie." I felt like saying so but by instinct I replied, "Yeah I am fine. Leaving home today."

" it? When will you return again?" She asked, quite concerned.

"I will miss you baby. Will you not?" I thought of saying to her but I don't have that authority to say. " Yes. Probably by winter."

''OK safe journey then." She wished from the other side. I really longed to see her in front of me but we were physically separated by the distance.

I couldn't utter many things that I coveted for.

"Thank you. Miss you.'' I finally gathered all my efforts to say.

"Miss you too." She replied and hung up the phone. I was really happy that I wanted to jump and shout. I wanted to share my happiness to the world but time was so limited that I even forgot to bid her good-bye .

I remained staring at my room for a moment, recollected what she said, fancied how our love would bloom, how I would have kissed her and many more which are absolutely biological.

I slightly patted on my forehead and smiled. I was dreaming still when the shafts of sun reached my forehead. Hilariously absurd! It was around seven fifteen and just fifteen minutes left for the departure.

I carried my laptop-bag and a black luggage and locked the house. I turned for a while and bid adieu to the place and left for depot.

I could see rabble of people and motors here and there. Some people shouting, some running while some sobbing. Some couples were even having difficulty in parting.

I don't know why. Vehicles were blinking with their lights and making unnecessary disturbing honking and screeches. I ran towards the Gelephu bus which was parked under the terminal house.

Everyone was already huddled inside the bus. I waved the driver to wait for me.

"U-uncle? My luggage." I asked.

"Are you direct to Gelephu?" He enquired.

"Yes uncle." I replied.

After a thought he responded, "Brother you can keep inside. It's already late." He said and smiled.

"Thanks uncle."

I shoved myself inside the bus and kept the luggage on the floor while bag near my seat. I prayed for the safe journey and then the journey started altering the inertia of rest.