

THE USUAL SCHOOLING BEGAN TO UNFOLD. I wasn't interested at all and occasionally find myself lost into my floating thoughts. To study science was really tough but since my ambition was related to science I, however, have to study it by hard.

All the students looked glad and overjoyed since Teacher's Day was approaching by May second. I was too in their shoes. Everyone was busy practising the dance or else decorating the wishing cards. Phew! If they get easily angry and curse him unnecessarily just because the teacher scolds them, there isn't any worth of exhibiting such gratitude. I just don't fully trust on them.

Neither I practised a dance nor wrote the wishing card. I just intended to wish them, that's enough. Many free periods were given despite it's negative consequences. But I don't mean to say I am the perfect one. Many couples are seen together dating publicly.

I really felt sorry for them that they even didn't know how to date. They'll be soon or later be punished due to their misdemeanour.

Every now and then we could see two opposite sex partners together, some even to the extent of kissing publicly. It was an interval of 12 March. I was just returning from the restroom when suddenly a girl called me.

She was very pretty, a wish fulfilling toy for the boys with an ebony short hair about her shoulder, medium-sized with fleshy butts and curved bosom.

"Hi" A girl by the name Wangmo, who was one class senior, waved at me.

"Yes please, anything to say?" I enquired to her who was longingly gazing at me.

"Would you mind to come here, please?" She threw something unexpected, showing her cleavage. She was in her restroom, completely forbidden for the male to enter even by mistake.

"What?" I shrugged. "How can you expect me to come over there? It's totally proscribed. If you want to say something, get yourself outside."

", please. Just a minute" She replied, now her cheeks turned red.

"No!" I wanted to shout but she gestured me not to act hastily. She came outside and then out of the blue tugged me in the interior room and locked the door of the cell. I tried to unlock but she was obstructing me. I wanted to yelp for help but since it's going to be a great disgrace, I remained shut and mum.

After countless effort, I lost my strength and became so lethargic. I was puffing and panting with sweats probably of fear.

"Please let me go!'' I pleaded, trembling.

"" She replied. She was too sweating and quivering. "I love you very much from the time I saw you in this institution. Please say no to my plea!" She finally unraveled the mystery.

"Oh! How can I accept that? Please do away with this business. You'll end up loosing your own precious life" I gathered my strength to utter.

"Please, don't say no. I beseech for it!" She said, now almost covered by brim of tears.

" won't happen. Never!" I remained stubborn. She, now completely turned red and slowly drew closer towards me. She caught hold of my neck and pressed her lips on trembling lips of mine. She sucked as if sucking the saccharine juices for a moment.

I tried to pushed her and hurled, " It won't happen by any means. Even in the next generation!" and glued my eyes on the floor. Deep inside my heart, I remembered my Lhasang. Of course, we aren't in relation but I consider her mine and these irritating acts made me feel furious.

"If it's so I know how to deal with it!" She said and started to uncloth her blouse.

"Please, don't do that! Aren't you ashamed to do such thing in front of a lad, completely of opposite sex?" I asked, with entrenched voice. But she was too stubborn. She completely finished unclothing her upper attires.

I was left exposed to her milky boobs.

With no time, she was totally naked. She massaged her boobs and ran her hands down her deep narrow valley. I shut my eyes because if I am left exposed to such biological scene, I may change my thought.

"Come on baby. I am free. Please, please, please." She drew nearer and nearer with evoking track of sounds that blindness couldn't resist as I could vividly speculate. She finally touched my waist and rubbed her breasts on my chest.

Gradually, she took her hands down on my parts. I couldn't resist. Thousands of thoughts popped like a popcorn. I finally caught hold of her and pushed hard on the wall.

Quickly I opened the door and ran out of the room.