
Continuation of The Chats...

I was really thrilled as well as anxious thinking what she would reply. If she replies she has then I am gone!

"What are you asking....?" She instead replied coolly that dropped my temperature to zero degree celsius. I was cold and numb. I didn't know how to reply. Countless imaginations flashed onto my mind. I was mechanically lost, too.

"What happened? No reply?" I was brought to life by the beep of the Messenger.

"Uh...I mean...that.....that..." F*** myself. I even couldn't reply which just need to be typed. If she was in person in front of me, than I would have collapsed.

"Yeah...I mean do you have any crush?" Finally, I assembled all my strength to dare to ask, now quite emboldened.

Again the same beep beeped. It wasn't text but a voice mail. Oh God! What would be there that she needed to sent voice message?

I plugged the earphones and tapped the play button. It was a synical laugh followed by the message she has sent.

" be honest, I have my crush. I recently admired him!" I was blown off to dust.

It was like I have reached to an unknown place where war is on the process with explosion of bombs, hoots of animals, whines of men and thud of cannons: the place with dirt of chemical explosion and bloodshed. But, in case of me , it was explosion of heart into pieces of fragmentation.

"Who is he? Can you tell me?" I ventured to ask her, although there wasn't any hope left alive---all were cold death.

"I can't. I am afraid and ashamed. Maybe in some favorable day.'' She replied pausing my heart second by second.

"Please, at least the first letter!" I begged hoping against the hopes.

Initially she denied saying that she daren't to reveal but with pressurised compulsion, she relented to pronounce the first letter of her crush.

"It's D........!"

"It's D? Isn't it me?" I heard myself murmur, extremely excited! Her reveal re-generated and instilled some hopes in me.

"OK bye, it's getting late. See you tomorrow." She bade good-night. It was almost 12:00 a.m. I was too engrossed chatting that I exceeded my normal sleeping time.

"OK. I will too!" I texted her back and gently planted my longing kiss onto the phone imagining the phone to be her.

I prayed the Almighty to bless me to have her as mine. Hilarious!


The morning was really awe-inspiring and breathtaking. The sky was azure with no clouds at all. The breeze blew so gently touching every sense. I woke up when the alarm clock rang.

I folded the quilt and went to the bathroom for shower. I heard my sister calling me for breakfast.

"Why are you sleeping too much? It affects our health!" She said, concerned.

"It was really a sound sleep!" I giggled, sitting on the chair while she served us breakfast.

"Dawa, you know? Your auntie is calling for you. We all will go today, is that okay?" In-law asked, adjusting his spectacle.

"OK." I nodded while taking my share. It was autochthonic soup made with flour and other ingredients. It is usually taken by the native Bhutanese during special occasions such as Blessed Rainy Day. It tastes excellent when served hot.

It was 10:30 . We reached to aunt's dwelling in Central Plaza , Babesa.

My niece pressed the switch with her baby hand.

"Come inside!" Auntie welcomed us.

We went inside the room. She prepared the tea while we're watching TV.

"Please, prepare with love. It tastes good!" I teased her and giggled.

"You naughty!" She smiled back to me.

Within five minutes or so, she gave us a cup of tea and container full of biscuits. But, my niece is so possessive that she wants to take juice.

It's really entertaining to see young children fed with edible stuff. They take as much as they can. They take in one hand and again take with another hand and eat them. They always target on the container. It applies to my niece!

My phone vibrated. I took out the phone and gazed at it. It was Lhasang! Oh God! I turned pale.

"What happened? Who was that? You're turning pale." My sister pointed out.

I was lost how to answer. I became more paler. Finally, I gathered my strength and dared to reply, "It was my friend and have to leave. "

''How? You have just reached yesterday and how did you manage to make? "She sounded startled.

"....uh...." I stuttered.

"Let him go! He might have some paramount appointments. " Auntie giggled. I knew that she understood my problem. I uncomfortably smiled back to her. I could see with the corner of my left eye that my aunt was saying something to her in her ears. I sighed and went out of the room.