The Wood Element!

Ryu smirked, the level of those instructor was not half bad, they were full fledged Jounins from what he saw, and not to mention Yugao was an ANBU, which was always a good thing on his book.

Now he just had to find a chance to use his Wood Release... Maybe make him fall in some kind of danger, and somehow 'awaken' it... That would be quite fun actually, he might actually just do that.

He noticed Yugao finding him, so he grinned and a Rasengan was formed in his hand, a bigger than average one. He did a hand seal with his other hand and created a shadow clone, which grabbed the Rasengan and dashed at Yugao from the place he was hiding.

He then went through hand seals and created four more Shadow Clones, which he'd use to distract Yugao from the shadow clone with the Rasengan, the four dashed forward to support the Rasengan one.

He then went out to find his other teammates


Ken was wondering what jutsu to use on his new instructors, although his arsenal of ninjutsu was limited, didn't mean his imagination of what to do with those was small at all, he was creating several plans.

He was suddenly awakened from his thoughts from Ryu, who poked his back, making him shiver," Whats... Oh it's just you Ryu, you scared the hell out of me man!" Ken growled in annoyance.

Ryu explained the plan to Ken, who widened his grin after hearing it," This is going to be very interesting..."

He then found Yato and told him the same plan, and the three started going for it. First, Ryu would distract both Hayate and Yugao with a Great Fire Ball Jutsu, making them think Ken was there, and then would run, giving Ken the chance to use the same Jutsu on them, but with their back turned.

The two would be forced to dodge, in that moment, Yato would rush and grab at least one bell from them with his taijutsu and speed, and they'd hopefully be able to grab at least one bell, if that did not work, Ryu would show up and slam a Rasengan on Hayate, before taking his bell.

Ryu started doing the hand seals for the Great Fire Ball Jutsu, and exhaled a large amount of fire.

Hayate and Yugao noticing it, nodded to each other and ran at the place the jutsu had started, and used their swords to defeat the fire ball. Ryu grinned, and looked at Ken, several dozens of meters away, who also threw a great fire ball.

Yugao and Hayate were stunned,"How many affinities do those people have?!"

Ryu had shown wind,water and now fire... An absurd amount of affinities! 3 was never heard of, it was extremely rare. But if he didn't have fire, it meant either Yato or Ken did both jutsus, which was unlikely.

The two jounins had already noticed their plan, but played along with it, after all they were indeed completing the aim of the exam, to have great teamwork with each other. Suddenly a water dragon flew at them, and water was everywhere.

The two jumped behind, only to land in water, mist covered everything. Hayate and Yugao were shocked, this was Kiri's jutsu, "Hiding In Mist Jutsu".

"How did one of them even get the jutsu, is my problem... It's a Kirigakure's secret jutsu, only they could use it... Oh wait I remember than Kakashi could also use it... So he probably taught it to Ryu..."

Hayate coughed and said with a sigh... A fellow jounin was making it harder for them to succeed in this Bell Exam. Suddenly several kunais flew at them, and they had to dodge, they did not notice Yato who suddenly went for their Bells, Hayate only noticed it too late and his bell was already stolen, while Yugao reacted in time, just about when Yato was grabbing hers.

Yato scowled as he retreated, not giving the jounins a chance to take their bells back, then suddenly Ken appeared in front of the two jounins, his sharingan already awakened, with two tomoes, and threw four shurikens at Hayate, who blocked them.

Using this as a chance Ryu appeared and attacked Yugao, using a shadow clone to create confuse Yugao, and then sent a roundhouse kick before grabbing the bells from Yugao, who could not look properly because of the mist.

However neither of them noticed it, and Ryu decided to end all of this, by dispersing the mist, however he did not notice a loosen kunai flying at him, panicking *not actually* his Mokuton awakened and wood came out from the ground and protected him.

Witnessing this, Hayate and Yugao's eyes widened, that was Mokuton, which had only appeared in The First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, it was an extremely powerful bloodline, who was extremely popular due to it's power and abilities.

It could heal,destroy,build... Practically it was very overpowered is what most people thought of it.

"You.... That is the mokuton!" Hayate shouted in surprise," In the history of the shinobi world, only one person has ever acquired that bloodline!" Yugao added with a very surprised expression.

"Mo...Kuton?" Ryu said slowly, as if hearing the word for the first time,"Yes, the ability to use wood in different forms and shapes, Hashirama Senju, the first hokage was known to have used those to defeat the Nine Tailed Beasts and give them to other villages as gifts, leaving only the strongest in Konoha."

Yugao said as she touched the wood which had pierced the ground and appeared before them.

"We need to report this to the Fourth." Hayate said as he coughed,"Alright, you grabbed all the bells, you've passed, you are officially Team 7, now, you are free to leave but come at the same place here tomorrow, at the same time as today, the two of us need to meet the hokage to report this to him."

Hayate said and the three nodded before leaving the training ground, and the two jounins left in a shunshin, disappearing, and reappearing in the Hokage's Residence, knocking in the door the two entered...