The Talk With The Hokage

Minato's eyes were open wide, the report his shinobis had given him was very surprising, his son having mokuton?! That was a wonderful thing. He also had access to the Senju Compound, so he could give him a few Wood Jutsus.

"Yugao,Hayate, I need you to call Yamato, he is the perfect man for this job. While I can teach him wood Jutsus, I can't really use it, I only know how to do it practically, I don't have experience with it, because I can't use the Mokuton."

Yugao hesitated, but still said something,"Hokage-Sama Yamato is still training with Kakashi-san, I fear that it would interrupt the process of training to control the Kyuubi if we interrupted it right now..."

Minato glared at Yugao with a cold look," My son won't rampage, if he does I'll personally defeat him, there's no need to worry, besides if we get Ryu to control the Wood Element, it means we can have him help Yamato either way."

The fact he had to get second ways to stopping the Kyuubi angered him, despite Minato growing in strength, he was still far weaker than the Kyuubi, and he could only rely on limited abilities to defeat it, which was not enough.

The attack on the village 14 years ago was damaging enough for the village to consider Naruto a 'threat' despite him continuing to tell them that he was no threat, but only his son, and that he and Jiraiya would help him control his power.

But the Civilian Council refused to listen to him, Minato growled,'Why the hell are they even still existing... That was just a rule the First put in war times, they can't even use simple Chakra attacks to protect themselves'

He had already stopped Danzo from using ROOT, however he was an old snake, he was very sure he was still secretly operating it, but there was not much he could do, somehow the snake had acquired a Sharingan, which would make it troublesome to deal with him.

Not to mention he had connections with several dark organization, he even questioned his loyalty, the snake was only loyal to himself and no one else, screw his 'Konoha' obsession, it was merely to increase his own personal power that he did it.

Hayate panicked and coughed,"Hokage-same, that was not what Yugao-chan was trying to say, I apologize if what she said hit a rough spot in you, she was only thinking about the best for the village."

Minato snorted," It's okay, it's just that my son won't rampage, he is already capable of controlling several tails of the Kyuubi's evil chakra, soon he'll fully be capable of controlling it, so he won't rampage on the village."

Yugao and Hayate nodded,"Okay, Hokage-sama, I'll go let Kakashi know about what you want to do with Yamato." Minato interrupted him," There is no need for that, I'll personally tell Kakashi about it."

The two nodded,"Meanwhile, I'll give your team a few D Rank Missions... I'm sure you don't want to waste time, if they complete 25 D Rank Missions, they could complete a C Rank Mission, I'm sure that with their jutsu arsenal they can do it easily, also do teach them some taijutsu, Ryu doesn't have the best one out there, while Ken has the Uchiha's Hard Fist, the opposite of Hyuuga's Soft Fist."

The two nodded," Can I teach him Kenjutsu? " Hayate asked his superior," No, Kushina will teach him that, or he can even create his own style, it's all for the best." Minato replied as he sat on his chair.

Hayate nodded,"But you can teach him the basics, he doesn't really have much knowledge about it, Kushina only taught him about the Suiton, as she was afraid he'd hurt himself, but not that he is a genin, you are free to teach him about how to grab a sword properly, and all that sort of stuff."

Minato replied, and Hayate coughed with a nod. " About that... Maybe Ryu's Wood Style can heal your chronic disease? His Wood Style should contain healing properties, unlike Yamato's who is a result of experiments." The hokage said with a thoughtful expression, Hayate's expression brightened at the mention of a cure to his disease, he really hated it, coughing all time was not good.

"Hokage-sama, I also want to add something, about your son, he knew Hiding In Mist Jutsu of the Kirigakure, where did he learn it? He also knew Fire Style, Water Style and even Wind Style..." Yugao asked with a curious look on her face.

Minato smiled weakly," I tested his elemental affinities, he has affinities for Wind,Water,Fire and Lightning.... He only lacks Earth to the mix, but he probably will get an affinity for it later, no matter how weak it is."

His son was the definition of a prodigy among prodigies, Konoha had never seen such a talented person, already knowing the Rasengan, around 10 C Rank Jutsus, 3 B Rank Jutsus, and even 2 A Rank Jutsus... He was terrifying.

If not for the fact he was young, and they were in a time of peace, he'd have already made his son a Chunin already, even his teammates seemed to be quite talented, knowing a few C Rank Jutsus as genins was incredibly rare.

He could only wonder about how talented they'd become, and how much of an asset they would become to Konoha in the future, maybe they'd be the future pillars of the village. Minato chuckled,"My son's team is sure incredible..."

The two jounins had already left the room with permission given to them by Minato, and were wondering to each other what to teach the new team of genins. When the hokage had neared to them about teaching a team of genin, they were stunned, they were not suited for teaching, is what the two thoughts.

Minato had rolled his eyes at the thought of that, which was indeed laughable, Hayate had taught Yugao before, how could he tell himself he was not suited to teaching others, when Yugao turned out to be Anbu quality?

That was absurd.