Showing Off.

"What is the meaning of this! Zabuza!" Gato shouted, he was a short man with glasses and a black suit. He was pointing his finger at a young man with no eyebrows, Zabuza Momochi, The Demon of The Hidden Mist.

A man with a muscular build and short spiky black hair. Besides him were 3 other people, Koji Uzumaki, a missing nin from Uzushiogakure, with scarlet red hair and blue eyes, he was a large scar going from his forehead to his chin.

The two others were, Kuro Retsu, a missing nin from Kirigakure, a former jounin of the village and also known as a 'Ghoul' because he liked eating human flesh. Basically his mental health was not right. He was bald and his head was filled with ugly scars. By his side was a thin long sword which he kept very close to him.

The other one was Jin Terumi, a missing nin from the Terumi Clan, and also possessed the Lava Release, meaning he had fire and earth affinities. He had short dark orange hair and black eyes. He looked to be around 20-25.

The four of them were the jounins Gato had hired,"Obviously we won't be fighting Konoha who can easily call for reinforcement with just that pay you gave us!" Kuro grinned as he licked the blade of his sword.

"I'll triple it! No… Quadruple it! I just need you people to defeat 3 jounins! 4 against 3, what is the problem here?! You are stronger than them too!" Gato shouted as he slammed his stick into the ground.

"Fine, I expect you to pay us by next week, if you don't… Let's say the Land Of Wave will have a happy future from next week." Zabuza smirked as he swung his sword into the air, cutting some hair from Gato.

The four jounins left the room, leaving a scared man behind, who had peed on his pants.


Ryu yawned,"That dude in that boat was so annoying, like man, be nicer to people!" Tazuna smiled,"That's just how he is, people in Wave are almost all scared of Gato and his men, because they are too powerful."

The Land Of Wave could only endure the poverty and rule over them due to the fact they had no Shinobis, with no money they couldn't even pay other shinobis from another village to take a mission for them either.

Suddenly they heard some noises in a bush, and Ryu threw a kunai at the bush, and suddenly a rabbit jumped out of it, a Snow Rabbit with white fur. This made most of them raise an eyebrow,"White fur, they only get that color in winter, it must belong to someone nearby…"

"You scared a rabbit man, how low can you get?" Ken chuckled, Tazuna frowned,"Rabbits of that color are only seen in winter here, that's very unusual as it's just autumn in Wave right now…"

The Snow Rabbit hopped away, leaving them in an awkward silence, but then Yato broke it," Don't we need to continue our journey?" Ryu spoke a moment later as his eyes widened," My wood clones have been defeated, a jonin is nearby!" He said as he created two more Wood Clones, who went to Tazuna.

Hayate coughed,"Everyone get ready for a possible fight, hopefully they are only chunins." He said as he took his sword from the sheath and grabbed it by the hilt.

"Seems ya guys have a sensor among your ranks huh…"A voice rang out as Ryu suddenly threw several explosive kunais at a direction, earning several explosions,"You brat…" The voice growled, suddenly a figure appeared before them, it was Kuro Retsu.

"I'll teach you how to treat your elders…" He growled and threw his thin sword at Ryu, Yamato reacted immediately and shouted,"Earth Style - Earth Wall!" and the earth below Ryu suddenly went up, and the sword stabbed itself in the wall, saving Ryu.

Ken did not waste time and reacted quickly,"Fire Style - Great Fire Ball!" He shouted and exhaled a large amount of fire at Kuro who groaned and dodged the attack, and jumped at the earth wall, pulling the sword out.

"I'll show you the power of the Ghoul!" Kuro roared as he waved his sword, unleashing a gust of wind, throwing the genins several meters away, while the jounins blocked it.

"Yugao!" Hayate shouted as he created two shadow clones, and used one of his best jutsus,"Dance Of The Crescent Moon!" Hayate attacked from the middle and the shadow clones from the right and left.

Kuro growled as he slammed his sword at the shadow clones and Hayate, however he failed to destroy one shadow clone, which cut him in the stomach, and sent him flying away in pain, as his blood flew in the air.

"Water Style - Wild Water Wave!" Kuro shouted as water was expelled from his mouth and straight into the jounins, his left eye twitched from the pain he was receiving from the wound he got.

'He is very durable, usually a single slash from my attack would heavily wound the enemy, jounin or not… But he is capable of continuing without much damage.' Hayate thought, their enemy was not weak.

Yugao suddenly appeared behind Kuro and slashed her sword at Kuro, who suddenly rotated his body and blocked the attack with his own sword,"Lava Style - Lava Burst!" They heard a shout as lava suddenly attacked both Yamato and Hayate, Hayate coughed and countered with a water style jutsu.

"Who is it?!" Yamato shouted as he looked at the direction the jutsu had popped out from, Jin Terumi appeared, as he wiped leftover lava from the corner of his mouth,"Seems I failed to even injure you two."

"Another missing nin…" Hayate coughed,"This mission is becoming too troubling to continue. They are above the level of average jounins." He finished.

Yamato started doing hand seals and shouted,"Wood Style - Great Forest Jutsu!" As his left arm suddenly transformed into wood planks, with sharp ends and they extended, attacking Jin who jumped away.

Ryu suddenly appeared out of nowhere and slammed his foot into Jin's head, sending him flying down,'He managed to catch a jounin off guard… Nice Ryu!' Yamato said in his mind as his wood plank suddenly shot at the falling jounin, trying to pierce his body.

"Lava Style - Lava Cocoon!" Jin shouted as lava escaped his mouth and formed a strong material with the shape of a round ball, and protected him. It was harder than Lava Style Rubber Ball.