A Formidable Fight.

Ryu was still in the air and he decided to quickly form a Rasengan, he then made a wood clone which he used to throw his real body at Jin with a faster speed,"Flying Rasengan!" He shouted as he slammed the Rasengan at Jin's cocoon, cracking it open and even continuing, hitting Jin on his back.

"You brat!" He shouted as he coughed blood, and was slammed into the ground, earning even more damage. Kuro suddenly jumped behind, grabbing Jin and retreating in a distance." Oi Zabuza, Koji you bastards, come and help us! Can't you see we are losing!" He growled.

Zabuza never showed up, however Koji did show up, he yawned" Can't you not be loud for once geez? I was trying to get a small nap." The konoha jounins narrowed their gaze, they couldn't afford to lower their guard.

Koji smiled and extended a hand and muttered," Seal Of The Eighteen Dragons " A character for "Eighteen" appeared in his left hand, and Dragon in his right hand, Ryu narrowed his gaze,'That seal basically increases his power… Eighteen times, each seal doubles his power… Judging by his current power, he can reach Kage Level rather easily.'

A wave of steam escaped Koji, Hayate and the rest could feel his power increasing. Ken suddenly ran at Koji and engaged in taijutsu with him, Yato went to support him ,Hayate growled,"You fools!"

Yato finished sealing 32 Chakra Points from Koji, before he roared,"Seal of The Seventeen Dragons!" Koji's power suddenly doubled and all his Chakra Points were unlocked. Yato's eyes widened in surprise.

"Fire Style - Flame Dragon !" Koji shouted as he expelled a dragon made from flames from his mouth, which increased in size until it reached the size of a house. Ryu decided to intervene and shouted,"Water Style - Twin Water Dragons!" The A Rank Jutsu meet the B Rank Jutsu, easily defeating it, and even continuing forward.

Jin suddenly decided to attack,"Lava Style - Lava Bombs!" He shouted as he threw several balls made from Lava at Ryu and the two other genins, at contact they exploded with lava, Ryu shouted,"Ken, use your sharingan to dodge them, Yato use your byakugan to destroy them! Both of you be careful!" He then clasped his hands,"Wood Style - Wood Sage's Backyard!"

Several roots of trees popped out from the ground, blocking several lava balls, and even destroyed the surroundings, forcing Zabuza to appear. "Wood Style - Wood Golem!" Ryu shouted as all the roots gathered to form a large golem made from wood with red eyes.

The golem slammed it's large hands at the 4 jounins, making them jump behind,'This brat is no mere Genin… His chakra level is beyond a Kage's, and his power is literally a the same level as a jounin.' Zabuza thought as he slammed his sword, the Kubikiribocho at the golem, which was forced to retreat a few steps.

"Hidden In Mist Jutsu!" Zabuza shouted, but it was negated by Ryu using the same jutsu, two territories could not work on the same ground, thus the jutsu was negated. "Water Prison Jutsu!" He shouted as he trapped Hayate in a water ball, catching him off guard.

"Hayate!" Yugao shouted as Zabuza swung his sword at her, the sheer raw strength of his swing made her fly away, crashing at a nearby tree, which unknowingly to them was channeling chakra into her, through Ryu's use of Wood Chakra.

He then switched Hayate with a wood clone, and did the same as he did with Yugao,"Yamato-san, please support me!" Ryu shouted as he created a wood spear and threw it at Kuro who grinned," Ya think 3 genins and one Jounin can stop us?!"

Ryu smirked," Stop you? That's not my goal!" He shouted as Yamato created a wooden house, sending Tazuna inside it, protecting him from any attack. "Wind Style - Rasengan!" He shouted as a rasengan was created in his hand, with the wind affinity added to it.

He suddenly dashed forward, with jounin speed, and slammed the Rasengan on Kuro who coughed blood, however the jounin grinned and did not try to fight the damage done to his body, merely jumped back with it.

'Sly Bastard, that helped him in lowering the damage done to his body… But does he really think It's that simple?!' Ryu smirked,"KEN!" He shouted, as the Uchiha appeared out of nowhere,"Chidori!" He shouted as he slammed the unstable creation of a large amount of Lightning into Kuro, piercing his body.

How did he learn Chidori you might ask? Ryu pestered Kakashi until he taught it to him, first it had been just a joke, however when he saw how easily he mastered it, Kakashi taught the full jutsu to him, and Ryu passed it to Ken.

"You… BRATS!" Kuro's eyes turned red, his vision slowly weakening, the damage done to him by a Chidori piercing his body, and a Rasengan together was not low at all, it was a miracle itself he was still alive.

"Koji heal him, I'll deal with the brats!" Jin shouted as he grabbed the body of Kuro and threw it at Koji who caught him, and proceeded to use medical ninjutsu, trying to save the Ghoul's life. Ryu smirked, suddenly Yamato slammed his hands and created a large pillar of wood which sent Koji and Kuro flying away.

Ryu groaned,' My mortal form's chakra reserves are falling down, should I awaken some weird power to keep the battle divided…' He was thinking of allowing his Rinnegan to appear, it would be simpler to explain than the Sharingan, not many knew of the Rinnegan

'Yeah I'll just go with that, then just use the Shinra Tensei to make them fly away and temporarily end the battle, and I'll fall 'unconscious' due to overuse of chakra.' Ryu thought with a nod to himself.

Jin went through hand seals as Yamato interrupted him by attacking him with his hand which was turned into logs of wood with sharp ends. The Wood Golem also slammed his hand on Jin, forcing him to fly in the air.

Jin grinned and then later smirked, ignoring the blood coming out of his bloodied teeth and mouth,"Lava Style…"