Behold! A God has awakened!

"Lava Style - Lava Eruption!" He roared as he clasped his hands together to finish the jutsu,suddenly the ground cracked and lava poured out of it, and suddenly it covered the Wood Golem, who released a roar.

Ryu frowned, while lava would damage the wood golem, if he so wanted it could continue existing, but it would severely burn his chakra reserves, so he allowed it to destroy the golem,"But it won't be that easy." He smirked and clasped his hands.

"Explode!" He had created thousands of thousands of Explosive Seals in the Wood Golem in case something like that happened. Using his Wood Element, he could easily turn wood into paper, and then further into seals using his fire element.

It required a lot of attention and mastery over an element, and only Ryu had thought of it… You could say it was an original idea of his.

Jin's jutsu backfired and lava jumped on him, he quickly used chakra to protect himself from his own lava, which still could slightly affect him. Ken suddenly appeared out of nowhere, coated in his chakra and used the Chidori again, slamming it at Jin, however it failed as Jin barely dodged it, he still got injured slightly.

Jin snorted,"Zabuza Come help me!" He shouted, however the said man was busy fighting Yamato. Yato suddenly appeared out of nowhere and shouted,"Eight Trigrams - Thirty Two Palms!" He slammed his palms into Jin a total of five times, making his ablity to use Chakra extremely limited.

Jin roared, suddenly lava poured out of his body, Yato widened his gaze,"This man is sacrificing his life span to free his Chakra Points… He is using lava to forcefully open his Chakra Points using immense heat."

"That's literally killing himself! Even if it burns a little amount of lifespan, if he continues using it, he'll be sacrificing years of his lifespan just to free a few chakra points!" Yato exclaimed, he was feeling a weird feeling.

Was it surprise? Or was it Shock? Or was it just… Fear? Fear at how much people can sacrifice to continue fighting, just to not lose… However Ryu and Ken were not about to stop just because of that.

Ken roared,"Fire Style - Great Fire Annihilation!" the jutsu which was the pinnacle of the Uchiha Fire Style, was shown to the world, a B Rank Jutsu The fire he exhaled literally became as big as a lake, and flew at Jin, Yato jumped back in time to dodge it.

Jin was engulfed in a sea of fire, and let out a scream of anguish out, Ryu did not let it end here however, he knew Jin would survive,he decided to add his own fire style to it,"Fire Style - Great Fire Annihilation!"

Another lake worth of fire was shot at Jin, and the chances of him getting out of there alive were extremely low. Zabuza snorted and appeared in the middle of the two lakes of fire, after defeating Yamato, he was also low in chakra but it did not mean he was going to lose here.

"Water Style - Water Dragon Jutsu!" He shouted as a part of the two lakes was turned to steam, and he took the chance to grab Jin and retreat. If it had been in a normal battle, Zabuza would've defeated both, but they had used a lot of chakra fighting the three Jounins from Konoha.

Practically they had fought the three chunins with around 10-15% of their Chakra Reserves, and around 50% of their true power, exhaustion could lead to severe weakening, and the four jounins had seen the truth of it today.

"You brats… If you think you three genins can defeat us… You are mistaken… It's only because we are tired and weakened that you managed to injure us!" Zabuza growled as he swung his sword, unleashing a wave of water upon the three genins, who all were extremely low on chakra.

Ryu's eyes suddenly changed to silver, with ripples which spread all across his eyes. He raised his hand and muttered,"Shinra Tensei."


It was what the only thing which could be actually sensed across kilometers,suddenly the entire forest was engulfed in an invisible attack, which made all the trees in a radius fly away, that included the four jounins too.

The wave of water turned backwards, engulfing Zabuza and Jin, and the duo flew away, with several wounds over their body, which only widened because of the force which blew them away.

The Shinra Tensei employed by Ryu had no time limited, he could use it in a whimp, to his desires one could say. Ryu smirked, liking the destruction caused by it, but now it was time for his acting.

His eyes turned to normal and he let out a groan and he fainted on spot, at the same time he made sure Yugito and Hayate woke up, he was not sure what happened to Yamato, but he plainly didn't really have much time to check him, he is alive, that he was sure of.


Ryu woke up feeling very dizzy, Chakra Exhaustion was not something he did in his previous life, due to his practically infinite reserves, he had access to the universe's entire chakra. Thus, he could afford wasting a lot of Chakra in his God Form, like when a douchebag decided to declare war on him.

The Otsutsuki Clan had killed the daughter of a King of a world, so he had declared war on the clan. Ryu didn't want to make the war long lasting, so he had practically blown up the entire world with a Shinra Tensei.

If you actually looked around where the planet was before, you could see what was left of the planet. It was a scary sight, because the planet had been larger than the Elemental Nations world.

"You woke up?" Ryu heard a voice, it was Yamato who was next to him, lying in a bed," Seems your chakra reserves have returned to normal I guess?" he asked. " Yeah, I should have about 50-60% of my chakra back." Ryu replied.

"Mind healing me?" Yamato said with a sigh. He had been defeated by Zabuza, who had used a Water Clone to sneak on him, he was stabbed and left to die, thankfully he had been alive when the battle was over so he got medical treatment.

Ryu stood up, noticing he had none to little wounds due to his incredible regeneration and his wood element, and did three hands seals and put his hands on top of Yamato's chest.

Green energy covered his hands,"Wood Style - Nature Sage's Healing Hands." Ryu muttered as Yamato's large wounds disappeared, leaving only blood, which had dried off. The jounin smiled," Thank you."

"No problem." Ryu grinned.