A Day in Konoha

Ryu yawned, he had awakened Ken's EMS,and had used his Infinite Path - Reality Manipulation to make Ken not tell anyone else, he did not want to risk having to use the path into someone else.

He had also increased the power of Yato's Gentle Fist, however it seems Hamura had already increased it a lot by himself, he had chosen him as his successor, which spoke a lot by itself. For now he didn't have to worry about Yato a lot.

Now Ryu had to worry about the Chunin Exam, held in Iwa,which despite Minato's enormous effort still was not in a good relation with Konoha, which probably would show up in the Chunin Exam.

It seems his team had been nominated for it, together with Team 8, which was made out of Naruto's Generation, meaning Hinata,Kiba and Shino. He didn't really know them, his brother never actually introduced them to him.

He now had to worry about several more new things, more enemies from Iwa,Kiri,Kumo and Suna. He didn't really know much about any of those villages, mainly due to the fact he hasn't been in any of those villages in ages.

He knew that Gaara was a friend of Naruto, but that was pretty much it.Kumo had A and Killer Bee, Kiri had Yagura, but was in a civil war so it was a pretty terrible situation, so they probably won't send genins.

Kumo was the other problem besides Iwa it seems. The two did not have a good relation with Konoha, Kumo had tried to get the Byakugan from Konoha several times, Iwa had war memories with The Fourth…

Ryu ruffled his hair,'Will I be forced to Shinra Tensei them to oblivion? I would not really mind it but still… Geez.'

Ry with his Wood Style and Rinnegan was around Mid Level Jouni, if he showed Mastered Rinnegan, it would reach Kage Level, but he wasn't planning on doing that anytime soon. He was still 8, why rush stuff?

This Chunin Exam could either be very annoying, or a good experience. Now, he was heading towards the Hokage's Residence, Minato had called him for some weird reason, he hoped it wasn't about the Rinnegan, it would be troublesome to explain how he got it.


Minato looked at his son and smiled,"You've grown a lot since I last saw you, Ryu. I couldn't really talk you yesterday, let's have a proper chat as father and son now." His son, Ryu nodded as he sat in a chair which was already prepared for ihm.

Ryu laughed nervously,"I don't think I've grown that much… I was scared shitless by those jounins… My hands shivered whenever I formed an hand seal, I was only strong because my teammates needed me." He said as he looked at a window, clearly expressing his nervous.

'I've had to learn how to lie without showing any sign...I'm pretty sure you can't pick any sign of me lying in my current expression! Take That! Ten years of living with those bastards was worth it!' Ryu internally grinned.

Minato looked at his son and his face turned a bit dark,"Now… Ryu tell me where the fuck did you get the Rinnegan, something only the Sage of The Six Paths has ever had before in history?"

Ryu's eyes held confuse,"Rinnegan? Is that the silver eyes my turn to sometimes, with strange ripples… I dunno… I saw some old dude in a dream of mine, he had the same eyes as me, and a eye which was red in his forehead."

Minato's gaze widened as he looked at his son with surprise,"If I am not wrong, the person you meet was the Sage of The Six Paths, creator of Ninjutsu!" Ryu wanted to correct his father,'Ninshu,not Ninjutsu you fool' But decided not to.

Minato sighed,"Anyway, we don't have much information over the Rinnegan, and Jiraiya-sensei is the only one to know about it, speaking of that I think Jiraiya had a pupil who had those eyes ,the Rinnegan." He muttered.

Ryu knew who he was talking about, it was Nagato Uzumaki, his parents never returned to Uzushio, and Madara had transplanted his Rinnegan to the poor boy, who now had a God Complex.

He was an Uzumaki, thus he had a stronger life force than others, thus Madara choose him to wield his Rinnegan until he was revived, but he had overestimated an Uzumaki's life force, Nagato's body was already weakened to a great extend.

He was even forced to put each of his paths into six bodies, using the Six Paths Of Pain Jutsu. Compared to Hagoromo, his usage of the Rinnegan was far weaker than the Sage of The Six Paths.

It was not even comparable. Hagoromo had created a moon through the usage of Chibaku Tensei, while Nagato couldn't even create a Meteor sized Chibaku Tensei, it was simply a difference of power.

"I think so… Tou-chan… I'm scared, what if someone wants my eyes… Dad, I think that besides my Rinnegan, he also awakened another bloodline inside me… I think he called it 'Sharingan'" Ryu said as his eyes changed to red, with one tomoe in each eye.

Minato's eyes widened,'I'm pretty sure my grandfather married an Uchiha, however due to my father never awakening it,he had literally 0% chance of awakening the Sharingan…. How did my son awaken it? IT can't be the that the Sage Of The Six Paths gave it to him…'

Minato coughed,"Son, don't reveal that to anyone else! And by that I mean absolutely no one else, unless you need to. I'll talk with Jiraiya-sensei about this issue. Until we reach an answer try to avoid the use of it."

Ryu's eyes revealed awe,"Ero-Sennin?! Isn't he training Nii-san and Nee-chan? How will he come here." He asked with a bit of curiosity visible in his face. Minato chuckled,"He'll send a Shadow Clone."

Ryu nodded,"Can I leave now Tou-chan, I want to go train with Ken and Yato!" Minato nodded and Ryu cheerfully left the Hokage's Residence.