
Ryu,Ken and Yato were walking in Konohagakure, discussing about the future. Yato was sure he wanted to go into the Chunin Exam, in Iwagakure, which would begin in three months, the road there would take around one month, so they had about a month worth of time to decide.

Ken also wanted to go there, Ryu of course would not deny himself the chance to become a Chunin, at the age of 8, although he'd be the youngest in so many years there, he was the youngest out of Ken and Yato and him.

Yugao and Hayate looked at the pair and then Yugao said,"We've sent your name to participate in the Chunin Exam in Iwa. I hope you three will make out of there alive and well." The trio was excited and nodded.

Yamato chuckled,"Since it's Iwa that we are talking about, I'm going to accompany you three under the pretense of being your Wood Style Teacher. I don't think they can complain about that." He said.

"Ah, Team 8 is also coming with us, their Jounin teacher is Kurenai, a genjutsu master, she has a very high genjutsu affinity, I'd say she is the best genjutsu user on Konohagakure." Hayate said, with almost no coughing.

Ryu nodded and used his God Chakra to find out where Team 8 was, not too far from them, he could use this as a chance to introduce himself. He looked at his team and grinned,"Senseis, want to go and eat something?! I'm hungry!"

The five other members of Team 7 looked at each other before nodding," I guess some food won't do bad to us." Yugao said,as a kunoichi and as a former ANBU she was used to not eating for days.

They walked towards a restaurant Ryu told them was nearby, and they entered, they noticed Team 8 and waved at them. Hayate raised an eyebrow, he did not believe that was a mere coincidence.

Ryu noticed that Team 8 had an Hyuuga, she probably was Hinata Hyuuga, Yato should know her… After all she was from the main branch, he noticed him grasping his fist slightly. Probably realizing who she was.

He then noticed another female, probably Kurenai, she was a very beautiful woman with black hair and crimson eyes. Shino Aburame, the heir to the Aburame Clan, he wore glasses and had dark brown hair.

The last member of Team 8 was Kiba Inuzuka, from what he has heard of him, he was a very hasty person, with a wild personality. Not really the best person to ask about in a secret mission. He probably was the weakest of the bunch too.

Team 7 sat into a table, with enough chairs for all of them and choose something to eat. The day quickly passed… team 7 introduced themselves to team 8…


And finally, the two teams were heading towards Iwagakure, the two Eternal chunins gave them a goodbye and then fell asleep again, the two teams just rolled their eyes at the action of the two, besides Hinata.

Iwagakure, was situated in the Land Of Earth, a land of mountains.The leader was the Third Tsuchikage, Onoki, a very old man, who was also very stubborn. Despite the many attempts Konoha made to sign a peace treaty with Iwa, he and the council strongly opposed it.

Before they could reach Iwagakure, they had to go through Takigakure, Team 8 opposed the decision of staying there for a few days, but Team 7 wanted to rest a bit. Thus they accepted with not much choices left.

Ryu smiled as he looked at the massive tree over Takigakure. That reminded him of Yggdrasil, speaking of that would Taki say they copied it from them? That would be an awkward situation to be in.

He closed his eyes, and awakened his Infinite Paths,and used 'God's Eyes' To check everyone inside a hundred kilometers. He smiled slightly,' I see, Taki has an Jinchuuriki it seems, the Seven Tails,Chomei. Current Jinchuuriki should be Fu, Current Leader, Shibuki.'

Takigakure seemed to be quite interesting," I won't regret coming here for a few days." Ryu grinned as he looked at Ken and Yato,"Hayate-sensei, I'm going to explore this hidden village for a bit, I'll leave my signature to you guys so if I get lost you can find me."

Before his team could object or even react, the young boy had ran off forward, leaving only dust behind. Yugao,Hayate and Yamato sighed, while Ken pouted,"I wanted to go out too…" Yato snorted.

"I knew something like this would happen, what is Ryu without a bit of mischief, Ken please follow him, we don't need a wild prankster on the free." He told Ken who looked at the jounins who nodded, before running forward, following Ryu.


10 years old Fuu smiled weakly as she looked at the gaze given to her by the villagers. It was not a gaze of kindness, no it was full with hate. She was a Jinchuuriki, creatures of sacrifice. She was the Jinchuuriki of the Seven Tails, Chomei.

She bumped into someone, her orange eyes widened as she immediately apologized,"I'm very sorry!" She then noticed the person she bumped start to chuckle,"There's no need to be so dramatic about this."

"My name is Ryu Uzumaki Namikaze!" Ry introduced himself as he looked at the older girl with a grin." What is your name?!" He asked. The green haired girl hesitated for a second, but after looking at his warm violet eyes, she smiled,"Fuu,I'm an orphan…" Her smile weakened at the mention of her being an orphan.

"Your hair and eyes are beautiful." Ryu smiled,'I really feel like hugging her, she is really cute, I know how I can make up for her.' He chuckled,"As an apology, please do come with me to the neariest restaurant." He said waving several thousand Ryo on his hands.

Fuu frowned,"I don't think… They are willing to sell anything to me." She said, Ryu chuckled,"Don't worry about anything, just follow me. Relax." Her doubt slowly disappeared. Why did she trust him?