A War.

"Iwa… Is in a war I believe, the Tsuchikage is fighting some kind of a red monster… It's kind of disgusting, the main village is quite damaged too. It's Kiri I believe, I can sense their chakra signatures."

Yato frowned, and he looked even more carefully, trying to not miss any details. " And they are not really winning, they were caught unprepared… Somehow Kiri transported all those troops in a flash!"

Ryu snorted,"Must've been done with the use of Kamui. There is a Mangekyou Sharingan user among their ranks."

'Probably Obito Uchiha… He was the fool who Madara entrusted his dream to, a puppet of his, the moron probably wanted to distract Kiri and either attack Roshi, the jinchuuriki Of Son Goku.. Or there is some other motive.'

Ken's face flushed red,"We need to do something! We can't let Iwa fall to Kiri so easily… Otherwise Konoha will be thrown in pure chaos due to the balance being broken!"

Yato nodded in agreement, it wouldn't be an easy period for Konohagakure if this war was won by Kiri, either way, chaos would engulf the place. The God Of The Infinite Paths wiped the sweat from his forehead and glared at his teammates," It'll take us a while if we want to reach the village in time."

The two others sighed, that was indeed the truth. They could reach speeds up to 250 kph, but it still would be too slow if they wanted to reach the village, which was around 50 kilometers away from here extremely quickly.

Ryu then sighed,"I'll take us there, don't tell my father, but I sneakily learned the Hiraishin while he was not looking, I don't want to get in trouble."

'Again, the moment I use it, I'm going to be noticed by Onoki, who hates Konoha… He might recognize me as Minato's son if he had already not recognized me.' Ryu sighed again,'Why does this always have to happen to me'

He twirled a familiar kunai in his hand and grinned,' I could just immediately teleport there… But just to look cool, I'm going to throw this Kunai at a speed of around 5000 kph to reach there immediately!'

He motioned for his teammates to grab him in some way, and threw the kunai, the next moment they were in front of Iwa's Gates, which had been completely destroyed by a Water Style jutsu it seems.

Ken suddenly jumped forward and flashed through 3 hand seals,"Fire Style - Great Fireball Jutsu!" He exhaled a large amount of fire, which burned several Kiri shinobis, and then performed an axe kick on another shinobi.

Yato decided to join in the battle and used the Gentle Fist on several chunins of Kiri, his Byakugan enabled him to literally dodge every attack of theirs, to him they were extremely slow.

"Eight Trigrams - 32 Palms!" He performed the taijutsu on several Kiri Shinobi. Who gasped,"A Hyuuga! A Bloodline user! Kill him!KILL THE DEMON!" They roared as they used a water style jutsu on him.

That literally overwhelmed Yato, no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't defeat a combined effort of several Kiri Jounins so easily. Ryu jumped in front of him and shouted,"Earth Style - Mud Wall!"

He slammed his palms into the ground, and a wall rose from the ground, stopping the attack, then Ryu performed a familiar Wood Style jutsu,"Wood Style - Gaia's Presence!" The jutsu, besides giving him basically knowledge over a large area, also gave him the ability to easily manipulate wood as if it was his limb, inside a limited territory.

He raised a hand, and shouted,"Wood Style - Wood Serpent!" And a large serpent like wood creature formed from the small amount of wood there, and Ryu's wood chakra and shot out at the Kiri Shinobi.

"A Wood Style user?! Is he the Konoha's Hokage's son?! Kill the tree hugger! He has a Bloodline." The Kiri Shinobi roared, making team 7 slightly confused, what was their obsession with bloodlines.

Ryu was not going to wait for them to answer their curiosity, as his hand was extended forward and something blue formed on it,"Wind Style - Exploding Rasengan!"

Once,Twice,Thrice. The Rasengan exploded in a rain of wind chakra, Ken decided it was time to interrupt the battle, as he dashed forward, and slammed his fist at a shinobi, then he kicked another one.

He threw two kunais at two chunins, killing them immediately, this was his fourth kill in his entire life, as he had already killed two people before, in a C Rank Mission, but it still slightly disturbed him to kill shinobis.

Yato then ran forward and used the Gentle Fist, disabling several more Kiri Shinobi. Team 7 was unstoppable right now. Ken jumped behind, as he got slightly overwhelmed, patted his dust off and flashed through hand seals,'Fire Style - Great Fire Annihilation.'

The sea of fire exhaled from his mouth shot forward, and destroyed everything in front of it, besides the walls of Iwa, which seemed to have been made out of great material, Ryu noticed it as well.

Ken took a deep breath, using a B Rank Jutsu took a bit of his chakra. His chakra was around mid to low jounin, and was still chaotic due to him favouring chakra increase instead of chakra control, he did need to fix that issue it seems.

Yato jumped forward and looked at his teammates,"The main battleground is deep inside the village, it seems the Mizukage, Yagura has gone haywire, despite him being able to control his Jinchuuriki Cloak form, he has lost control of it! He is at the third tail as it is!"

Ryu sighed,"I'll finish this in a moment then." He then looked at the large charging army of Kiri Shinobi and his eyes changed to the Rinnegan,silver with ripples. 'A little use of it won't hurt, will just raise my reputation.'

"Shinra Tensei."

The entire army was pushed behind, bones cracking were heard across kilometers. The bodies were sent flying as if they were ants, destined to die. Ryu rolled his eyes, as they returned to normal.

Yato and Ken were speechless but rolled their eyes, when suddenly a single sword was swung at them, and a strong wave hit them, Ryu used his Gaia's Presence Jutsu to quickly block it. Yato sweated,'My byakugan was too slow to react to it'

The sword was covered in bandages and was extremely big,"Samehada." Ryu muttered as a blue skinned...man? Appeared in front of the sword with a mad grin. " Kisame Hoshigaki." Ryu frowned, and motioned for his friend to leave.