Total Defeat.

Kisame smirked,"Let's see how strong you are...Brat. The Leader really wants to see your power!" His grip on the sword suddenly increased, as Ryu's feet literally cracked the ground, going deeper inside it.

Ryu then roared, as he slightly bleed and pushed Kisame away, who whistled in surprise. He was taking this easy. The Otsutsuki felt really annoyed, in his mortal form, if he did not use the Rinnegan or Wood Style it would be an extremely close battle with this fishman.

The Akatsuki member smirked,'I'll see how strong he is without even using ninjutsu… Just raw power!'

He was interrupted, as he jumped over a wave of fire. "This brat knows a lot of jutsus… Earth Style...Fire Style...Wind Style...Water Style, does he literally have an affinity for all elements or what?!"

"Look behind you!" Ryu grinned as he punched Kisame away. The Hoshigaki Clan Member growled,"Brat, I'll show you your place right now!"

"Water Style - Five Feeding Sharks!"

Ryu dodged the five ferocious water sharks, but they kept chasing after him. He groaned and awakened his Rinnegan again, and used Shinra Tensei to destroy them. Kisame smirked,"Those eyes, look just like the leader's, I must be careful."

However, while he was talking to himself, the Uzumaki did not waste time and threw a barrage of punches at the Akatsuki member. He then slammed his hands at Kisame, and sent him flying away.

A S Rank Shinobi, one above Jounins… Was being literally overpowered just like that. Kisame growled and waved the Samehada,stopping the furious barrage of Ryu.

"Water Style - Water Bullet Jutsu!"

Ryu was hit by the jutsu and coughed blood, and crossed his arms, forming a X. However Kisame was not about to wait for him to have time to react, and swung the Samehada at him, he groaned.

"He's shredding my hand…" Ryu frowned as his clothes disappeared, and several cuts appeared on his skin. He then smirked, as a wood root shot at Kisame who jumped up, dodging it, only to be hit by another root.

"This sword… It's absorbing, no eating my Chakra!" The Otsutsuki snorted,'I've only seen less than ten swords like this, It's quite powerful too. Fine, you can have my chakra!'

He'd just give it so much chakra, I'd literally explode from it. Kisame frowned, his sword was still in his grip, but it literally wants to jump at Ryu and devour him,"Fine! GO!" He roared as he threw the Samehada at Ryu.

Ryu extended his arm at the Samehada, which removed a bit of it's bandages to reveal its mouth, it started to get bigger and bigger, clearly loving his chakra. Kisame frowned and used another water style jutsu to interrupt the act.

"Water Style - Water Shark Bullet Jutsu!" Kisame shouted as a shark, the size of a elephant shot forward at Ryu, who responded with his own jutsu,"Fire Style - Great Fire Annihilation!" The Fire one won, due to it being far more destructive.

Kisame snorted,'Am I being overwhelmed by a fucking brat?' He then grabbed Samehada, who was slightly unresponsive, as if unwilling to attack Ryu, and swung it at the boy, shredding him even more.

"Let's see what you can do, BOY!"


Ken dodge a Kiri Shinobi and smirked,"Wind Style - Great Breakthrough!" And a gust of wind made several shinobis fly away. The Iwa shinobi who were fighting were surprised, a Konoha Shinobi, helping them?

Yato took a stance and muttered,"Eight Trigrams - Sixteen Palms!" and defeated several enemies, by locking their Chakra Points.

Kurotsuchi was in a bit of awe,"So those are that brat's teammates… They aren't half bad, they definitely are Chunin Material!" However, their destructive power was far above that of a Chunin.

However, she did not forget she was fighting.

Ken was in deep thoughts,'We can't fight Yagura as of yet, if I do not want to reveal my Sharingan's advanced form, the Mangekyou Sharingan. Yato does not have that problem as his Pure Byakugan basically looks the same as the normal Byakugan.'

He looked at his friend, Yato who was using a wind ninjutsu, surprising everyone, as the Hyuuga's were known for their taijutsu, and they mostly refused to use ninjutsu to fight someone.

He then smirked,"Seems It's my turn to make a deep imprint in everyone's minds." He activated his Sharingan, with three tomoe and went through hand seals, he was going to use his original fire ninjutsu!

"Fire Style - Burning Sage Dragon Fire!" He shouted as a red orange dragon shaped flame appeared from behind him, reaching the height of a house. The dragon roared, and flew towards several Kiri shinobi.

Yato smiled,"You are as strong as me, Ken!"


Kisame gasped for air, as Ryu seized his throat. 'This brat… He is not weak at all.' He switched himself with a wood log, earning a snort from Ryu, who went through hand seals, and muttered,"Water Style - Water Twin Dragons!"

The two large dragons shot at Kisame who scowled and swung the Samehada at the ninjutsu, destroying it, but Ryu appeared behind Kisame and performed a roundhouse kick, the Hoshigaki was caught unprepared and was sent flying away.

He then clasped his hands and shouted,"Wood Style - Gaia's Presence - Form 2!" As the ground suddenly shook, the Iwa Gates almost breaking, and all the wood around here was gathered, to form a large female-like wood golem, with eight hands and four legs.

It was extremely large, and emitted an aura which literally read ' you should be scared of me'. Kisame gulped and then grinned,"Water Style - A Thousand Feeding Sharks!" Just like before, but unlike before...What?

Unlike before, a thousand water sharks shot at the wood golem, Ryu went through hand seals, and the Wood Golem did the same,"It's the day of judgement for you, little fish." He smirked as he and the wood golem both extended their arms.

"Shinra Tensei - Obliterate!"

Kisame growled and put Samehada before him, trying to block the attack, but still was sent flying several dozens of miles away. The sheer pressure of the jutsu, made the Iwa Gates fall. Ryu made a mental note to apologize to Iwa.

This jutsu, was practically an overpowered form of Shinra Tensei, which already was overpowered. The overpowered form of the first overpowered form was extremely overpowered, you get it right?