A Jinchuuriki On The Wild.

Kisame groaned, before he started laughing madly, blood visible in his spiky teeth. "You are interesting, Ryu Uzumaki Namikaze… Urgh that name is too annoying too! I'll just call you Ryu, the brat!"

Not like he'd hear him anyway, he was literally pushed outside Iwa. He looked around and noticed the Samehada was extremely excited,"You are also excited , partner huh?! We'll defeat that brat… Sooner or later, no matter how strong he is!"


Far away, in Nagato's hideout,he frowned. Konan next to him was worried. " What happened, Nagato?!" She asked, the man replied.

"Kisame was just defeated, A S Rank Shinobi was just defeated so easily… That is extremely weird. Ryu Uzumaki Namikaze is not a normal kid, the Fourth Hokage has been hiding something from everyone it seems." Nagato coughed blood and said.

Konan frowned from worry,"Nagato, your condition is getting worse and worse, please limit the use of your Rinnegan! Otherwise...Otherwise… You will die." She muttered slowly. Nagato glared at her and sighed,"I must do it, I might just discover a way for me to use the RInnegan without weakening… Maybe that brat knows something I do not, his final jutsu was something I do not know."

Konan sighed ,"So be it then, but please do not push yourself so hard next time, we need you to be strong, strong to deal Akatsuki!"


Ryu coughed a bit of blood,'The usage of the Shinra Tensei - Obliterate jutsu is immense, it literally sucked 50% of my chakra at the time, and it literally requires hand seals to use… Troublesome.'

Not to mention, the second form of Gaia's Presence was extremely tasking in focus, which limited his other plans. He would've had a hard time if Kisame was a bit smarter than he seemed to be.

However, Kisame seems to have the IQ of a kid. He did not even think of the possibility of Ryu suffering from chakra exhaustion. He might have extremely large chakra reserves, but he could not properly use all of it yet, due to his Mortal Form.

Stopping himself from thinking any deeper, Ryu looked inside Iwa, the gates of Iwa had fallen, filling the area with dust, he then closed and opened his eyes, to reveal the Byakugan,which he had not used in ages,'I could just use my God's Eyes, but this will allow me to get familiar with it again.'

He saw Yato and Ken, who were fighting with a high jounin rank Kiri Shinobi, looking a bit far away, he saw Onoki fighting Yagura, he was losing, Dust Style required a lot of focus, which Yagura was not giving him.

Kurotsuchi was fighting another strong jounin, which she was losing against. Practically, Iwa was getting overpowered, not because they were weaker, no they were far stronger, but because they were caught unprepared.

"I'm proud of you two, you are using your ninjutsu and taijutsu to perfection…" Ryu grinned as he talked to himself. Yato and Ken would hold the fort quite nicely until he arrived, maybe even defeat the jounin.


Onoki gasped, as blood escaped his mouth, his hair freely waving in the air. His face was pale, and wrinkles covered it. Yagura was charging a Bijuudama at him. Was this the end to all of it?

He had underestimated the boy a lot, and now was paying the price for it, was Iwa going to fall… He still did not understand how Kiri had appeared in Iwa out of nowhere, his spies did not even tell him of them!

Most of Iwa's Shinobis were in missions, only 35% of them were home, which was why Kiri was having such a victory.The only capable jounins in the village had been already defeated, leaving only a few selected few.

The Explosion Corps were defeated extremely fast. It was not even a fair fight, and then there was the Akatsuki… He had hired those people several times before, they had completed the missions he gave them to perfection!

He sighed, as the Bijuudama was fully charged, and the three tailed jinchuuriki shot it at him, it was extremely fast, and nearing him at extreme speeds.This was the end of Onoki, Third Tsuchikage of Iwagakure.

Or so he thought, suddenly a rogue wind sphere deflected the Bijuudama, before exploding with incredible raw power. "Wind Style - Exploding Rasengan!"

It had deflected the Bijuudama, after increasing in power 5 times, it depended on the user's liking and Chakra. The Bijuudama exploded on a corner of Iwagakure, destroying several buildings.

Onoki's eyes widened,"This… Is the Rasengan, I'd never mistake it for anything else.. I see, so my assumptions were true, that boy, Ryu is indeed Minato's son." The said person appeared after the effects of the Rasengan.

Ryu was smirking and gave a "come at me' hand sign at Yagura who growled. 'I have less than fifty percent of my chakra reserves, I can't defeat him, but I certainly can take his attention until Onoki is ready.'

He made another hand sign at Onoki, who immediately understood the meaning of it, and started to charge his Dust Style. Ryu jumped at Yagura and muttered,"Water Style - Water Fang Bullet!" And exhaled a large amount of water, which was extremely dense and fast.

The jinchuuriki growled and released a roar,"He's definitely lost control over his jinchuuriki cloak." Ryu frowned as he threw a fire ninjutsu at the jinchuuriki who just extended his red arm at the Otsutsuki.

"Fire Style - Great Fire Destruction!"

The B, almost A Rank Jutsu was thrown at the Jinchuuriki, in an immense stream of fire, which almost seemed to be a complete copy of another fire style jutsu.

The Jinchuuriki roared as it dodged the attack, but still got burned, leaving burn marks on its shoulders. It charged a Bijuudama and threw it at Ryu, who merely blocked it with 'Earth Style - Mud Wall'.

Ryu smirked,"Now meet your end, Yagura!" He shouted as Onoki appeared behind the Jinchuuriki with a white square in his hands, with a sphere in the middle of it. "Take This!" Onoki shouted.

"Dust Style - Detachment Of The Primitive World Jutsu!"