She's No Easy Boss

Hou Wei Yan dashed towards the pregnant woman and took hold of her hand. "Ma'am, calm down. Everything's going to be okay. I'm a doctor"

The woman cried in pain. "Doctor, the child! Urghhh, the child needs---"

Another contraction happened making the woman tremble in pain. This is terrible! Her child is coming and it's coming fast!

Fang Tao who was the one who found the lady and rescued her from the car looked at Ye Zhe nervously. He had never seen a woman give birth in his life! The thought of a baby coming out of the woman's body made him feel weird and antsy.

[ Damn, it's not like I'm the father! Why am I feeling this way!? ]

"Y---Ye. The ambulance. Where's the ambulance?" he asked as he looked at the screaming lady worriedly.

Ye Zhe turned his attention away from the pregnant woman and looked at Fang Tao who was obviously panicking. "They will be here in a few minutes"

"There was an earthquake, so the hospitals must be flooded with patients right now. Besides, this road is a bit far from the city, I cannot say they will arrive here on time" Hou Wei Yan interrupted which made Fang Tao feel even more appalled.

[ Bloody hell! What are we going to do then!? ]

Hou Wei Yan held the woman's hands tightly before turning towards Fang Tao and Ye Zhe. "The truck earlier, I think it's from Halo Corporation. If I'm not mistaken, they deliver mattresses and duvets. See if you can get me those and bring the medicine kit here"

Ye Zhe immediately nodded his head. Fang Tao was left stuck to the ground, his eyes holding an expression of surprise for the first time since serving Hou Wei Yan. "You---Don't tell me"

"I will deliver the baby here" she said and looked at him seriously. "Get me some water"

Fang took a glance at the woman and flinched when she screamed in pain. He instantly left the scene to look for what Hou Wei Yan has asked of him. "The others, go and continue with the rescue. There's nothing you can do here"

The guards obliged and left the scene just when Ye Zhe arrived along with their driver, carrying a thin mattress and duvet. With the help of the two, Wei Yan managed to place the pregnant woman on the mattress for a better labor. She then covered her with the duvet and dived in to look for any sign of crowning.

Upon seeing that there was none, Hou Wei Yan went back and looked at Ye Zhe.

"Ye, take hold of her. She needs to hold on to something, she's giving birth without anesthesia" she instructed which he immediately followed.

She then turned toward the woman. "Ma'am, is this your first delivery?"

The woman shook her head as she cried out. "Third!"

Hou Wei Yan nodded her head. "Okay, ma'am. We will get on with this. Push with all your might, okay? Don't stop, just push"

The woman who already knew all the drills didn't dare reply, instead, she pushed really hard it felt like her body was reaping apart. Hou Wei Yan dived once more under the duvets. "Push, ma'am push!"

Series of screams of pain resonated throughout the street along with Hou Wei Yan's encouragement. Ye Zhe's hands were used by the woman as she clenched them tightly with her screams and pushes.

No matter the pain, Ye Zhe remained calm and even helped Hou Wei Yan shout for her to push. He knew that the pain he was feeling, the numbness in his hands, and the temporary loss of blood circulation in his hands were incomparable to the pain the lady was feeling.

"Ma'am push! I can see its head! Please push harder!" Hou Wei Yan yelled out which was replied with the woman's scream.

This time it was louder. The woman knew that this was the most critical moment, so she didn't give in and pushed with all her might. She screamed louder and pushed harder for the child who was about to face the world.

"Push!" Hou Wei Yan instructed. With one big push, the baby came out of the woman with a loud cry. Hou Wei Yan immediately took hold of the baby and carefully, very carefully lifted the duvet.

"Towel, clamps, and sterile scissors" she yelled which Fang instantly gave.

Hou Wei Yan wrapped the crying child in the towel before turning to Fang Tao. "Place two clamps on the umbilical cord and cut the center"

Fang looked at her in horror. [ Wait, what?! Cut?! ]


Surprised was written in Hou Wei Yan's eyes as she saw Fang's trembling hands holding the scissors. She cannot stop but laugh at this. "Come on man!"

Fang Tao cannot help but gulp as he slowly cut the umbilical cord. When it began to bleed afterward, he immediately took a step back which Hou Wei Yan only replied with a shake of her head. She took gauze and dabbed the excess blood. Afterward, she turned to the mother who was there staring at her every move. Without delay, she handed the baby to the woman where she belongs.

"Congratulations, it's a healthy baby girl" she beamed which was replied with the woman's cry of happiness.

"Thank you. Thank you so much doctor" she said as she hugged her baby and placed a kiss on her forehead. This act made the child stop crying and sent Hou Wei Yan smiling. It's such a great thing to be a mother.

Not far from her were Fang Tao and Ye Zhe who were carefully watching everything.

"She's terrifying. She's very skilled at knives than us" Ye Zhe said all of a sudden to make Fang understand the mistake that he did earlier.

The lady proved that she didn't need constant protection. She can handle nearly dead patients and save them, a feat not everyone can do with calm and passionate hands.

Fang looked at her and nodded his head in agreement. She is indeed well matched to Ji Li Zhao. Both of them are stubborn.

"She's no easy boss. I can already predict more headaches coming my way" he said as he turned away to have a look at the cars once more. Ye Zhe shook his head at his companion.

"Madame! Madame!" another guard yelled. Ye Zhe turned to look at the man who was constantly screaming and was shocked to see his clothes all covered in blood.

Of course, he wasn't the only one who felt surprised by this. Hou Wei Yan had no time to cover her bloodied hands as she immediately ran toward the man upon seeing his bloodied clothes. "What's wrong?"

The guard pointed at the car that was smashed into another car. "There's a patient, something pierced his shoulders!"

Without another word, Hou Wei Yan bolted to the scene and saw a man crying while trashing around.

"Get me out of here! You fcking wench! Get me out!" he repeatedly yelled. Hou Wei Yan carefully approached the man and saw a metal stuck on his shoulders while his feet were stuck on his seat.

"Sir, calm down. Don't thrash around or the metal will get removed from your shoulder" she said as she took a glance at the guards. "Can you get him out?"

The guards look at each other and nodded their heads. Hou Wei Yan nodded her head as well as she watched the man. "Make sure the metal doesn't get removed. The ambulance is not here yet, he will die of excessive blood loss if it gets removed without blood packs"

Her guards nodded their heads as they carefully approached the vehicle however, the man laughed like a lunatic. "You bitch! I told you to get me out! Get me out of her yourself! I didn't ask for your men but you!"

Suddenly, the air around the men turned dark. [ What did he say? Bitch? Get him out herself? Is he courting death?! ]

"Get him out as I wanted. He seems drunk so don't listen to his bullshits" Hou Wei Yan said upon noticing their sudden change. She sighed as she gave a glare at the man. "If you want to live, stop thrashing around"

The man laughed once more and looked at the metal on his shoulders. "You won't come because of this? Okay fine, fine. Let me get it out for you!"

Hou Wei Yan's eyes turned big as an owl's. [ Bloody hell! ]

A loud sound of metal hitting the ground was heard from where she stood. She covered her mouth with her hands as the man did indeed pull the huge metal off his shoulders. Blood squirted out of his shoulders and it began to flood the vehicle.

Hou Wei Yan immediately dived inside the car and ripped her shirt.

"You lunatic!" she shouted as the man lost his consciousness. She pressed the clothes on his wound hard before looking at the guards. "Get me some clothes and tell Ye Zhe to make the ambulance hurry!"

The blood continued to spurt out and some of it splashed on her clothes and even her face. She wanted to break this man's head right now. Patients like him make doctors crazy in anger and in horror.

[ Bloody hell! ]

"Madame" it was Fang who heard of what happened. He handed her the cloth before slowly pulling her away from the man.

"Let me get him out first" he said which Hou Wei Yan immediately replied with a nod.

Soon after, Fang carried the man out of the car and Hou Wei Yan proceeded with stopping the bleeding. She looked around furiously. If he doesn't get to the hospital soon, he will die!

Fortunately, a big sound of the siren was finally heard in their area. Ye Zhe greeted it and briefed them on what happened before leading them to where Hou Wei Yan was along with the crazy lunatic. The paramedics helped her inside the ambulance along with the man. Hou Wei Yan continued to topple the man and compress the clothes to stop his bleeding.

"Hurry to Yi Lan. This man needs surgery" she said which was instantly acknowledged by the paramedics.

As the ambulance went away, Hou Wei Yan didn't stop but pressed at the wound while the paramedics pressed on the blood pack. Even after they arrived, Hou Wei Yan did not dare remove her hands from the wound and continued doing so until they reached the surgery room where she performed the surgery to save the lunatic's life.