Shameless Bribery

The whole hospital was a mess as many patients affected by the earthquake flooded like a broken damn. There were a lot of patients from it that needed surgery and many scheduled surgery appointments that needed to be done. So Yi Lan Hospital fell into chaos like any other hospital.

Their only advantage was their many facilities that can cater to plenty of surgeries and patients as well as their fast surgeons. Among them was none other than Lightning Hou Wei Yan.

Another surgery had ended and another patient was pushed in giving the people inside no room for breaks. At this time a certain devil was on the edge of his seat as his wife kills herself in her job.

"Can't you send the others to another hospital?" he said as he watched the surgery going on. Hou Wei Yan was performing Meniscectomy on a patient injured from the earthquake.

Fang Tao who was monitoring outside the surgery room along with his men shook his head. "Boss, the other hospitals are full as well"

This answer made Ji Li Zhao sigh as he can do nothing to make her stop whatever she was doing. "Make sure Wei Wei receives food and water"

"Yes, boss" he said and patiently waited for the surgery to finish. He took a side glance at an approaching nurse and clicked his tongue before striding toward her. "Excuse me"

The nurse stopped in her tracks and was stuck as Fang stopped in front of her. He was wearing his usual poker face which seems to take her breath away. A lot of women seem to fancy cold distant men and this young nurse was one of them.

"How many surgeries are left for Doctor Hou?"

His question took her by surprise. [ Doctor Hou? Again and again, men seem to like her and come to the hospital for her. It's getting annoying! ]

"I don't know when it will finish but my shift will be done at 4"

The nurse blinked her eyes repeatedly while slowly plucking her lips. With this act, Fang immediately turned his back on the woman.

[ Useless thing! ]

As Fang Tao did this, the woman couldn't believe he would turn his back on such a feast as her. [ What the hell?! ]

She looked at the surgery room and felt her blood boil in anger. [ Hou Wei Yan, you bitch! You don't deserve men's attention! ]

While this ran in her mind, Fang was already cursing the woman. [ Who the fuck hired this woman?! ]

He went back to his men and dialed the director instead, his emotion a bit sour from gaining nothing and wasting his saliva. "How many surgeries are left for Madame?"

Director Ping was taken aback by the question. [ Bloody Hell! Ji Li Zhao had spread my personal number to his subordinates?! ]

"How many?" he asked again in an angry tone.

The Director trembled with his voice. "Two more"

After receiving what he needed, Fang immediately hung up without explaining anything to the Director.

For hours, the surgery went on. Two more patients came in after another got transferred out. It was already near night when Hou Wei Yan came out. She took off her cap, mask, and gloves before breathing in.

[ Ahhh fresh air! ]

"Madame" Hou Wei Yan looked around and saw Fang Tao and her guards waiting by the bench. She walked towards them and smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

Fang looked at her clothes and saw that she still hasn't changed them since yesterday. "Bringing food"

With the mention of food, Hou Wei Yan's stomach growled like a wolf. The hunger she was suppressing resurfaced now that everything was done. She took a peek at her guards and saw lunchboxes in their hands. "Let's go to my office. I'm famished"

All of them walked toward her office. When they reached there, the guards immediately set up the box and presented Hou Wei Yan with a healthy feast.

"Boss decided all of the dishes" Fang said before leaving the room. At this time Ji Li Zhao was finally smiling when he saw his cute wife enjoying her food.

Right at this moment, a lady dressed in fancy clothing and fur walked toward Hou Wei Yan's office. She donned a huge hat that covered her face. She had a couple of men walking ahead of her and behind her. All in all, her everything was screaming Big Shot.

Fang who was talking on the phone with his wicked friend Laurens suddenly fell on guard. He took a glance at them, up and down. "Lau, I'm hanging up. I need to play with some puppies"

His men immediately blocked the door. "Doctor Hou is still on break"

The guards glared at them and attempted to push them aside. However, Ji Li Zhao's men are not people others can easily push around. They remained firm and calm because there was obviously no need to glare back. Their power was already enough.

The guards all felt little right now and the lady was feeling impatient with all their useless shoving. So she clicked her fingertips. Her guards immediately cleared a path for her. "I'm a patient, I have an appointment with the doctor"

Fang by this time decided to interfere. "Doctor Hou was only called here for emergency surgery. All her appointments are handled by Doctor Tang, for the time being, I suggest you go to her instead"

The woman looked up and raised her brows at the man. [ How dare this little creature of a guard to talk to me in such a way?! ]

"I need to speak to Doctor Hou. It's a matter of great importance!" she said quite loud, gaining a few people's attention.

Hou Wei Yan who was inside and was halfway through her meal certainly heard this. She looked at her food and sighed before placing her chopsticks down. Her precious meal time!

Carefully, she stood up and cleaned her table. She placed the lunch boxes neatly on the table before walking out the door with her coat now dangling from her body. She was expecting no one today but she cannot shoo away a patient.

However, she did not expect such a fancy-looking woman at her door. From all the jewels dangling in her body and her limited edition Saga bag, this woman doesn't seem to be a patient but rather a visitor with a motive. VIPs aren't handled by doctors like her, so why would a big shot appear on her door out of nowhere?

[ Did Fe Rou Chao come looking for trouble using her friends? ]

"Name?" she asked as she opened the door for the lady. The woman remained silent as she entered the office, two of her guards trailing behind her. Hou Wei Yan cannot help but raise her brows at this.

Bringing in two bodyguards inside for a private talk smells too fishy to be ignored. So she looked at Fang Tao who went inside as well without delay.

The woman noticed this and immediately gave Hou Wei Yan a glare. "Get that filthy guard out! I need a private talk with you, Doctor"

Hou Wei Yan wasn't dumb. "I'm so sorry but he's not my bodyguard, but my assistant. Both of us work together so whatever you tell me even if we are alone, I will also tell him once you're gone"

"Okay" she said and took a seat without invitation. Without further conversation, the woman took hold of a blank cheque. "How much do you need for Cheng Ying's surgery?"

With the mention of her previous patient's name, Hou Wei Yan's expression took a different turn. The smile that she was holding on to earlier suddenly vanished and was replaced with a serious and slightly frowning face. "You are?"

"I'm her mother, Cheng Wenquian" she said to which Hou Wei Yan replied with a nod.

[ So she's the notorious stepmother ]

Hou Wei Yan took a seat in her chair and placed her hands together before giving Mrs. Cheng a cooperative smile. "What do you want me to do, Mrs. Cheng? Your husband has already paid all the medical fees, including Cheng Ying's upcoming surgery"

Cheng Wenquian did not dare hide her malicious smile. She pushed the cheque to Hou Wei Yan and smiled at her meaningfully. "Cheng Ying is already suffering too much under her father's abuse. I don't want the child to suffer more especially when she begged me to let her see her real mother"

"Actually, I'm not her real mother. Her real mother had already passed away and the child has been begging me to let go of her. So I was thinking, that Doctor Hou is a merciful doctor and grants the child her deepest wish"

As these words came out of Cheng Wenquian's mouth, Hou Wei Yan cannot help but clench her fist and smile. "You want me to tarnish the surgery?"

Mrs. Cheng pushed the cheque even closer to her.

"Place any amount that you want. I will be waiting for your good news" she said before standing up, confident that the Doctor had taken her deal just like the last doctor she had arranged. People can be bought with money, and Doctors are no exception.

Now her last opponent for the Cheng's wealth has her wonderful days as an heiress coming to an end. And she doesn't even need to dirty her own hands for it.

Hou Wei Yan glanced at the cheque with disgust. Cheng Ying had indeed suffered, and she will make this woman taste a bit of bitterness after presenting her with such brainless and shameless bribery. Who said she was someone she can easily buy?!