Laying a Finger on a Dragon's Treasure

Hou Wei Yan smirked as she took hold of the cheque, her eyes bearing the fury of anger and disgust. "Mrs. Cheng, I don't think this is enough"

Cheng Wenquian stopped in her tracks when she heard this. [ Not enough? It's a blank cheque! She can place any amount and it was a done deal. And she dares say it's not enough! How shameless is this doctor?! ]

"I'm afraid that even ten of this is not enough to satisfy me and make me throw away my honor as a human" she added which made Mrs. Cheng turn back and glare at her.

"Do you think you have a choice here, Doctor?! I'm the lady of the Great Cheng Household, one word from me can destroy you!" she said threateningly. The bodyguards inside took a step closer as Cheng Wenquian's face smirked. "A snap of my finger can make that pretty face of yours look like a lump"

Fang Tao who was on the sideline snorted in laughter. [ Is this lady for real? ]

Hou Wei Yan glared at him which made Fang watch silently on the sideline. He was already brought into Wei Yan's light that he complained about it no more. "Mrs. Cheng, is the title 'Lady of the Cheng Household' originally yours? If it is then I can do as you wanted but if not, then we can talk things through at the police station"

Cheng Wenquian looked at her in anger. [ Who is this bitch! How dare she talk back like that! ]

"It is mine and forever mine! How dare you question my title!"

Mockery appeared on Hou Wei Yan's face. She had already made her point, she's nice to nice people but ruthless in front of shameless and malicious beings. She didn't retort and allowed Cheng Wenquian to look at her as though she was a shameless thing demanding more money.

"Tell me, how much do you need you shameless girl! Just how starved are you from money! Come on, tell me! It's such an easy task and yet you ask more!"

Hou Wei Yan finally laughed at this before looking at her cheekily. "If it's easy, why can't you do it yourself? You don't want to dirty your hands but you're willing to pay for others to dirty theirs? Just how shameless are you, Mrs. Cheng?"

"Also, before littering around your dirt you should really know whose backyard you're under" she added before standing up and getting hold of the cheque. She slowly ripped it apart. "A mistress shouldn't act like the wife when she had only stolen what wasn't hers"

Cheng Wenquian's face clouded as she said this. But Hou Wei Yan wasn't done. "I must say, what a pitiful thief you are. You're a hybrid of a starved dog and a snake, killing for the sake of getting a useless title"

"No matter what you do, you're nothing but a thief who wore the crown that doesn't fit because it wasn't made for you in the first place"

All these words opened Cheng Wenquian's wound and she felt a burning inferno inside her. She ran towards Hou Wei Yan and before anyone can react, a huge slap was thrown across Hou Wei Yan's face.

Cheng Wenquian heaved in anger. "How dare a tiny doctor such as you say that!"

Hou Wei Yan touched her face and laughed while glaring at her. "Brainless Madame, get your cheque and guards out! Even if you beat me up here, I will still proceed with the surgery and the slap that I had allowed you to plant on my face, will be repaid by Cheng Ying. Remember that!"

The anger and seriousness in Hou Wei Yan's eyes gave off a dangerous vibe which made Cheng Wenquian take a step back. She was so terrified by the woman's terrifying aura that she forgot there was a true demon in the room.

As she took another step back, she hit something big. Wenquian slowly turned around and saw hell in the assistant she had insulted earlier. "You---"

Without any words, Fang Tao took hold of the lady's shoulder and threw her on the wall. He then held on to her neck as he pinned her on the wall, his face displaying nothing but coldness. His hands were so big for Wenquian's neck that more force from him will definitely crush her neck into pieces. She took hold of his hands and tried her very best to make him let go. She punched him but he didn't budge despite his lean figure.

He turned his head around when he noticed the guards' movement. One of them was going toward him while the other was heading toward Hou Wei Yan. He glared at both of them. "Both of you probably came from some dark background. Remember my name, Wild Wolf, before you die in my hands today"

With the mention of his name, the guards who were glaring at him suddenly trembled in fear. Wild Wolf? There's only one wild wolf in the underground society. They slowly looked at his wrist and saw the emblem they are all terrified to see in this lifetime.

It was a tattoo of a wolf's fang, and it was the emblem of the notorious Wild Wolf. [ Bloody hell! That terrifying Wolf Fang! The merciless assassin known for his vicious attacks! ]

What the hell did they get themselves into?!

They looked at each other, not knowing what to do, not knowing what to speak, and not knowing how to escape impending death. This is a killer in front of them, and he was especially known for his tracking ability. Once he fixes his gaze on his opponent, he preys on them and no matter where they run or how good they hide, he would track them so easily like a wolf.

"Fang! Enough jokes. Let her go and leave these men alone!" Hou Wei Yan instructed which was only replied by Fang's cold stare.

[ Nope! He's not gonna follow that order! ] he thought as he tightened his grip on the woman's brazen neck.

Hou Wei Yan noticed that he wasn't planning on letting Cheng Wenquian out of his grip so she turned her head at the shaking guards who were rooted to the ground. [ Just how terrifying is Fang's identity to make them shake like puppies in front of a wolf?! ]

"Then let them off. I don't want blood in my office"

Fang sighed at this and looked at the guards, his eyes still bearing fire. "If you want to stay alive, go to the corner and repent for your sins"

The men immediately obeyed and were practically running to the corner. Dear Lord, they are quitting their job and turning away from guarding! The money is not worth it! They don't want to accidentally encounter another Wild Wolf and die a horrible death!

Seeing their obedience, Fang nodded his head before turning his attention back to the wiggling woman in his grasp. He wickedly smiled and lowered her down before getting close to her ears.

"Who gave you the guts to lay your finger on Doctor Hou? You're seeking death for laying such filthy fingers on a dragon's most loved treasure!" he said before making her look at Hou Wei Yan. Cheng Wenquian trembled when she saw Wei Yan taking a seat with a sigh.

[ What!? She's just allowing this?! ]


"Oh, don't turn on her. She's not the boss here, so no matter what she says, you're still very far from safe" he said in a cold voice before pulling his body a bit far from her and circling his knuckles back and forth. He kissed his fist and looked at her with no hint of mercy.

He was never fond of mercy. Not when his team and job are involved.