My Precious Wife

After the long silence and staring contest that happened between the three, Elder Sang can't help but cough. His sudden noise brought back the three of them to reality.

The lady of the household, Han Yixue immediately clasped her hands in excitement. Her eyes twinkled at the thought of Ji Li Zhao. He was like her son and she was always waiting for his visits. "Oh my"

"Xiao Zhao" she said sweetly as she hurriedly ran to the living room. Elder Sang can only smile while shaking his head. Their Madame really adores having these young men around. She can baby them all she wants.

The thought of Ji Li Zhao however, sent the young master of the household to shiver and crawl away. He's here! He's here to kidnap him again or worse, use his father against him. A single word from him will surely send his father in frenzy.

Han Tengfei crossed his arms when he saw his cowardly son crawling away. He slowly walked towards him and pulled his collar. "You're coming with us"

Han Yu Shou's eyes rounded in horror. "Dad. Please, don't do this"

"You think I'll let you go after what you did in front of your mother?" Tengfei asked, his voice strained from the anger he held back earlier. He had to suffer Yixue's wrath again because of him. "No way, baby!"

With that, Han Yu Shou was dragged away by his father. Han Yixue who was now focused on their guest wasn't able to witness Han Tengfei's display of discipline so there will be no surprise punch flying in his face.

"Xiao Zhao!" Han Yixue greeted as she embraced the young man. [ Oh, how I missed this kid! ]

"Auntie" Ji Li Zhao greeted back before pulling away and giving her a peck on the cheeks. This woman was more of a mother to him than his own. She took him in when he was abandoned by his own mother and showered him the parental love he wasn't able to acquire in the Ji household.

"I bought you some scented candles. I heard you weren't feeling well lately"

Han Yixue shook her head at his news. "Nonsense. I'm healthy as ever"

Her bright smile and stress-free face made Ji Li Zhao smile. "I see. Auntie is still the liveliest person here"

His words made Han Yixue smile even wider. She's not so weak to fall ill at such an early age.

"Xiao Zhao. It's been a while" Han Tengfei greeted, finally done with Yu Shou. His son was now following him like a puppy after he threatened him with his most valued anime merchandise and valuable collections in his room. His secret weapon was undefeatable since his son was such an easy man to crack.

"Uncle" Ji Li Zhao said before shaking hands with him. "Sorry for not dropping by"

After a few handshakes, his eyes drifted to the obviously terrified man on the sideline. He was shaking and sweating like crazy. "Yu Shou"

Han Tengfei also glanced at his son. "I heard from this fella that you bought Yi Lan?"

"Ah, yes" Ji Li Zhao said. So Yu Shou indeed let out the secret. He always knew he was such a blabbermouth especially when it comes to his mother, so he already expected this outcome. He no longer found himself surprised. "I was about to talk to you about it"

"And your wife? Where is she?" Han Tengfei said before glancing at the door, waiting for Ji Li Zhao's wife to emerge. He thought she would suddenly pop out like those in the dramas...but she wasn't there.

"Why didn't you invite us to the wedding?" Han Yixue interjected which made Han Tengfei focus on her. [ Ah, what a beautiful woman indeed ]

Ji Li Zhao traced Han Tengfei's gaze and can't help but chuckle at his tranced face. [ Oh, Uncle! ]

It's been already years since they got married, how can he look like it's his first time gazing at her face. He looked so in love that even Ji Li Zhao can write a poem for him right now.

Did he look like this whenever he gazed at Hou Wei Yan?

"What type of woman is she?" Han Yixue suddenly asked which sent him out of his trance.

Her question made Ji Li Zhao think of his wife again. Hou Wei Yan? Hou Wei Yan was his perfect girl, his soulmate, his destiny, and every other corny line out there. But if he based his answer on what her heart truly contains, there is one description that can describe her. "A very kind woman"

Han Yixue observed Ji Li Zhao's eyes and can't help but smile at how they drastically changed at the mention of his wife. This is love. It's wonderful how it changed Ji Li Zhao into the glowing man he is right now.

With such glow and maturity, she wants her son to be that way too. "A married man. I think it's about time our Yu Shou gets married as well"

"What?! No way, Mom!" Han Yu Shou objected, his voice loud and clear. "I don't even have a girlfriend, and you already want me to get married?!"

[ Marrying? What nonsense! ] He still has a lot of things to do. Marriage, in his eyes, is a hindrance to his plans and a setback for his freedom.

"Silly" Han Yixue said making them look at her. She sounded like he was willing to let Han Yu Shou do whatever he wants again.

"Everything can be arranged nowadays" she added which made Han Tengfei and Ji Li Zhao smile and look at each other. It looks like Han Yu Shou's days will be soon over.

Han Yu Shou shook his head at her. "No, that's not true"

"Well, I can arrange everything nowadays. Tell me your type" his mother asked as she drew closer to him. The twinkle in her eyes made him more terrified of her now than Ji Li Zhao. It was the type of twinkle which she uses against his father when she wanted his every wish to be done, like making his 7th birthday themed on Barbie.

The thought of that hideous occasion made him cringe big time. This is bad! "What?! Stop it, Mom! You won't get anything from me!"

"Shesh, Mom, don't even think of acting cupid around me" he added before walking away and hiding behind his father. If he sticks closer, he will surely be doomed. He was always called crazy, but his mother's craziness is on another level.

This sudden display made Ji Li Zhao and Han Tengfei laugh. This issue will surely raise more often now. Soon, Han Yu Shou will surely meet his dead end. Han Yixue's persistence is a thing that deserves to be marveled at. No one can escape it, even her precious son.

"Let's take a seat. Tell us more about this and Yi Lan" Han Tengfei offered before leading Ji Li Zhao further into the mansion. He nodded his head and obediently followed his second father.


"Thank you, Elder Sang" Li Zhao said before taking a sip of his tea. He looked around the garden and chuckled upon remembering the wonderful time he had here with the dumb young master of the house.

"So, you got married?" Han Tengfei started as he placed his cup on the table.


The firmness of his voice made the couple excited. "Who's the lucky lady?"

A smile slowly made its way to Ji Li Zhao's stoic face. Lucky Lady? He had made a lot of mistakes and hurt her countless times. Despite his obvious deficit as her husband, she continued to trust and forgive him. She wasn't lucky, it was actually the other way around. "I'm the lucky one, Uncle"

"Stop intriguing us, Xiao Zhao. Who is it?" Han Yixue excitedly asked upon hearing this answer which obviously came from the bottom of his heart. This child who was ice cold back then finally felt the warm love he deserves.

"Before that, I hope this marriage stays between us. I don't want to expose my wife to my family yet. Especially when there's still chaos with the inheritance" Ji Li Zhao said, now frowning. The quarrel in the family is getting bigger because of his uncle's interjections. He kept on igniting a fight among the siblings and he was forcing himself as the rightful owner of the Ji Empire as the first son of his grandfather.

If he reveals Hou Wei Yan, he will find ways to subdue her and make sure Ji Li Zhao's backup was dried out so he can no longer fight back. Until his grandfather officially silences him, he can't reveal Hou Wei Yan and expose her to the malicious gazes of his relatives.

"We understand" Han Tengfei said, fully knowing the chaos ensuing in the Ji Household. Even though Ji Li Zhao was now the Emperor of the Ji Empire's most valued company, Tianshi Conglomerate, as long as Grandfather Ji is still alive and keeping silent about the inheritance, his position is still unsure. His position is a tender juicy golden steak in the eyes of his hungry relatives. To acquire such rare steak, they will do anything.

"So, who is she? Which family?"

"Hou Wei Yan" he answered without delay.

The couple looked at one another, unsure of what he said. Hou Wei Yan? The Great Hou Household? "Hou? You don't mean---"

"Yes, Hou Guanyu and Xing Mei Yi's daughter" he said while nodding his head. They are the parents he loves and respect, they ought to know the woman he loves and married.

The shock was first written on their face, but it disappeared after they thought about it more deeply. As the most wanted bachelor in the country, Ji Li Zhao deserves the best. The daughter of Princess Xing—now that's something more than the best. With her background, he can solidify himself and take the inheritance without protest. After all, the best bride around is definitely Princess Xing's only daughter.

"Was it arranged?"

"I talked to her parents for their approval. She doesn't know my identity yet" he said. It wasn't on her free will, but rather his offer to Hou Guanyu that made their marriage possible. "I arranged everything"

Slowly he took out a picture of Hou Wei Yan, smiling at the camera. This was taken during their High School days. He had joined the photography club for this. Every time there was an occasion, his main model was Hou Wei Yan. That's why he was blessed with tons of her pictures. "She's my precious wife"

"I never thought you'd eventually end up with her" Han Tengfei mumbled after remembering everything about Hou Wei Yan.

It was no secret to them that Hou Wei Yan is Ji Li Zhao's first and only love. Of course, as his second parent, they knew who she was, their relationship with one another, and the tragedy that ruined their friendship. It was a long time ago, so the memory of her was quite faded.

"Congratulations, Xiao Zhao" Yixue said as she hugged her son in tears. So they finally got married! After a long time, after so many battles and heartbreaks, they were finally able to meet again and get married. There is nothing more joyous to her right now than this news. "I'm happy for you"

"Thank you, Auntie"

After a few seconds, Han Tengfei remembered something really important. "Yu Shou said that you bought Yi Lan for her"

"Yes, she's a doctor" Ji Li Zhao answered seriously. His gleeful smile earlier turned stoic as they suddenly drifted to a concerning topic.

"Hmmm" Tengfei answered, his face full of doubt. Well, they didn't have any news regarding Wei Yan so they never knew she had taken medicine instead of business. This is quite concerning for him though.

An heiress to a great great great fortune becoming a doctor. Now that's something to be doubtful of. What can an heiress like her who was raised to take on their business do in the medical field?

"Did uncle visit Yi Lan Hospital recently?" Li Zhao suddenly asked when he saw the concern on his face. He knew what he was thinking.

Judging. If there is one concerning thing about Han Tengfei, it's his judgemental state of mind.

"No. I took a vacation after we returned from America" he answered while shaking his head. He stopped going to Yi Lan for a while when he failed to meet someone in America. He was longing to meet him, but he failed and came home empty-handed.

He wasn't oblivious of Lu Huan though. The news was exploding because of him. "The only thing I know is Lu Huan's arrest"

"We fired Jiang Yanyan" Ji Li Zhao suddenly dropped which sent Han Tengfei to blink his eyes repeatedly.

"What?!" he asked in disbelief but Ji Li Zhao showed him no emotions.

"Yanyan is a great surgeon" he defended but was unable to convince Ji Li Zhao or his wife.

Jiang Yanyan was a hypocrite in Han Yixue's eyes. She was a witness to some of her dirty tricks and actions, but she was unable to do anything. Although she was a terror in the Household, she can't question Tengfei in any of his actions involving his profession.

"Unlike other businesses, running a hospital is no joke" Han Tengfei said seriously. He had always believed in Ji Li Zhao, but perhaps he was still young and unfit to take on a Hospital. "One doctor can save a lot of lives. Skilled doctors like Yanyan hardly come by. They require great skills and years of training before they can reach Jiang Yanyan's level"

"A patient nearly died because of her" Ji Li Zhao said without delay. Han Tengfei always believed in the skills and often look past their moral capacity. As long as they save people, it didn't matter to him how the others were treated. His uncle is a Master Surgeon, but he wasn't perfect and this is his huge flaw. "I can't tolerate people with morals such as hers"

"Did she offend your wife?" he suddenly said which made Ji Li Zhao raise his brows. Tengfei looked at Ji Li Zhao seriously. He had witnessed earlier how in love he was with his wife. If Jiang Yanyan went against her, she was bound to lose her job.

Ji Li Zhao placed his hands together and coldly stated. "I fired her not because of Wei Wei"

"This wife of yours, was hired because of you, am I right?" Hann Tengfei asked, not backing away from the obvious coldness that Ji Li Zhao was exposing. He was used to this kind of coldness, he had even talked to him in a much colder state than this.

"Uncle" Ji Li Zhao called out. "I know you're strict when it comes to your profession, but I suggest you keep it to a minimum with regards to my wife"

He loves Han Tengfei and his family, he respects his profession and even approves of him sometimes, but involving his wife in such a misleading talk makes him angry. "I admit, she's precious to me, I want to pamper her. But I could never trample over her profession just because I'm her husband"

Ji Li Zhao loves his wife above others. His respect for her is unparalleled that's why even when he didn't quite like her getting exposed to blood, he never stole her away from what she loved. He greatly respects her decisions.

"Jiang Yanyan deserved what she got" he said after a long pause. He didn't want to do more to her because Hou Wei Yan had already given her final judgment.

"I had prepared countermeasures" he added. Of course, he knew what Han Tengfei was trying to say. Skilled doctors indeed hardly come by and Yi Lan Hospital is scrambling for them...but that issue is only possible because he wasn't handling Yi Lan at that time.

Han Tengfei suddenly grew interested in his countermeasures. Finally receiving his full attention, Ji Li Zhao pulled out a folder and handed it to him seriously. "But first, I would like you to check Hou Wei Yan's profile"