Meeting The Master Surgeon

"Is she really that great?" Han Tengfei asked after closing the folder in his hands. The surgeries made by Hou Wei Yan were extraordinary and the time she spent finishing them is quite amazing. Performing a perfect surgery is hard already, but this woman finished it in half the amount of time it should be done.

Not everyone can do it swiftly and precisely.

Did she really do it though? Or did Ji Li Zhao tamper with it so she can be accepted?

"Are you exaggerating it because she's your wife?" he added while looking suspiciously at Ji Li Zhao.

Ji Li Zhao hardened his gaze. He already stated his point earlier, that talking about his wife in such a way is a great insult to him, and yet here he is doubting him again.

"I know you stopped browsing the new recruits but she's someone you should probably meet"

Han Tengfei smiled at him. "You know I don't take in such requests, Xiao Zhao"

"I go for skills, not background" he added which sent his wife to shake her head.

Yeah right. As if skills are better than attitude. If he's not her husband and this isn't an issue regarding his profession, he would already receive a beating from her.

"Yes. I am aware of that" Ji Li Zhao answered before smiling. "I'm sure you know the US Daredevil"

Han Tengfei who was tensed earlier suddenly sighed when he heard the name. "I heard of his achievements"

As a Doctor and a Director of Yi Lan Hospital, he ought to know the important figures in the medical field across the globe. This particular Doctor is the talk of the industry because he was an aloof genius. Only significant figures get to meet him.

"He operated a lot of risky surgeries and had never failed in any of them. It was said that it only took him 2 years to complete his premedical course because he passed the exam and the special exam that came afterward was only meant for him. My main purpose was to see him when I went to America after finally discovering the hospital he stays in"

"Hmmm" Ji Li Zhao mumbled while nodding his head. He knew it. His uncle is a big fan of skilled people and the US Daredevil is among the best. "And did you meet the Daredevil?"

"No. I heard he went back to his homeland" Han Tengfei said with a heavy sigh. That's right, his whole trip wasn't complete because of it that's why he took a sudden vacation after they returned from States.

Ji Li Zhao nodded his head again before he placed his hands together. "What if I tell you, I know who the Daredevil is?"

"You know the Daredevil you say?" Han Tengfei asked with a hint of excitement. It was quite hard for him to extract information because his network was not wide enough internationally.

But Ji Li Zhao is different. His organization, Palisades, is internationally acclaimed for its information network.

"Yes" he said without any hint of a lie. "In fact, Uncle already knows the Daredevil"

"What do you mean?" he asked, confusion clearly written on his face. Does he know the Daredevil? He doesn't know his identity but only his hospital and achievements.

Ji Li Zhao slowly nodded his head before handing him another folder. "That folder only contains Wei Wei's surgeries in Yi Lan Hospital ever since her employment. Here are her other achievements so far"

Han Tengfei accepted the folder without delay. She had other achievements aside from her operations in Yi Lan hospital?!

When the word 'Mortham' came into his sight, Han Tengfei's eyes widened in shock. "Wha---It can't be"

Mortham Private Hospital. That was the hospital that the Daredevil brought to the top. After confirming that it was Mortham, he immediately scanned her school and the date on which she graduated. Surprisingly, it all matches the school which the Daredevil attended!

And the achievements that appeared in the folder are the miracles the Daredevil created which amazed many doctors all over the globe!

"She's the Daredevil?" he asked with astonishment and disbelief.

"Not much is known of the Daredevil. How could that happen, I wonder" Ji Li Zhao stated.

For such a world-class doctor to remain a mystery, there must be a huge organization backing and protecting her. In this case, instead of an organization, a very big and influential family did the trick.

"The Xing Household is very influential even abroad. When they want to hide something, no one will ever know unless it came directly from their mouth"

Han Tengfei glanced at the folder again and felt everything he was saying was surreal. "You're telling me that your wife is the most sought doctor in America? Even if you're a close person to me, this is going too far"

"Uncle" Ji Li Zhao called out. It was true that he dotes on his wife and he was to choose between them, he'd side with Hou Wei Yan. But that does not mean his Uncle isn't precious to him. He was his father. Compared to his biological father, Han Tengfei was more of a father to him. As such, he can never lie to him.

To convince the man who seems to doubt him on this issue, Ji Li Zhao took out a photo from his suit and placed it on the table. Han Tengfei took it and was surprised to see the US President giving a handshake to Hou Wei Yan. "A rare picture of the Daredevil. She was only 25 at that time"

"She's really the Daredevil?" he asked for confirmation.

He always believed the Daredevil was a man because that was what the rumors say. For it to take a sudden twist, it's unbelievable!

"I would never lie to you nor offend your profession. I simply want you to know, that Yi Lan has an incomparable surgeon" Ji Li Zhao honestly said. He would never lie to his family. True, he wasn't all good, his bones aren't pure white but to the people precious to him, he would never lie.

Palisades is a dark organization he specially builds to protect the nation and destroy other organizations merely doing illegal dealings and crimes. Its aim is to reduce crime, but its method is not angelic. Before Palisades, however, is the Ji Li Zhao who treasures family among others, because he understands just how tormenting life is without a pillar of support they call family.

"She's too young for such achievements"

Han Tengfei's statement snapped Ji Li Zhao back to reality. He smiled warmly at what he said. His wife is never too young for that.

"She came from the powerful bloodline of achievers, the Xing. She was also raised by the very woman who brought the Xing Empire to its abominable position"

Xing Mei Yi was considered a monster in the business industry. She was the youngest and the only female among Xing Mingli and Wu Fan's children and yet she was the one who saved them from a heavy crisis a few years ago. She was someone to be feared and now she's dominating the fashion industry and expanding its territory.

Hou Wei Yan is more timid and kind than her mother, but she is her flesh and blood. She achieved so much and worked hard just like her mother.

"Besides, Wei Wei strives for the best and she above others works harder than ever to achieve her goals. Despite all the skills she has, she never stopped working hard. At this point, age really doesn't matter anymore" he added with a smile. He among others knew just how hard-working his wife is.

Her hard work pays off amazing results but it often pains him when she works too hard and neglects her health. Luckily, he managed to reduce it after marriage.

"If she wants to do something, nothing can stop her"

Yes, because now, he will clear a path for her. He will dote on her in more ways than one.

Han Tengfei nodded his head when was told of such reality. Indeed. He who used to be Xing Mei Yi's classmate fully understands Ji Li Zhao's point. "I would like to meet her"

"Of course. Yi Lan is Uncle's domain. Even if I own it, you still hold quite a high authority"

A smile now spread across Tengfei's face. But when he saw his idiotic son, he can't help but sigh again. "If you have such an incredible weapon, what do you need my son for?"

"What you said was right, running a hospital is a different thing. It involves the lives of many. As such, I plan to employ more reliable doctors" Ji Li Zhao answered as he too glanced at the fidgeting young master.

It landed back to him. He thought it would end on Hou Wei Yan but no, he was still the finale!

Ji Li Zhao smiled at his friend. "Yu Shou will be a great help in Yi Lan"

"I see. My son is dumb and cowardly, but his skills do come in handy" Han Tengfei admitted while nodding his head. At this statement, he suddenly felt a chill on his spine.

Han Yixue was smiling but her eyes were telling him otherwise.

Han Yu Shou pouted at his statement. That was outright rude. "Dad!"

His father, however, could only gulp and avoid eye contact. [ I better back away. I better back away. I better back away! ]

"Auntie" Ji Li Zhao called out which instantly calmed the raging tiger. Han Yixue gave him a warm smile which ultimately made the master of the house sigh. "I know you want to do whatever Yu Shou wants, but his skills are really needed so Yi Lan can go to greater heights"

"Hmmm" Han Yixue mumbled while looking back and forth to her two sons. She likes to pamper Yu Shou and Ji Li Zhao only has good intentions for their family. Even if he phrases it like that, she knew it was all about Yu Shou's welfare as well.

She stretched out her hand and touched Han Yu Shou with a huge smile on her face. "Okay, you can take him"

"Mom!" a protest immediately resonated across the room. Han Yu Shou stood up at her unexpected decision. He was sure his mother was his ally. He thought she was forever on his side.

Han Yixue slowly and gently pulled him back to his seat before gazing warmly and worriedly at him. "Yu Shou, mommy loves you so much I'm willing to do whatever you want. But I won't always be here, I won't always be there to pull you out when you get in trouble. I know you also wish to save lives but by going rogue you're asking for trouble. Yi Lan can protect you and you can work there to your heart's content"

When she noticed Han Yu Shou's knitted brows, Han Yixue touched his forehead and soothed the crease forming on it. His mother's loving touch made him glance directly into her eyes which was a big mistake. "I want you to do what you really love"

The glint in her eyes contained worry, anxiety, and sincerity. It was begging him to take the offer making him sigh away.

They said his mother was weak to his pleas but he too was weak against hers.

"I always did what you want, why don't you do what I want just this once?" Han Yixue said which dealt the final blow to the resisting son.

[ Urghh, Mother is going to be the end of me! ]

"Yu Shou" Ji Li Zhao called out. At the man who caused this, a glare was sent.

If he wasn't his best friend he would have strangled him already. [ This psycho! ]

"Don't worry, I never abuse my employees. You'll still have plenty of time for yourself" Ji Li Zhao said with a stoic face.

"Even though you'll become a doctor in Yi Lan Hospital you're still part of Ji Empire and an irreplaceable member of Palisades"

Ji Li Zhao then glanced at the splendid House. This kid doesn't know how important he is. Everything here will eventually fall to his name. "Besides, not even I can restrict you, Young Master Han"

"Trust me, you won't be mistreated" he finished but this irritated Han Yu Shou.

[ Huh? Did he just say 'won't be mistreated? Was that kidnapping a greeting then? ]

"Why did you kidnap me then? You already abused me!" he glared and yelled before cuddling his mother like a child.

Han Yixue touched his head on motherly instinct but instead of hating and blaming Ji Li Zhao she can only smile at his childishness. Han Yu Shou must have started everything that's why he got kidnapped.

"Oh, that?"

"You're still not part of Yi Lan now are you?" Ji Li Zhao said with a serious look on his face. He wasn't smiling, he wasn't threatening either. He was just staring at him seriously.

Slowly, Ji Li Zhao made a V sign on his hands and raised it which made Han Yu Shou's jaw drop. [ This jerk! He was teasing me, isn't he?! ]

"Ji Li Zhao you traitor!" Han Yu Shou cried out. [ Why did I befriend this psycho?! ]

His best friend and brother can only chuckle at him. But after his laughter died down, Ji Li Zhao returned to his stoic self. "I really need your help in Yi Lan"

"Fine" Han Yu Shou silently grumbled before pointing towards him. "But don't kidnap me again!"

"I won't" Ji Li Zhao swiftly answered. His statement made Han Yu Shou sigh in relief. However, the great Emperor slowly looked away. His men need some excitement, as the boss, he should let them indulge sometimes.

"But I'm not sure about my men"

Disbelief immediately shrouded Han Yu Shou's face. "Hey! Ji Li Zhao!"

The couple could only giggle and enjoy this moment. Their house is much livelier when Ji Li Zhao is around because Han Yu Shou gets a taste of what bullying and sibling quarrel feels like.


The interns in the hospital were gathered outside with a cup of coffee in their hands. In their small crowd was a Senior Doctor in Yi Lan who was sharing some memories and giving them advice.

As they give some small laughter to his silly jokes regarding medicine, a car stopped right in front of them. The shiny car was blinding and was really eye-catching.

The Doctor who was giving idle chatter earlier halted for a second because he felt the car was familiar. When no one came out, he just shrugged and started drinking his coffee.

But man what a mistake.

The driver went out of the car and opened the door. When a middle-aged man wearing his white coat went out, the Doctor immediately spat out his coffee before handing it to one of the interns.

Frantically, he ran to the other side where the man cannot see him. As some people bowed down before the man outside, the Doctor instantly informed the people inside of the ominous person's arrival.

"Director Han! Director Han is here!"

The other Doctors in the lobby looked at one another before hurriedly lining up at the sliding door. This is unexpected. Suddenly showing up without notification was clearly not Han Tengfei's style!

When Han Tengfei entered the door, the Doctors bowed down in respect. "Goodmorning, Director Han"

Han Tengfei all looked at them before greeting them back with a nod. Inside the hospital, Tengfei tends to act snobbish and serious. He wanted to uphold his role as a Senior and a Director.

As everyone left after his dismissal, two people stayed behind. One was his assistant who stood behind him after his greeting.

And the other was an annoying fellow he wanted to smack for a long time now. "Yow! Tengfei"

"Wen Shan" he called without emotions. Inside him, however, he was screaming for respect. Sure they are classmates in the past, but calling him like that in the enclosure of the Hospital is rude.

"I thought you're still on vacation" he casually said before swinging his arms on his shoulders.

His attempt, however, was easily avoided by Han Tengfei. He dodged the attack and brushed off his coat with a sigh. "I found something more worthy of my time"

"Oh? Really now?" the man's devious eyes immediately showed enthusiasm. [ What did he find? What did he find? ]

Han Tengfei cringed at his expectant eyes and turned away. "I'm not going to tell you"

To avoid the crazy person, Han Tengfei walked away swiftly. His assistant followed behind him without delay.

It had always been this way. Whenever Wen Shan was around, his master immediately leaves and he clearly understands why. Wen Shan is an irritating ball of sunshine whilst his master is more on the serious side of life. Even he who was a joyful bun as well found Wen Shan quite a handful.

"Summon Doctor Hou Wei Yan to my office" Han Tengfei suddenly blurted out which snapped his assistant from the trance.

[ What did he say? Summon Hou Wei Yan? ]

"Hou Wei Yan?" he asked for confirmation. The Master Surgeon rarely summons anyone from the new recruits and interns.

[ Isn't she a new recruit? Is he mistaken? He doesn't like to involve himself with newbies ] he thought repeatedly in his mind.

Han Tengfei sighed before he stared seriously at him. "That new recruit. Fetch her for me"

At this order, the assistant turned around in haste. [ For him to call her, did she offend him? ]

[ Wait, Hou Wei Yan! ] That name was circling around the hospital recently as she brewed trouble against the two famous Doctors in Yi Lan and their fight eventually sent the two out.

Jiang Yanyan was undeniably Han Tengfei's favorite. [ Did he summon her because of it? Is this about Lu Huan and Jiang Yanyan? ]