The News Has Spread

There was nothing but darkness around her and an ere array of voices filling up her mind. She felt a dull pain, but it was surely numbed by the adrenaline pumping through her veins. Her mind raced, half panicked—half determined. Hou Wei Yan took a moment to gather her thoughts, but even this proved a hassle and a pain as conflicting voices corrupted her mind.

It was difficult to focus between the moments of pain and the voices telling her incoherent words, but she pressed onward. Her head felt heavier and heavier as each pulse of throbbing pain pounded her senses over and over again. She felt trapped and suffocated…there was no way out of the nightmare.

Not until she saw a brunette child running past her. All of a sudden, the darkness faded and the scenery transitioned to a hallway she vaguely remembered. The paintings on the wall were her ancestors from the Hou Family. She remembered them from the pictures her grandmother managed to save but the house itself remains a mystery to her.

While she was immersed in the paintings, she saw her younger self running towards a room. Piqued, she followed behind her and was even more confused when her eyes laid sight of unfamiliar surroundings.

The child walked towards a bookshelf and pulled out a thick book. After she was done placing it down on the floor, she waved at the adult Hou Wei Yan.

Curious, she did as she was asked and was baffled at the sight of it. The book was in fact an album filled with pictures of the Hou Family. The child pointed at one of the pictures with a smile on her face. "Papa!"

Hou Wei Yan carefully surveyed the picture. It was of a child. The photograph was old but his features were well defined and she could clearly see that he indeed looked like her father. But something tells her that it wasn't him. She knew it wasn't Hou Guanyu—but she couldn't point out who it was no matter how hard she tried.

"That's not Papa…that's---who is that?" she asked curiously in hopes that the child would answer her question.

The child merely looked at her before closing the album and scurrying toward a hidden corner. Without a second thought, she followed suit and not a moment too soon, a lean figure appeared.

His slick brown hair and oceanic eyes made him stand out. Hou Wei Yan was left in shock when she realized who the young man was. But before he could mutter out his name, the door of the room opened up once more and there appeared a brunette woman who had the exact same eyes as the young man.

As soon as her eyes laid sight of the youngster, panic immediately surged in her eyes and she hurriedly approached him with the intent of shooing him away. "Guanyu, get out of here! This room is already forbidden!"

"Why? Why would he try to seal them away?" he asked, his voice wavering from sadness and anger. "This place holds their memories. Why would Father seal it away?!"

"Don't ask questions and return to your studies," the woman, who was obviously her grandmother worriedly said as she tried to touch Hou Guanyu. But before her hands could reach him, Hou Guanyu had already evaded her touch.

Hou Wei Yan could see in her eyes the surging anger and resentment..but she was unsure why he was angry at her grandmother. "I don't want to! Make me go back! I don't belong here!"

Her grandmother bit her lower lip before she sternly looked at her son. She wanted him to listen to her and remain safe. "Don't upset your father, not now,"


"Guanyu! Stop it!" she finally yelled out in anger. Realizing her mistake, she hurriedly reverted to the worried tone she's been using since earlier. "You're the heir now…you must do your responsibility well,"

"Stop forcing me into this! Why are you even after me now?!" he asked in utter rage. Having enough of his mother's stern gaze, he finally blurted out the thing he's been wanting to tell her. "Try focusing more on your life and less on mine!"

Hou Wei Yan turned to her grandmother and she could see in her eyes a pitiful look begging for her father to listen to her. "If you leave now, you get nothing,"

"That would be better, isn't it?" he asked solemnly before everything was lit on fire. Hou Wei Yan hurriedly stood up and reached out for her father, but he was nowhere in sight.

Like a phantom, he disappeared and she was left once more trapped in darkness. A few seconds passed before she saw once more the younger version of herself. She was out inside the library of their manor and in her hands was a small teddy bear.

She couldn't remember if she owned such a thing, but nonetheless, she approached the child with the intent of knowing where she got it. However, before she could fully approach her, the teddy bear made some static noises and not a moment too soon, a strangely familiar humming rang from it. What made her shiver was what the teddy bear suddenly sang.

"There's a little girl

I wish would fall

Her Blood splattered on the floor

See her fall the child they adore

Skin her face

Spray the mace

Kill her, kill her, make her run

Let me kill you---"

The killing intent that was coming from the teddy bear made her heart race. The voice itself was making her remember all the bad memories she had suffered—all the accidents that transpired while she was growing up.

The voice was oddly familiar and she could tell that he was after her. "---Hou Wei Yan"

The sound of her name getting called out in such a strange and dark way made her bolt up from her sleep. Her body was slick in sweat and her whole body was still quivering from fright. She could remember bits of the nightmare but the song was stuck in her head—like a warning of some sort.

She touched her forehead and she could tell right away how cold her body is. She was drenched and her head was still throbbing from the nightmare that transpired. It took her a couple of breaths before she could muster up the courage to look out her window and utter something. "What the heck is that all about?"

Suddenly, a knock on the door echoed throughout the room. "Madame, it's time for you to wake up,"

Although still exhausted from escaping such a nightmare, she knew it was already time for her to prepare.

Unsteady as she is, she tried her best to look as normal as possible even though the nightmare still hunts her at the back of her mind.


Tianshi Conglomerate's Website is a legitimate source for news regarding the company and its other affiliations. As such, the news they posted regarding Ji Li Zhao personally owning Yi Lan Hospital made it to the headline of every news outlet in the country. His actions were explosive and were treated like a declaration for a new war with the Xing Family—challenging them to invest in the Medical Field like him.

Everyone is in a state of both panic and excitement. What is the Great Emperor trying to achieve by owning Yi Lan Hospital?!

While the rest of the country is abuzz regarding Ji Li Zhao's sudden announcement, a certain raven-haired man just got out of his room. He was already wearing his formal suit and his hair was slicked in a clean way making him appear like an enigmatic person who would draw all of your attention.

As soon as his figure was seen in the hallway, two children ran towards him. "Papa! Papa!"

"Lixue…I told you not to run around the house," he muttered as soon as he saw her eldest daughter. His green orbs narrowed when he saw who she brought along in wreaking havoc in the mansion. "You even brought your sister. You know she can't get exhausted, right?"

The young child named Lixue looked back at her twin before she pouted at her father. "Lihua was walking…she didn't get tired,"

Although wanting to scold her a bit more for her reckless behavior, he ended up giving in to her cuteness. He held out his hands to both of them and once they accepted, he began walking alongside his cute twin daughters.

"So what is it that you want to tell me this early in the morning?"

"Auntie Cuifen came to visit!" they chorused in glee making him chuckle. The way they answered him made him remember his twin cousins, Xing Qiu, and Xing Yun.

"She always pays a visit. What's special about her visit today?"

"She said she can stay with us till tomorrow…if Papa allows it," Xing Lihua muttered the exact words that Xing Cuifen whispered in her ears.

Xing Lixue who was closest to Xing Cuifen due to their similarities when it comes to mischief looked at her father with cute puppy eyes—which was Xing Ru's weakness. "Can Auntie stay?"

"Your Auntie probably ran away again from her marriage interviews," he answered with a sigh.

The Elders has too much time on their hands and because he was already busy with his daughters, they shifted their target to Xing Cuifen and are pestering her to get married and give them new grandchildren. Their impatience is causing his cousin distress and whenever she feels this way, she immediately turns to his children and use them against him.

He could say no, but knowing how troublesome forced marriage is, he decided to take her side whenever she needs refuge. "But she can stay,"

Hearing his answer, his eldest daughter released his hands and sprinted away from him after giving him a wink. "I'm going to tell her. Thank you, Papa!"

"Xing Lixue! I told you not to run!" he yelled out as he tried to catch her but to no avail. Because he was already out of sight, he turned his attention to his youngest child who was much more fragile than Xing Lixue. "Are you okay, Hua Hua? Should I carry you?"

"But I'm heavy," she replied back as she tried to take bigger steps.

Xing Ru could only smile at her and without saying anything more, he carried her safely in his arms. "You're as light as a feather, Little Princess,"

Xing Lihua flashed her father a kind smile before she relaxed in his arms. Xing Ru walked steadily across the hall and he was glad that the manor was as peaceful as ever. But as soon as he arrived in the kitchen, his cousin immediately ran to him and shoved a newspaper in his face.

Annoyed, he placed down his daughter and sarcastically looked at Xing Cuifen. "Is this how you greet me now, Ah Fen?"

"Big Brother! Ji Li Zhao just bought Yi Lan!"


"Your enemy…that scary guy of the Ji Family…he bought Yi Lan Hospital!" she said once more with a worried look on her face. The amount of worry she was displaying was unbecoming of her which made him concerned.

He hurriedly snatched the newspaper to read the article and while he did so, Xing Cuifen couldn't help but groan in anxiety.

"What should we do? Big Sister Wei Wei works there!"

After he finished reading through it, he curiously looked at Xing Cuifen. He has quite a close relationship with Ji Li Zhao. For him to suddenly move without any form of preparations or even signs made him concerned. "Why did he suddenly buy it?"

"He didn't accept any interviews and is remaining mute about it. But it's confirmed news because it was posted on their website" she replied to him before grating her teeth in vexation upon remembering Ji Li Zhao's secretary— Huang Xun. "Four Eyes handles that website. He only listens to Ji Li Zhao so it must be true!"

Xing Ru nodded his head before he waved his hands to get their butler's attention. Ou Wuying immediately approached him and took a polite bow.

"Wuying, can you verify this? Gather our Intelligence Unit and extract all the necessary information we need regarding this matter. Ji Li Zhao suddenly buying Yi Lan without prior preparations is a cause of concern,"

"I understand, Young Master," he replied before he disappeared to do as his master has asked.

"I wonder if Grandfather already knows this," he muttered while placing Xing Lihua in her seat beside him. Xing Lixue sat on his right side and motioned Xing Cuifen to seat beside her which the latter immediately obeyed.

"I doubt it. If he did, he would surely flip at you for not buying the Hospital first," Xing Cuifen replied back before frowning once more at the thought of Ji Li Zhao making a move once more on her beloved cousin.

"This is why I repeatedly told you to buy Yi Lan!"

"Little Sister works there and we promised not to interfere with her work or meddle with it. If we bought it, she would have been the one to flip at us, " Xing Ru explained as their breakfast got served.

He already had an interest in buying Yi Lan Hospital but because of their promise to Xing Mei Yi and Hou Wei Yan, he couldn't make a move on it.

He could only sigh because he knew that once he arrives in Xing Empire, he will be bombarded by the executives because of this news. "It's still early but I'm already receiving a headache,"

Xing Cuifen grated her teeth in vexation as Ji Li Zhao's smug look flashed in her mind. "That guy…I'll roast him if he does anything to Big Sister!"

"Ji Li Zhao isn't the type to use our relatives against me," Xing Ru remarked seriously. He had been rivals with him for a long time and no matter how dirty the others becomes, he never used underhanded tricks against him.

Aside from that, he knows very well how infatuated he is with his cousin so there's surely no ill intent in this action of his. "Besides, do you really think he would hurt her?"

"But he could flirt with her!" she answered in rage. He managed to capture Hou Wei Yan in the past just by smiling at her. Now that he owns Yi Lan Hospital, he will surely make his move on her once more and enchant her with his looks and words.

She can't bare the thought of seeing her cousin in pain once more because of Ji Li Zhao. "Thinking about it pisses me off! I don't want him for Big Sister!"

"That's not for us to decide," he replied while shaking his head. No matter how she and the others object, if Hou Wei Yan accepts Ji Li Zhao once more, they are left with no choice but to accept it, or else Xing Mei Yi will roast them for getting in the way of her daughter's happiness.

What worries him more is the thought of his grandfather learning this news and calling him for a little scolding—well, more like roasting.

His grandfather has bad blood with Ji Li Zhao so he will surely get angry once he learns that the man he was always wary of finally made a step closer to his granddaughter. "I just hope Grandfather doesn't call today. I'm not prepared to---"

Before he could finish his words, the main telephone of the manor rang and he could hear it from where they are. Ou Wuying strode towards it and answered the phone without delay.

After a few seconds, he turned towards Xing Ru who was already staring at the phone worriedly. "The Grand Elder has called,"

"Shit!" he muttered followed by a cute little voice that had repeated his words.


Xing Cuifen immediately flicked her niece's forehead with a serious look on her face. "Lixue, don't repeat what your father said,"

Feeling wronged, Xing Lixue frowned her way which made Xing Cuifen feel guilty for some reason. To make up for what she did, she took hold of her spoon and fed her some chicken. The twins are foodies so if she's in a pinch, she just feeds them and everything is settled. "Here eat this and let him get miserable,"

Xing Ru coughed before he stood up to answer the phone call he was hoping wouldn't come. "Grandfather,"


There were plenty of papers to be signed and many contracts to review. Ji Li Zhao was set on finishing plenty of work today and he was already gearing his mind to do it. However, an interruption came by headed by his so-called best friend and brother—Han Yu Shou.

His sight which was supposed to be glued in the contract turned towards him and his brows arched high when he saw three other men following behind him like obedient children. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We came to check on you and your progress with Little Sister," Han Yu Shou replied as he slumped on the couch as though it belongs to him. It didn't even take him a second to find a comfortable space and relax in it.

The others simply sat down with dignity before they looked at Ji Li Zhao who decided to prioritize them instead of his works. Because they were being careful as of late they rarely found time to gather like this.

Just as he sat down in front of them, Shi Song immediately bombarded him with his questions. He left early with his wife during the grand opening of Blue Moon Hotel so he wanted to hear what exactly happened after he left. "How was it? Are you okay? Or should we give you more sensible advice and an alternative plan,"

"Your worry is unnecessary," he curtly replied with confidence which made Qian Zhiqiang and Fan Shunyuan look at one another. "My wife and I love each other,"

"Then why are you still hiding?" Fan Shunyuan asked seriously. When Ji Li Zhao remained mute, he immediately sighed and frowned at him. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

He could only look away because he knows that what he was doing has consequences and his friends are adamant to make him realize all of it. "It's not yet time…she needs to get used to my identity as Ji Li Zhao,"

Qian Zhiqiang raised his brows at him. He used to hate the idea of love and getting controlled by it but now he's an advocate for such a thing. He knew from experience just how love could tie someone. "But she loves you as her husband…isn't that enough?"

Ji Li Zhao immediately shook his head. Hou Wei Yan has admitted her love for her husband but it's yet a blooming one—a love that hasn't made its roots yet. He can't take a risk knowing this because, in the past, he believed that she loved him enough yet she ended up forgetting him to protect herself from his ugly and deadly side.

"If her memories get triggered, her love won't be enough to save us," he admitted with a sad look on his face.

His friends could tell how terrified he was of the thought of getting left behind once more by Hou Wei Yan, but seeing him torture himself pains them more than anything. They have seen how much he sacrificed for the sake of others so seeing him torturing himself once more made them instinctively want to protect him.

Fan Shunyuan looked at his dear friend seriously in hopes that he would stop the charade and come out clean to his wife. It's time for him to stop being a coward and face Hou Wei Yan truthfully "Li, you're diving in a deeper and darker water. You should stop before it's too late,"

"It's too late now," he answered stubbornly making Fan Shunyuan sigh. There goes his advice. It ended up useless once more. "The plan is already set in motion. It cannot be undone,"

"How sure are you that it would work?" Shi Song asked to calm Fan Shunyuan down.


Hearing his reply, Qian Zhiqiang ended up sighing as well. If he would just confess early on that percentage would surely rise but he's as stubborn as ever and none of them could get through to him.

"Li, you're someone akin to an Emperor. I don't think that it cannot be undone," he muttered and threw him some facts. He's becoming much of a coward to the point that he can't even take on the fastest path for fear of it ruining Hou Wei Yan. "Leave your pesky uncle to us and tell her the truth. Tell her that Ji Li Zhao and her husband are one and the same,"

"If I tell her that, she'll find out about my family feud. She'll worry, then interfere, and will eventually get caught up in it," he remarked. Honestly, he had already planned on telling her earlier than planned but if he did, she would surely search him up and find out why he suggested a secret marriage.

Once she knows of Ji Boqin's existence and his threat, she wouldn't just stay still. He had promised plenty of people that he will protect her and that is what he will do. "I don't want that. She needs to be safe,"

"She's your wife, she deserves to be there to fight alongside you in a battle," Shi Song suddenly remarked. His wife is a very nosy woman but even if she doesn't ask, he would immediately tell her what he's going to do. He never kept secrets from her and in turn, Cindy placed all her trust in him. That's why their marriage remains harmonious until now.

"Shi Song, you're a husband too," Ji Li Zhao said as he looked at him seriously. "Would you allow Cindy to join you in the fight knowing the dangers that lie ahead?"

"No," he replied without hesitation. Of course, he won't let her get in danger...but that doesn't mean he would keep mute about his battle from her under the pretense of protecting her. No matter how good his intention is, it's still lying and he avoids it at all cost. "But I would tell her that I'm going to a battle and I will come out victorious. She's my wife so she has the right to be worried for my sake,"

Ji Li Zhao nodded his head before he flashed him a sad smile. Shi Song is brave, unlike him. He knows Hou Wei Yan too well. Once she finds out, she won't just simply wish him luck. She would do something for him even if she does it behind the shadows. However, that would mean she will be targeted if ever she gets found out and that will bring complications in her life.

He's already set on preventing that at all costs. What he wants for his wife is for her to live a peaceful life—away from the drama and the bloody battles.

"I don't have the guts to do it…I don't think I could protect her so I would much rather pull her away from the fight," he said truthfully. "The last time I became confident in my skills, I ended up losing her,"

Han Yu Shou understood his fears, however, he also feels bad for Hou Wei Yan who's been kept in the dark. They need to tell her the truth and whatever her decision is, they just need to accept it instead of depriving her of the truth. "She needs to know,"

"She'll know when the time is right," Ji Li Zhao answered back after a sigh. He can't bare to lie to his wife forever...however, it's not yet time for her to meddle in this bloody battle.

Fan Shunyuan sighed before he stood up. He then looked at him seriously. "Fine…do whatever you want but don't you dare come crying on us when she leaves you for lying to her,"

He adores Ji Li Zhao for his strong and dignified actions. If he cries in front of him—he's unsure what he would feel and what expression to show him. Should he feel sad and pity him knowing that they advised him a couple of times?

He doesn't know so he's better off not seeing him cry because he might just scold him instead of giving comfort.