Ever Progressing

Everything looked normal in Yi Lan Hospital. Things were going according to how it should be. If there is something amiss, it would be Hou Wei Yan who had a concerned look on her face as she entered the hospital.

No matter who looks at her, it was obvious that she woke up on the wrong side of the bed. She had a slight frown on her face and she was deep in thought. Even though some of them tried to converse with her she ended up returning the conversation with a smile before drifting away.

When they see a coworker like this, they normally give them enough space to breathe in order to not trigger something. They were being considerate by staying out of her way…except for a certain someone who wasn't able to observe her expression properly.

"Little Sister!!!" Han Yu Shou yelled out as soon as he saw her walking in the hallway. He immediately jumped at her and swung his arms around her neck as he would to a dear friend. "I missed you, little sister!"

"Stop spouting nonsense, Yu Shou," she retorted with a sigh before she grabbed hold of his hands and pried it off her neck. It was easy for her to do so and because she was somehow frustrated, she was unable to control her strength. Han Yu Shou only discovered that something is indeed wrong through this. "Also, get off me. I'm too tired right now,"

"Why?" he worriedly asked before he reached out his hands and touched her forehead. "Are you sick?"

Hou Wei Yan shook her head in reply before she sighed at his curious gaze. "I just had a nightmare,"

"What kind of nightmare is it? Did a ghost appear?" Han Yu Shou asked in deep concern. He was always outgoing and jolly to the point of stupidity, so people often assume that he would just walk off if something scary appears in front of them.

Contrary to their expectations, his greatest enemy is ghosts and anything scary. He even hates the idea of zombies and would cry when forced to watch horror movies. In their group, he was the crybaby when it comes to scary stuff and they take advantage of this. That's why the idea of nightmares is equivalent to ghosts for him.

Hou Wei Yan knows this fact. When they were young, she personally witnessed how he fainted out of fright so she knows that his mind right now is filled with scary ideas and he's probably repeating his mantra 'Ghosts aren't real' in order to shake off the scary images appearing in his mind.

With this hilarious thing running through her mind, she was able to shake off the baffling nightmare she had this morning. She was able to regain a bit of her energy through Han Yu Shou's idiocy. "No…you appeared that's why it suddenly became a nightmare,"

"Wow. Do you really have to be bad to me so early in the morning?" he replied in his sassy tone making Hou Wei Yan internally laugh. He really deserves to be cast in a reality show where people roast each other and act all sassy. "It really hurts,"

"Stop being dramatic," she muttered with a smile as she proceeded to walk towards her office with Fang Tao and Han Yu Shou. While she was busy listening to Han Yu Shou's complaints regarding the attitude she showed him, a nurse came running towards her.

"Doctor Hou, we have an emergency patient coming in a minute!"


Without delay, the nurse began to speak as she followed Hou Wei Yan who immediately made a detour towards the emergency room. "There are two patients and one needs immediate surgery. His hands are severed and thus need replantation,"

"I need my team for it. Gather them in the Operating Room," she asked as she handed her bag to Fang Tao. The nurse immediately scurried away to do as she was asked while the trio walked toward the emergency room.

Qiu Meixiu who already heard of the emergency was already waiting in the emergency room. As soon as their figure emerged on the door, she approached them and helped Hou Wei Yan wear her coat with her nameplate on it.

"Such a greeting," she muttered to herself before she ran alongside Qiu Meixiu towards the stretcher the Paramedics just pulled out from the Ambulance.


Just right after his best friends left, Ji Li Zhao received a call from Master Han urging him to stabilize his position in Yi Lan Hospital as early as possible. Noticing the urgency of his request, Ji Li Zhao boarded his car after settling most of that day's tasks. "Is everything prepared?"

"Everyone is ready to greet you, President," Huang Xun replied after informing Han Tengfei and the rest of the executives in Yi Lan Hospital that Ji Li Zhao will be paying a visit and requested an emergency meeting. "But the Madame just entered the Emergency Room and cannot join in,"

Ji Li Zhao nodded his head in understanding as he continued checking through some issues in both Tianshi and Palisades. As usual, his day is as hectic as ever, and only allowed minimal time to breathe. "Summon her as soon as she finishes with her operation. I want to talk to her and appoint her as my personal doctor,"

As soon as the car arrived, some doctors who had free time lined up outside to greet the new owner of Yi Lan Hospital. There was no red carpet but their actions were enough to attract plenty of attention.

Huang Xun came down first with his neat and smart-looking glasses. He opened up the door and allowed Ji Li Zhao to come out donning his royal blue suit…the color representing the Great Ji Family. "Welcome to Yi Lan Hospital, President Ji,"

He nodded his head to approve of their presence and thank them for their greetings. After a few seconds, he set his eyes on Han Tengfei and immediately walked towards him with a slight smile donning his otherwise poker face. "It's been a while, Uncle!"

"Xiao Zhao!" Han Tengfei warmly greeted him as he patted his son's back. "You're sure fast on your feet,"

Ji Li Zhao smiled at him. "I'm still behind, Uncle. I can't seem to cope up with her."

"Nonsense!" the Master Surgeon replied with a huge smile on his face. He understands his fears and hesitation so his pacing didn't look bad in his eyes at all. As long as he could handle the aftermath of his actions, he will not force him to fasten the pace. "I'm sure you're prepared to face everyone and answer their questions?"

"When was I never prepared, Uncle?" Ji Li Zhao remarked haughtily as he surveyed the area. The higher-ups of Yi Lan looked at him seriously…prying carefully into his soul. To those who are veterans in the medical field, he is but a greenhorn, and they have many reasons to show disdain. He knows that he is but a mere beginner in this field, however, he's a beginner they should never underestimate.

Because those who underestimated him in the past are all gone from Tianshi now. Even his relatives who underestimated him are all running after him to curry his favor and earn some good points from the future heir to Ji Empire.

"That's good then," Han Tengfei mumbled as he looked at the crowd as well. Running a Hospital requires teamwork but unless he manages to receive all the support of the executives, his rule in Yi Lan Hospital may cause turmoil. He wanted to avoid that at all costs that's why he wanted him to win everyone over so they could establish a much better hospital system. "Because you'll need to convince all of them if you want your rule to be smooth sailing,"

He smiled at what he said before he started walking inside Yi Lan Hospital. "Well, what can I say…taming is somehow my forte,"

The confidence he showed immediately placed Han Tengfei at ease. Once Ji Li Zhao placed his heart on something, he will surely see through it till the end. That's why Palisades is as formidable as ever because he continues to rule it and up until now…he relentlessly tamed lost wild beasts.


Hou Wei Yan and her team had shown once more a surgery well done to the point that it warrants applause. Once everything was done, she gave them a few minutes' breaks before they tackle once more the work they are assigned to do for the day.

After she explained to the guardians of the patient his current situation, Fang Tao approached Hou Wei Yan with an indescribable look on his face. He seemed happy but he was trying his best to remain as stoic as ever which made her look at him strangely.

[ What's up with him? Did Xie Na call him or something?! ]

"Madame, Master Han wishes to speak with you,"

As soon as she heard this, she immediately replied with a nod and began to follow behind him. While they were walking, she noticed people whispering to one another which made her nervous somehow. Often times than not, she's the subject of their gossip so she was beginning to wonder what she did again which cause another heap of drama.

Not liking the idea of not knowing what went wrong, she decided to turn to Fang Tao for answers. She knows Makio is his backup so he should be well informed regarding the current gossip circulating in Yi Lan Hospital. "Did something happen?"

"The new owner of Yi Lan Hospital came to visit," he answered shortly as the turned to a corridor.

Hou Wei Yan displayed confusion in her eyes when she heard this. By owner, does he mean Ji Li Zhao—the man she just met at Blue Moon Hotel's Opening? "President Ji is here?"


Somehow, she felt something was wrong with his sudden arrival. "Is he still here?"

"Most likely," Fang Tao answered even though he was currently receiving instruction from Ji Li Zhao pertaining to Hou Wei Yan's lunch that was left behind in the mansion.

"I hope this sudden summon has nothing to do with him," she suddenly said with a sigh. Fang Tao gave her a side glance before he looked straight ahead once more.

He knows why she was getting summoned so he couldn't retort to her remark. He could only lead her towards the elevator and press the topmost button where the owner's office is situated. "That's not the floor to Master Han's office?"

"He wishes to speak with you alongside the new owner," Fang Tao answered as the elevator door closed on them. She was left unsure of what to feel with this sudden news. She was thinking of the possible things he wishes to talk about and she wasn't liking the outcome of it all.

His summon is making her uncomfortable. If someone were to share this news with her husband, he might easily see this as a sign of infidelity. He might think so and she hates the idea of it. As much as possible, she doesn't want a misunderstanding to brew between them. Not now…not when their love is still blossoming.

With this in mind, she heaved a heavy sigh before relaxing her stiff shoulders. "And he said he would leave me alone,"

A few seconds later, the elevator stopped and the two of them hurriedly got off it. Once she arrived in front of the door, Fang Tao knocked on it before stepping aside. "I'll wait for you outside, Madame,"

Hou We Yan immediately turned her attention to him. "What? Can't you come with me? I don't want to face him alone,"

"Master Han is inside, I'm sure you won't be alone with President Ji," Fang Tao remarked, hiding an excited emotion behind his stoic face. He was glad that Ji Li Zhao finally started moving or else he would nag him to move faster even though it would mean he would get scolded or fired by him. "If you really need me, you can always call my name and I'll come rushing inside,"

Left with no choice, she could only pout and knock on the door. "Fine,"

After knocking thrice, she was about to state her name and purpose. However, before she could do so, the door was pulled open revealing the esteemed secretary, Huang Xun.

"We were expecting you, Doctor Hou," he stated with a slight smile on his face. Quite curious about the smile on his face that seems to hold a special meaning, she tilted her head to show her curiosity.

Her curious gaze was quite strong it was obviously taking effect on Huang Xun. Not wanting to reveal anything, he turned around and hurriedly guided her inside. Huang Xun brought her to the mini living room where Ji Li Zhao and Han Tengfei were seated alongside Han Yu Shou. They were already talking to themselves about the decisions that would benefit the hospital and its people.

"Doctor Hou has arrived," Huang Xun calmly announced before leaving the room and closing the door.

"Good afternoon, President Ji," Hou Wei Yan greeted as she took a polite bow toward Ji Li Zhao and Han Tengfei. "Master Han,"

Ji Li Zhao had a stoic look on his face as he led her gaze toward the empty seat in front of him. "Take a seat, Doctor Hou."

Not wanting to prolong her stay in his office in fear of rumors, she immediately sat down and looked at her new boss seriously. Her tone remained polite but her questions were forward making the three smile to themselves. They could see how hard she was trying to remain civil to a potential enemy. "Does President Ji need something from me?"

"I do," he answered seriously before he flashed a hopeful and polite smile toward her. "I'm hoping you could become my personal doctor?"

She was already speculating earlier on the purpose of his summon…but this question was not within her expectations. She wasn't sure whether she even heard it right. "Pardon?"

"I want Doctor Hou to become my personal doctor," he muttered in amusement.

Hearing his request once more somehow made her head throb. She really thought she won't get involved with him anymore because he was of the highest position and she was merely a Cardiothoracic and Emergency Doctor.

If she accepts this job, she will surely get tangled in the unending rumors that surround Ji Li Zhao. As wants to avoid this at all costs for fear that it would ruin her marriage. "I'm sorry if this may sound rude, but why would you choose me? There are surely others who are fitter for the job,"

"And who do you suggest?"

She slowly turned to Han Tengfei who was diligently listening to their conversation. He was enjoying his time and he was planning on continuing it some more. "Master Han for example."

He was delighted that he acknowledges his skills, however, he was not planning on neglecting his son and allowing this opportunity to slip past him. "I already have a lot on my plate, Wei Wei. Because of the sudden change in ownership, I became busier than ever. Until things settle down, I don't think I could tend more VIPs."

"Then Han Yu Shou?" she desperately asked as she looked at him.

"I'm taking over most of my father's clients. I'm even working overtime nowadays because of a certain someone---" The slip of his tongue caused Ji Li Zhao to glare at him. When he noticed Hou Wei Yan turn to him, he immediately reverted to his good-man act.

However, his glare already caused quite a damage to Han Yu Shou for he was already trembling because of how fast he acted. "---I mean the current situation. I can't take in more not unless Father takes his previous patients back."

He understood their reasons, but she didn't believe that she was the only choice left. Truthfully, she didn't want to get entangled with Ji Li Zhao because of both her family and her marriage. She wishes for peace and she will attain it. "Then what about the other VIP doctors?"

"They're in the same situation as me," Han Yu Shou replied with a sigh to fully convince Hou Wei Yan to take on the job—just like how they rehearsed it earlier. He turned to her with a concerned look on his face. "Is there a reason why you can't?"

Hou Wei Yan was a kind woman and Han Yu Shou knows that too well because that's how she ended up sparring with him all the time and even forgiving all of his somewhat idiotic actions. She's someone who cannot neglect someone in need of help and she doesn't want to trouble others when she could do the job well. With this knowledge in his grasp, he was able to utilize it well and made the conversation flow according to his favor.

By mentioning the pain of the other doctors, she will be left with no choice because her conscience won't allow her to rest knowing that she would cause others unnecessary trouble.

Noticing her determination slightly faltering, Han Tengfei delivered the words that would make Hou Wei Yan accept Ji Li Zhao's offer. "Besides, I would feel relieved if you're the one taking care of President Ji. He's an important figure in this hospital and as my apprentice, I would feel at ease because of your capabilities."

Their reasons are logical; however, she could still feel that something was wrong. So even though she was already willing to accept, she can't help but question his real intention. "I understand your point, Master Han…I'm just wondering if there's another reason why I'm getting chosen as President Ji's personal doctor."

"Master Han trust in you. Who am I to doubt my father?" Ji Li Zhao remarked which stunned Hou Wei Yan.

"Father?" she asked curiously. When she saw Ji Li Zhao nodding his head, she immediately turned her attention to Han Tengfei who was already smiling widely at Ji Li Zhao who just announced that he was his father. "Master Han…is he your son?"

"Not biologically," he answered with a smile. He did wish at some time that he was his son but because it was an unattainable wish, he could only accept their current situation and love him regardless of who his real parents are. Everyone could question him…but no matter what they say, regardless of the blood that runs in his veins, he is his son.

"But yes, he is indeed considered my son,"

The confirmation from Han Tengfei made her sigh as she touches her head. She should really gather some information regarding the Regal Families. Xing Ru had offered her countless times but she refused to accept using the excuse that she was no longer related to it.

Now, she can't help but feel like it's vital for her survival. She doesn't want to be placed at a disadvantage by remaining innocent of the current quandaries in the Regal Families. Even for a little, she needs to know because somehow, she's getting entangled with many Regal Family members lately even though she's already diverged paths from them. "Why do I feel like you're all teaming up on me?"

"How could we possibly do that," Han Yu Shou said with a smile.

"I hope so," she shortly replied before she looked at Ji Li Zhao seriously. She doesn't know much of him so she could only trust Han Tengfei. "I would accept the job assigned to me, but I hope President Ji would summon me wisely. I will still proceed with my scheduled operations and help in the ER so if you summon me and I find your reason unacceptable…I would immediately refer you to a different doctor,"

Her answer to his request amazed Ji Li Zhao. She does have an impenetrable wall against most men who show interest in her…no wonder she remained single until her betrothal was announced. "Looks like Doctor Hou has some bad blood with me,"

She kindly smiled back at him before relaxing her shoulders. "This is called defense,"

"Do you have any more requests, President Ji? If none, then I would have to excuse myself," Hou Wei Yan asked after a few seconds of silence.

Ji Li Zhao smiled as she stood up from her seat, ready to leave him. Honestly, he wanted to look at her some more, but he knows that if he did, she would get suspicious and flee. "Thank you for your time, Doctor Hou."

"It was my pleasure, President Ji." Hou Wei Yan said before disappearing from their sight alongside Han Yu Shou who decided to tag alongside her and ruin her morning.

As soon as she got outside, Fang Tao greeted her and followed behind her. When he saw an opportunity to speak up, he didn't hesitate to ask her a bizarre question. "What's up with you and Ah Li?"

"You're putting unnecessary attention in our relationship, Yu Shou." Hou Wei Yan blurted out, not liking what his question implies. There's nothing more to their relationship than an employee and boss and even if he wants to pursue her…he would only get rejected because she was already a committed woman and she had vowed that she would remain loyal to her husband.

Not wanting to end the teasing just yet, Han Yu Shou nudged her side when he got closer to her. "You like him?"

The question he blurted out made Hou Wei Yan halt. She then looked at Han Yu Shou in disbelief because she believed that he was under her husband's payroll. "You know my circumstances. How could you say that?"

"What? Can't you like him as an idol?" he argued which only made Hou Wei Yan doubt his capacity to think straight.

"No," she answered without hesitation. Idolizing someone could turn out risky especially if they repeatedly interact so as much as possible, she should keep her distance and consider him a tyrant boss. "He's my boss, how could I look at him that way?"


Hou Wei Yan could only shake her head at his reaction. As they continued walking in the hallway, a loud series of cries was heard in the staircase which immediately caught both of their attention. Not many people use the staircase so the cry made Hou Wei Yan worry…while the other one trembled in fear.

It was already circulated that hospitals are haunted because of the many people that die on their premises each day. They usually don't feel or give much attention to haunted things going on because of how busy they are, especially during the day. But encountering it when they're alone and the place is eerie is a different issue.

Han Yu Shou wanted to run away but Hou Wei Yan had already opened the door to check it out. Not wanting her to be placed in a tight situation alone, in fear that a demon named Ji Li Zhao would gobble him afterward, he followed behind her still trembling in fear.

The cry became louder and more miserable the more they went down the stairs. Hou Wei Yan was turning more concerned and Han Yu Shou who was already hugging her arms wasn't helping her fasten the pace. She honestly wanted to leave him behind and find the source as soon as possible, but she feared that he would faint and she would end up taking care of him.

Slow steps, this was all she could do as she dragged Han Yu Shou with her. After a few minutes of endless walking, she stopped as a small child was seen crouching on the floor. Han Yu Shou's heart palpitated at the sight of her white dress and long black hair.

Feeling their presence, the child lifted her head, and before she knew it…Han Yu Shou was already shouting in fear. His high pitch squeal made Hou Wei Yan and the child cover their ears in pain. To make matters worse, he ended up shouting for quite a long time and his grasp in her arms tightened the more he screamed.

As soon as it died down, Hou Wei Yan looked at him in both disbelief and amazement. He squealed like a girl but ended up shouting longer than them. She doesn't know whether to laugh or cry in such a situation. "Why did you scream like that?!"

"This is a normal reaction, okay?!" he defended but Hou Wei Yan only gave him a poker face. She was sure it wasn't a normal reaction. "If you're afraid, wouldn't you scream as well?!"

"Yeah…but not the same way you did," she replied before approaching the child and picking her up.

Now realizing that the child was not an apparition, Han Yu Shou's fear immediately dissipated. He slowly approached her and saw the familiar green orbs that Hou Wei Yan possess. He respects the Xing Family and has quite a close relationship with them through his parents so he immediately knew who she takes after. "Hey, that kid looks familiar. Isn't she Xing Ru's daughter?"

"Hua Hua, what are you doing here? Where's your father?" Hou Wei Yan asked as she wiped Xing Lihua's tears away. The twins aren't identical. Xing Lihua takes after her father in terms of looks while Xing Lixue looks exactly like their mother.

She was the sickly one among the two so she was getting worried as tears continued to trickle down her eyes. Hou Wei Yan continued wiping it before deciding to talk to her somewhere brighter. "Let's go to my office. I'm sure Big Brother would pay me a visit if you suddenly went missing,"

Han Yu Shou guided them out of the staircase. As soon as they got out of the staircase, they saw some men in black loitering around for someone. Hou Wei Yan could already guess who they are looking for and her confirmation immediately came. She saw the Nanny assigned to the twins looking around desperately.

"Auntie Rui!" she called out as she slowly approached her with Xing Lihua in her arms.

"Xiao Wei?" Rui curiously replied as she slowly turned around towards the familiar voice. As soon as her eyes laid eyes on Xing Lihua in her arms, she ran towards her without hesitation and obvious worry etched on her face. "Oh my god, Hua Hua! Thank god you're alright!"

Hou Wei Yan immediately handed her Xing Lihua before curiously looking at her and her quite a haggard look. "Why are you here, Auntie? Are you here for a check-up with Hua Hua?"

"No," she answered worriedly which made Hou Wei Yan feel nervous. If she's not here for Hua Hua's check-up, it only means someone in the family was admitted. "The young master was involved in an accident,"

"What?!" she exclaimed as soon as she heard the news. Her brother is a health-conscious man and was always well-guarded so hearing him involved in an accident made her more worried than ever. Did someone target him again?! "Where is he now? Where's Lixue?"

Rui understood her worry so she thoroughly explained that he managed to dodge the attack. "He didn't receive that much injury and was told to rest. He's in the private room with Xiao Xue and Xiao Fen,"

"Who's the doctor assigned to him?" she asked as she looked at Han Yu Shou as well.

Xing Ru is the current heir to the Xing Empire and he is a figure who has limitless potential so his admittance in Yi Lan Hospital is a big issue. "Considering he's your family and he's a VVIP, I think Father will be the one assigned to him,"

She wanted to confirm this herself but before she could ask anything more, her phone vibrated forcing her to answer it without delay. As soon as she picked up the call, she immediately heard Qiu Meixius urging voice. "Wei Wei, they need you in the emergency room,"

"Got it!" Hou Wei Yan hurriedly answered before hanging up. She then turned towards Rui who was securely carrying Xing Lihua. "I'm sorry, Auntie. I will pay a visit after my shift,"

She slowly approached Xing Lihua and placed a tender kiss on her forehead to atone for her suddenly leaving. Because she saw once more the tears that had dried in her cheeks, Hou Wei Yan decided to assure her that her father will be safe. To the twins who were left alone by their mother months after their birth, Xing Ru is an existence that cannot be gone or replaced. "Your daddy is a strong man. He will come out and hug you once more so don't cry too much, okay?"

Xing Lihua glanced at her coat and her nametag before nodding her head. She had heard countless times how excellent a doctor her aunt was so she felt at ease hearing her words.

Her cute nod made Hou Wei Yan smile. She reached out her hands and gently ruffled her raven-colored hair. "I'll visit you later so don't run around, okay?"

"Will you play with me and Lixue?" she asked before Hou Wei Yan could walk away from them.

Hou Wei Yan flashed before waving her hands as a promise was made. "Of course, I will."