I was up most of the night working on the dress,On the skirt It had white clouds with Lotuses growing out of them on the front panel that went down the length of the skirt there was more clouds at the bottom and then two big long lotuses above them, they were held to the clouds my three stems that swayed a bit. On the shirt there were clouds around the sleeves and small ones at the bottom of the shirt. I also started on the two silvery phoenixes. I based them of of a peacock that my master had once shown me. It had many long and beautiful tail feathers and I went into great detail on the actual body, Making it so it looked like each thread was a feather. Rubbing my eyes I realise it was really late. Packing up the dress I hid it under my bed because I don't trust someone not to try to sabotage my beautiful work. I got ready for bed and went to sleep.


I kneeled before my master, he was sitting at his desk working on his handwriting with his left hand.

"What did you find out?" I had just spent the last couple of hours watching a woman embroider,

"Your wife to be is The Right Prime Ministers exiled Daughter Long Ting He, She has spent the last ten years living in the mountains, her mother died there and her Brother has joined the army and is currently fighting on the front lines, his name is General Long Feng He. He has cut all ties with the Long Family except for his sister. I could not get a look at her face because she wears a veil. But from what I observed it's that she is very good at embroidery, She is embroidering her own wedding dress since it was plain, likely they're trying to insult you your highness." The Sixth prince set down his brush and said,

"They are giving me an exiled bride, and tryign to embarisses me. Dubi do you have anything else to report?" I nodded my head and said,

"Her only belonging is a Zither, it never leaves her side. I apologize for not knowing more about her your highness." He tapped his desk and with each tap it felt like my skull would break open. His dark eyes met mine and I gulped in fear,

"Keep watching her Dubi, She is likely a spy sent to infiltrate my mansion by my elder brother." I nodded and bowed and left. As soon as I stepped out of the room I felt the heavy pressure that was on my shoulders lift. I felt like I could breathe again.

Next Morning-

Long Ting He POV

Waking up early I called my maids, they immediately appeared,

"What can we do for mistress this morning?" I sighed and said,

"Could you run me a bath, I haven't had one in days. I don't care if its cold." They nodded and Half an hour they fetch me, the bath was steaming with hot water, There was a box of soaps next to it. I smelt each one before shaking my head. I silently pulled out my soap from my storage ring. Holding out the bar of soap to the maids I said,

"Um, I always use this to wash, I don't want to use the other soaps, this one is best for me." They nodded. I stripped down of everything but my face vail. Getting in the tub I looked at them and said,

"Please leave, I spent my life bathing alone and I don't need help." They bow and left. The moment they were gone I removed the face vail and sighed. Relaxing in the hot water I let my muscles relax all the way. Grabbing my bar of soap of the side I began to lather my very long hair, I hadn't cut it since I was seven It was about five feet long. After my hair was fully lathered I washed it out and stuck my hair over the side of the tub. I then washed the rest of my body. My back has scars all over it form that day and my legs have scars on them, especially around my calf from where I use to be hit by a bamboo rod. But other than those blemishes my skin was milky white and I have no other blemishes. I also had quite a large chest which was disguised under my many layers of clothes. I pulled out the men's shaving razor for my special ring. Once I had finished shaving my armpits, and legs I got out of the bath and dried myself with a towel that have been laid out for me. Picking up my clothes I put them inside of my spacial ring. And then pulled them out a moment latter, they were a glistening white, and as clean as if they were brand new. Putting on my face veil I wrapped my hair in the towel before Getting dressed. Exiting my my servants said,

"Mistress let us dry your hair so you don't catch a cold." I nodded and said,

"Let me grab the dress, I will restart on the embroidery again while you guys dry my hair." They nodded and I went into my room and retrieved the box with the dress in it. I saw a twitch on Boas and Chis face, I had heard them shuffling around looking for the dress during my bath. Sitting on the flood I began to embroider. I could hear her gasps of surprise at how much I had done but I ignored them and said,

"Dry my hair." They immediately started to pat it down with dry clean towels and combing it out. I finished my phoenixes, their tail feathers wrapped around my shoulders and took up the whole front of my shirt. I quickly added a few small floating lotuses and I was done. Reaching into the chest I pulled out the head vail, it was a square of fabric with red tassels at each corner. I began to stitch a simple border. Once that was done my hair is fully dry and my two mads just stared at my hands as I quickly and deftly stitched in lotus blossoms into the border and I was done. Holding up the completed dress and the veil I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. I really didn't want to wear this. Ignoring my maids awe I said,

"Go bring me my breakfast." I examined my stitching and suddenly remembered the many hours I had spent practicing embroidery so that I could get good at stitches and do it perfectly. I knew the dimensions for the dress wouldn't fit me but that was easily fixable Once both my maids were gone I sucked the dress into my special ring and pulled it out again. The dress shape has changed a bit so that it would fit me along with the face vail. I had no jewelry but didn't care. Putting my dress into its chest I pulled the whole thing into my special ring and I was done. I knew my maids would likely try to sabotage it so why would let them. I next pulled my zither into my special ring too. I sat and a few minutes later my maids appeared carrying a tray of food. Setting it down infront of m Bao said,

"Please enjoy." I sniffed and immediately I smiled under my vail my nose was greeted by the aroma of porridge but also a sweet smell while still being slightly bitter and a little bit sour. It was Meadow saffron. No doubt about it. Stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, weak pulse, convulsions and coma. Humm The head madam really wants to kill me or at least embarrass me infront of the sixth prince and the rest of the court. Looking at my maids I said,

"I'd like to be alone, I am unused to being around people so much so I feel uncomfortable. Please leave." They were about to protest when my stomach growled. I laughed embarrassedly and said,

"Don't worry I will eat it I just feel uncomfortable. You guys can go, I wish to be alone." They nodded and left. Once they were gone I got up and dumped this horrible food out the window and into a plant pot. Sitting back down I pull out some flat bread and eat it. Once iv eaten it I open my Zithers case and pulled out my Zither. Though I could store it in my ring I don't feel comfortable. Stretching out a hand I Caress the wood. Pulling out a small container and a cloth I open the container to find the very fine oil in it. Dipping a bit of the cloth into the precious oil begin to clean the zither. I start with the strings and then move onto the wooden board. The maids came back some time ago while I was cleaning but I ignored them mostly only to say that the food was good.

Finishing my ritualistic cleaning I tune it. Putting it away I let out a sigh. The maids seemed to look down on me. I gazed at the horrible bright red dress they had gotten for me.

"Young miss you should change into something more colorful, plain colors really don't suit you." I roll my eyes. I wouldn't be caught dead in that gaudy robe. Sighing I Adjust my vail. Looking at the maids I say,

"I am going out for a bit." Cho is the first to protest,

"But you can't. Your a defenceless young lady. It would be improper for you to go out." Rolling my eyes I say to her,

"I am far from defenceless. GO tell the head madam, I presume she's the one that you're reporting to. Go tell her not to bother me. I am going along with this ridiculous marriage I just wish to play some music in a tea shop. I will be back before nightfall. Goodbye." When They tried to protest I sent them the harshest look I could give.

Putting my zither case over my shoulder I made my way out of the compound. I heard them trying to stop me but with one small kick I launched myself up into the air. I couldn't help but breath in the cold air as I soared high into the sky. I landed atop a building in the bustling city and dropped to the ground. Walking towards the end of an ally I stopped. Sitting at the corner was a man. He was covered in cuts ad bruises and blood. A bowl set before him and a sign reading,

"1 punch=5 coppers, 1 kick=3 coppers" I hummed in interest. Using my senses I found that this man was not a simple fellow, his body was like steel. Oh! He practices Iron fortress on the mountain, interesting. Walking up next to him I say,

"Hello." He looks up at me and says,

"How many?" I blink and then chuckle and say,

"Oh I'm not here to beat you up, besides I thought I could hurt you very much without using considerable force. What is your name?" He blinked and said,

"Shu." It wasn't unusual for beginners not to have last names but he wasn't a beggar, to obtain this skill he had to from a fairly powerful cultivation family,

"No, I want to know what your full name is." He blinks and says again,

"Shu." I shake my head and then let out a sigh and say,

You seem a bit lonely, Do you mind if I sit next to you?" He blinks and say,

"Why would a fine lad such as yourself want to sit next to a beggar." I smiled at him, though he couldn't see it under my vail and said,

"I can do what I want then?" He shrugged his shoulders and I plop down next to him. He blinked at my unlady like manner. Looking at his sign I roll my eyes. I reached over and grabbed his empty bowl.

"Hey!" Waving my hand I say,

"Shush and put down your sign" He blinked and watched as I pulled out my zither. He blinked and I turned to him as I summoned out a drum. His mouth seems to drop in awe and I said. I just need you to set a base beat for me to follow. He blinked and I showed his stunned self on the rythe I wanted. People began to look as hE began to bang the small but round drum. I began on the song "Sun Quan The Emperor" It had been one of my master favorite songs. Because it was so fast pace it was fun to play. She had apparently heard it once and then reconstructed the song from memory and shown me how to play it. She said it was form a land far away. My master was an amazing cultivator and she had spent years on the run, from her husband who had made her mad. I think she must be a couple hundred years old because she talks of things long past. I'm honestly not surprised, master is amazing.

As I began to play a large crowd formed and I watched as two young children began to dance. This is how I managed to start an impromptu performance in the middle of a street. People gathered around us and I watched as the bowl slowly began to fill up. To the point where Between a break in ongs I had to put my case forward and it started to get full of coins, and it was a big box. We played for many hours. I couldn't help but smile as the dignified people of the capital clapped their hands and danced. A smile on everyone's face. I couldn't help but grin as well, sweat dripped down my face as I played.