Wu Jun Kai POV

I sat on the second story of a tea shop next to a window. Bellow me I watched as people swayed their bodys and danced with a freedom I had never seen. People clapped in time with the music and I watched as my future wife had a grin on her face as she played. Her zither case was overflowing with coins and people kept dropping them in. Vendors near here had come over and dropped small handfuls into her case because so many people were here that they were making small fortunes. Next to there was a beggar, he was playing the drums. People spin in circles and held hands as they weaved in and out of each other. Usually in the capital people moved with grim determination, it had been, no I don't think I had ever witnessed an event like this. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the figure in white though. You could practically feel her joy from where I sat. She radiated life and joy. And in that moment I was intrigued by my future wife. Across from me a young man sat also looking out the window and said,

"Big sis is amazing, this is what she was like in the past." I blinked, id forgotten he was their, Kong Fa Chen sat there smiling. Looking at him I said,

"Big Sis?" He blinked and said,

"Oh, I guess I never told you. When I was growing up I played with Big Sister a lot. She was always bright and happy like this. When I met her on my travels the other day she seemed to have a quiet resolve about her. I heard her music their. She played some hauntingly beautiful pieces. " I looked down at her na dsaid,

"What s your opinion on my future wife?" Kong Fa Chen grinned and said,

"When I knew her she was an amazing person. She's different now but I don't think she has lost her goodness. Though it has been ten years since then. Oh and I should mention she is a good cultivator." I blinked and Asked,

"How good?" He chuckled and a slight from creased his face as h said,

"When I accidentally met up with her on my way home she managed to get away. I man she disappeared right before my eyes and none of my guards could even find a trace of her. The people of the towns near her have many names for her, soe are quite surprising, the Water shield, the saddened soloist, the ghost and many more. I'm sure you have people looking into her, you can find out the rest form them. Anyway she has been living in the mountains for many years now, i'm sure she has had to adapt." I nodded and watched the people down below. Everyone seems happy. I remembered the hardened faces of the people stationed on the border. Would she fade away at the border or bring the people to life. I touched my right rm, it was strapped to my chest and my right sleeve hung loosely. I can't help but remember getting stabbed thru the arm. I don't regret it. Just then Kong Fa Chen speaks.

"Your arm?" I nod and say,

"The most recent doctor have all failed." He nodded his head solemnly. Just then I hear the music slow down and see her standing up and saying to everyone.

"I must apologize but It is time for me to head home." I heard loud protests but she smiles and says,

"I am afraid I must. I promised to be home before dark." The crowded protested and someone asks her name and she says,

"I am known by many names but I prefer the timeless lotus. May you all have pleasant lives." I watched as she scooped up the box full of money and closed it and strug it over her back. With one hand her Zither she reached over and grabbed the collar of the surprised man who was playing the drums. He had just finished collecting the money and was using the drum as a bowel. And with that she disappeared. Well to the normal eye she disappeared. I saw a flash of white in the sky. She had appeared high in the clouds and then vanished agan. I let out a low whistle and said,

"I can see how she got away, that's the floating cloud teknique." Kong Fa Chen nodded and said,

"And there she goes."


I let out a sigh as I landed in a dark alley and saw Shu looking at me with a smile and says,

"You made so much money tonight miss." I rolled my eyes and open up my other box and spill the money out onto the ground, his eyes widen and I say,

"The stuff in the drumms too." he nodded and pours it out. It is a small fortune. Ha I knew that old man was scamming me, I didn't really care though. Looking at it I wave my hand and half of it disappears. I did work hard tonight and I need the money. Wavign to it I say,

"This is for you. I took half and the other half is for you." His mouth drops open and says,

"But it's so much, I can't take this much." I roll my eyes and say,

"Yes you can and you will." He bows his head and then says,

"Umm miss could you help me with something?" I Nodded and he says,

"Can you use half of my half to by pork bowls." I wrinkle my face and he says,

"You are a proper lady and saly when I go to buy food I get kicked out." I nod my head in understanding and then ask,

"What are they for?" He looks sheepish and say,

"I feed the children who can't feed themselves. No child shout starve to death." I felt a pang in my chest. Oh my god I didnt think Id ever met such a nice man before." Nodding my head I ay,

"How many people are you feeding." he looks at his feet and says,

"Ten, they're all really good kids and I just couldn't leave them." Nodding my head I said,

"Well then let's go." I made my way to a food vendor and bought the food, I used his half to cover the expenses for as many bowes as he could by with hal fo fo his half and then I used the rest of my money. I managed to buy 25 bowels. He blinked as I waved my hands and the hot food disappeared. The vendor was also shocked but I said,

"Comon lets go!" He blike dna dsaid,

"Your coming too?" I nod and say,

"Yes, I can't let kids starve and I want to meet them." He nodded dumbly and I followed him. Their were shakes and people who looked like they hadn't eaten in many many days littered around the place. The oder was extremely foul. Reaching a small run down building I saw children sitting guard on the roof. When they saw Shu they shouted out,

"Big Brother Shu!" They made their way down as we entered the building. Inside I saw a bunch of really thin kids. They were piled together for warmth and when they saw Shu they got up and attacked him with hugs. I couldn't hold in my laughter as I watched the children. A little girl around the age of 7 came up to me. She said,

"Who is big sister?" I grinna nd crouch down and say to her,

"You can call me Big sister if you want, my name is Long Ting He." she nodded an everyone had seemed to take notice of me. A scrawny boy of about ten said to SHu,

"What is she doing here?" I grinned and said,

"I have come bearing food." At this everyone looked at Shu and he nodded. With a wave of my hand the twenty five bowles appeared. Each one wa sfll of hot noodles pork and veggies. Grinning at their awed faces I say,

"Your big brother earn a lot of money today. So he bought you all some food." At this they all cheered but She said,

"It was me but you lady" I rolled my eyes and say,

"I am not a proper lady, it was just a title given at birth.I watch as the kids start devouring the piping hot food. Sitting down I take one of the extra bowels and hand two to Shu and say,

"Your a lot bigger than them so eat, I bought it with my own money." He nodded gratefully and dogs in. enjoy laughing at these kids as they crawl over me and chatta and finally I realise it is well past dark. Looking at the kids I say,

"If you guys ever need anything. I mean anything come find me alright." They all blank and the same little girl from earlier, her name is Mai said,

"How do we find you?" I smile and say,

"My name is Long Ting He, I am the daughter of the right prime minister, barely thought, I am known as the Timeless lotus. My brother is General Feng He" At my words She drops the empty bowel in his hands and then presses his head to the ground and says,

"Please forgive us." I ave my hand and he says,

"You are also the future wife of the sixth prince. You are a future princess and will be a queen." I wave my hand and sya,

"Oh I almost forgot about that." His jaw practicly rops and I say,

"Ah, yes I am a bit of a high ranked lady but it doesn't really matter to me." Turning to the kids I say,

"Listen here, don't ever trust the nobles of this world, always assume they have a second motive." Mai says,

"Then what's your second motive?" I laugh and say,

"I'm already a lady, I grew up in seclusion form the world. I also can't stand to see children starve. If you guys ever need anything please come find me." Shu sites up and seriously says,

"Is there a price for your kindness." I blink and think for a moment and then look at the kids an dsya,

"Grow up strong and keep your pride and dignity, and help each other alway. You are family, family doesn't always end at blood but rather rna emotional bond to a person. Yes this it my price." They all blink and Shut bows down before me and says,

"Thank you miss." I smile at him and say,

"I should be going now. Oh and please don't tell anyone I was here. I might get into trouble, the street was pushing it." He nodded and I use my technik to disappear.