Owen Deadwood and Lin Zentian

Owen opened his eyes to see the sky covered by dark clouds, looking around he understood he was somewhere at the bottom of a rocky canyon.

Owen tried to move but his entire body hurt.

Forging memories that shouldn't be there surfaced in his mind


At this point, Owen realized that he had transmigrated into another world.

"SB, SB are you still there", Owen tried to call the AI installed in his brain.

Owen comes from modern earth of the year 3045. At this point in time, man and machine had combined to form a new super race. Every human had an AI installed into there brain and spinal system from birth using nanotechnology. This AI is called Smart Brain, or SB for short.

"SB, SB answer me", called out a panicking Owen.

Suddenly a tab that only Owen could see, opened up before his face. On it was written.

[Smart Brain 9.7 is reinstalling itself the voice interaction is currently unavailable.]

[Estimated time needed, 5 minutes.]

Owen sighed in relief. For him, it is impossible to imagine a life without SB.

He used the time needed for the SB to reinstall to scan through the new memories that he had. From them, he understood that name of the previous owner of this body was also Owen Deadwood. He is currently in a world where technology is underdeveloped, but essence cultivation is developed.

In this world, there is a form of energy called World Qi omnipresent in the atmosphere. People, beasts, and plants of this world absorb and use this energy to cultivate body, essence, and soul.

But cultivation of body is too painful so it is underdeveloped. While cultivation of soul is dangerous as the soul is a delicate organ, tampering with the soul might cause a one to become mad or even lead to death. Therefore soul cultivation is also underdeveloped.

Then there is essence cultivation, it is not painful nor will cause one to go mad, and compared to both soul and body cultivation it uses less World Qi so it was also economical, thus essence cultivation became the mainstream cultivation.

Essence cultivation involves absorption of world Qi and then converting it into True essence using a cultivation method.

The former owner of this body was named as Zentian, he was village boy, son of a farmer, but his village was attacked by bandits and they took all the women and kids as slaves and killed all the men and old.

You can imagine what happened to the women, and the kids were sold as slaves. Zentian was only 10 years old back then, he was bought by the Sprite Martial Sect.

He was bought to the sect as a slave, he used 3 years of his life working in the barn and butcher shop and earned enough contribution points to abolish his status as a slave.

To avenge his family and friends he needed to become a powerful cultivator, so he became a servant disciple of Sprite Martial Sect. He then used 1 year to work in the barn and butcher shop again earn enough contribution points to buy the cheapest cultivation method to cultivate. He took 3 months to sense world Qi and began training. Using the rest of the year he cultivated up to the peak of Mortal body level 3, after which he reached a bottleneck and was unable to cultivate any further.

Zentian's talent for cultivation was below average.

Although Zentian understood that he didn't give up, he couldn't give up due to the burning hatred that was within him.

Every night he has nightmares of his father and brothers being killed and his mother and sisters raped while he helplessly watches on.

It was this hatred that fueled his will to live, and desire to get stronger.

So in order to get breakthrough his bottleneck, he took a dangerous mission from the hall of missions.

It was to kill and bring back the body of Mortal body rank 4 Streak Leopard.

Streak leopard is demon beast. And normally, most demon beasts were stronger humans at the same level. This was due to the innate physical advantage they have.

Streak leopard was very fast and had the strength of a tiger on earth. By taking on this mission Zentian was just courting death.

But he had a plan. He first dug a 12 feet deep hole with a radius of 6 feet. Because he was at Mortal Body level 3 peak this kind of labor was child's play for him.

He then fixed large wooden spikes inside the hole. He covered the hole with a grid made of sticks that would easily break if weight was exerted on it. He then covered the grid with a sheet of grass.

He then lured a Streak Leopard over to the trap he set up.

But sadly the trap was only able to wound the Streak Leopard.

After that Zentian fought the wounded Streak Leopard with all his might, and eventually managed to kill it. But he was also heavily wounded.

Even so, Zentian carried the carcass of the streak leopard on his back, back to the Sprite Martial Sect.

But on his way, he met a group of servant disciples form the Sprite Martial Sect and they were on the same mission as Zentian.

Since Zentian was weak and wounded they decided to rob him.

But Zentian put up a fight but he was outnumbered, wounded, and out leveled. And so Zentian was killed and his soul dissipated.

After he died the group of servant disciples dumbed his body into the ever dark canyon.


Now that he occupied Zentian's body he inherited all the memories, experiences and hatred of Zentian.

Memories and experiences mold the character of a person, so even though it is Owen that occupied this body, his character had undergone a huge change.

["Smart Brain re-installation complete"], SB announced in Owen's head with a beautiful feminine voice.

["Welcome to Smart Brain 9.7."]

["Scanning User's body"]

["Warning User's body is currently damaged, sending SOS signal to the nearest Police station".]

["Error unable to connect to the Internet, therefore unable to send SOS signal"]

["Warning User's body has several fractures and internal bleeding, User is also suffering from severe blood loss"]

["Smart Brain urges User to take immediate and appropriate actions"]

"SB is there any way you can help me heal my body".

["There is one way, it is to 'overclock' your cell division at the damaged area"]

"You can do that?!", asked Owen.

["It is illegal for a Smart Brain's to manipulate the cellular or hormonal changes of User so normally I am unable to do it for if did do it even if it is for the sake of saving User, the United Federation will punish me. But the now, the situation is different User and I have been transmigrated to another world the United Federation is last of our concerns."]

["Shall I proceed to 'overclock' your cellular division, warning this will decrease your lifespan by a few months"].

"Do it", said Owen, forget a few months he wouldn't mind giving up a few years if he could get through this ordeal.

["Turning off User's pain receptors, readjusting bone position stimulating cell division at the damaged area." ]

Suddenly Owen felt his whole body going numb. It was extremely uncomfortable.

"SB, can you put me to sleep till the healing is complete".

["Yes I can."]

"Please do it feeling numb is uncomfortable"

Suddenly Owen blacked out.