The request of the Sky Shattering Dragon.

In the Wu continent, there is a popular children's story.

Once upon a time, there was a dragon which was so strong that it could Shatter the barrier between heaven and earth.

His name was Lugo the Sky Shattering Dragon.

His scales were silver in color. His tail reached the bottom of the ocean and its head reached the base of the heaven.

Lugo was originally very peace-loving but one day he explored all of Earth. He was loved by all the creatures and humans.

But one day in his immortal life Lugo realized that he had done everything there is to do on earth he had eaten every delicacy that the Earth had to offer he had enjoyed every form entertainment.

And he was bored, so it decided to shatter the sky and go to the heavens to seek new entertainment.

But shattering the heavens will cause the heavenly ocean to flood the Earth.

So all the powerful gods joined together to stop Lugo. But it was no use Lugo was too strong, no one could stop Lugo.

Lugo punched a hole in the sky. Massive amounts of water were released from the heavenly ocean, flooding the Earth killing millions.

But then Emperor Ulser the strongest human came out of seclusion and killed the evil dragon.

And Goddess Nuwa mends the hole in the heavens.


Owen opened his eyes to see the sun high up in the sky expressing that it was noon. But his eyes did not hurt, this because he was in the Everdark canyon. When looking at this canyon from outside it is extremely dark.

Many people had tried to explore it but none of them had ever returned to civilization.

And now Owen was at the bottom of this canyon, to him the odds of making it out are slim.

Looking at the tall canyon walls, Owen said out loud, "Am I going to die here".

["There is 99.97% probability that you will die of hunger "]

"That's encouraging to hear", said Owen as he laughed self-deprecatingly.

Owen slowly got up from the ground.

"NO, I CAN'T NO TILL I DRAG THOSE BASTARDS DOWN WITH ME", Owen used the burning hatred that he inherited from Zentian to encourage himself.

["User's emotions are unstable"]

"That's good that's good they are unstable, it just might give me a shot at surviving this situation".

Owen then walked to the wall of the Canyon.

"It's too dangerous to try and climb to the top".

"And I don't know how long this canyon is".

Owen looked to his left and saw something.

"Is that firefly I thought those things were extinct".

["I scanned it's not a firefly it's a mass of photons".]

"So its a ball of light".

Suddenly the ball of light gently arrived before Owen.

Owen stretched his hand out and touched it. Suddenly the ball of light vanished and then suddenly he started to float.

*Voosh* Owen was pulled to by mysterious force towards the right.

He traveled through the base of the canyon at a frightening 60 km/hr speed.


["I don't know".]

["Wait what is that?!"]

Owen looked into the distance after SB stated. In the far distance, there were 2 large balls of golden light.

After he got closer to it he understood what it was.

They were eyes and the owner of these golden eyes was a 120-foot long silver Chinese dragon.

Owen stopped right in front of this dragon.

'Fuck I'm dead, I'm gonna be dragon food', though Owen in despair as he saw the 100's of skeletons near the dragon.

"Ha..... you think you are worthy enough to be my food, such arrogance you have", said the dragon.

'It can talk!!, it can also read minds shit!!!!!'.

"No need to be surprised with the difference in our strength I can easily peer into your mind. And by the way, why do you have 2 consciousness in your body".

"2 consciousness", Owen cocked his head.

["Its probably talking about me."], said SB.

"Ow you mean SB he is a friend", Owen replied to the dragon.

"Aha a friend you say, had a friend once he is the one that put me in this state", said the Dragon.

It was at this moment that Owen noticed the 108 chains that pierced into the body of the dragon imprisoning him.

Owen was speechless, he did not know how to reply to the dragon.

'Was he betrayed?'

"Yes I was betrayed", said the dragon with a groan, "But enough of the past, my Lugo no last name what's yours?"

"Owen, Owen Deadwood", Owen instinctively reached out his hand to shake the dragon's, but he quickly realized his error, and took back his hand.

Suddenly from Zentian's memory, something clicked.

'Lugo??, sliver Chinese dragon?? The Sky Shattering Dragon'.

"Oh it appears that even after so many centuries my name is still infamous", said Lugo.

'HOLY SHIT it really is true SKY SHATTERING DRAGON, I thought he was just a myth, a bedtime story for kids. And more importantly, isn't supposed to be dead, killed by human emperor Ulser'

"Trust me Ulser tried to kill but the best he and the other gods could do was to seal me in this planet, enough of me. I am more interested in you".

"In me", Owen gulped and looked at the skeletons at the base of the Lugo.

"Yes, you. Your soul structure is very complex the most complex soul that I had ever seen. And add that second soul inside you makes it even more complex", said Lugo.

"I see", Owen said as he wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

"You are still very scared, is it the skeletons, I didn't eat them, they are all the people that came down here to explore but got stuck here due to the barrier, they died out of starvation, I just collected them to keep myself busy".

"Barrier?", asked Owen.

"Yes there is one way barrier in this canyon, people can enter but they cannot leave", said Lugo.

"I see", Owen again wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

["At this rate, you die of dehydration"], said SB.

An awkward silence befell the 3 of them.

And Lugo was the first to break it.

"*sigh* you are not an easy person to befriend are you", said Lugo.

"hahaha.....", Owen laughed uncomfortably, "Yea a lot of people say that".

It was not that Owen was anti-social but it just that befriending a divine beast like a dragon, and the Sky Shattering Dragon at that makes Owen very nervous. One wrong word or thought will end up with Owen dead.

'He wants to befriend me but why?', accidentally thought Owen.

"Because I need your help.", said Lugo.

"My help", asked Owen, "You want me to free you".

"No what's point of freedom when you can't find a way to properly enjoy it, and for the record, I can break these chains any time want. So freedom is not what I want what I want is an adventure. So, Owen, I ask you this can you give me such an adventure?"

'An adventure, yes an adventure sounds nice', thought Owen. In his life on earth, he too was bored he also wanted to have an adventure.

"HAHAHA.... So we are like-minded after all alright", said Lugo.

Suddenly confidence surged inside Owen he looked straight into Lugo's golden eyes and said, "I don't know about you but I will enjoy this second life to its fullest I will have an epic adventure that will be told as children's bedtime stories just like your legend".


"HAHAHA...", Lugo suddenly laughed manically, "That is just what I need, so let me join, you on your adventure".

Suddenly a silver glow was emitted from the silver body of Lugo. All the chains binding him shattered. His body began to shrink at an exponential rate after a few seconds his body shrunk down to a drop of silver liquid.

This drop suddenly at incredible speed shot itself at Owen's chest.

"Wha...", before he could speak a word the drop silver liquid penetrated his chest and heart and dissolved within the bloodstream. It traveled along bloodstream and fused with Owen's entire body.

This all happened in a few milliseconds and Owen couldn't comprehend what had happened.

Suddenly Owen felt a pain in his chest then that pain spread towards his entire body.

"AHAAAAAAAAAAAA", he screamed and rolled around in the ground.


At one instant it was freezing cold the next instant it was boiling hot, at one instant it was like 1000's of knives slicing up his insides, next instant it was like 1000's of hammers were smashing his body.

["For the sake of User's sanity I will turn off User's pain receptors"], said SB.

Suddenly the pain stopped and all that was left was an irritating numb itch.


And then he blacked out.

As he lay there on the ground, he began to bleed from all his orifices, he then began to bleed from his pores. All the blood accumulated to form a blood cocoon.

The drop of silver liquid after fusing with Owen is cleansing his body of impurities and little by little improving his talent at cultivation.

Time flew by very quickly. And soon one month, two months, three months and then a whole year passed by.