
The Sky Shattering Dragon arts is divided into 3 parts.

Body cultivation, Essence cultivation, and Soul cultivation.

Body cultivation is subdivided into 2, as Body refining and Body Transformation.

Now that the Sky Shattering Dragon had fused with him his entire cultivation revolves around the Sky Shattering Dragon.

But currently, all the Sky Shattering Dragon cells in Owen's body are in a state of hibernation.

The Sky Shattering Dragon arts is a cultivation technique that stimulates and awaken these sleeping cells.

To awaken these cells one must first fill it with energy until it overflows.

Awakening a set amount of cell will promote both your Essence cultivation.

For every cell that is awakened, Owen gets 1000 kilogram of raw strength, there by cultivating the body.

Not only that after a cell is awakened it becomes a small vortex absorbing energy from the surroundings and refining it and giving it to Owen.

Although awakening the Sky Shattering Dragon cells do nourish Owen's soul. It is not exactly soul cultivation.

For soul cultivation, the Sky Shattering Dragon arts had the 8 Dragonic sounds.

Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Ta, Ne, Se.

These are 8 letters of the Dragon language, using these sounds in resonance with the Sky Shattering Dragon cells Owen can cultivate his soul.

"Let's try this bad boy out", said Owen as he smiled. He sat down cross-legged and slowly began to rotate the Sky Shattering Dragon arts while chanting its mantra.

"Crap it's too complicated", cursed Owen.

["I will help you. I will revolve the Sky Shattering Dragon arts you chant the mantra".]

"Thanks, SB".

And so with SB revolving the Sky Shattering Dragon arts and Owen chanting the mantra. They began to cultivate.

At first, nothing interesting happened but after one major revolution of Qi.

*WOOSH* the wind began to howl all the World Qi nearby started to rush into Owen's body.

Owen became a whirlpool of energy. He was like a black hole absorbing all the energy surrounding him.

There are 2 reasons for this phenomenon, one is that Owen's talent after fusing with the Sky Shattering Dragon has skyrocketed, the other is due to the Sky Shattering Dragon arts

Owen and SB ignored the change around there body and continues to chant the mantra and revolve Qi according to cultivation method. The energy accumulated by them were not going to into Owen's dantian but one of the cells in Owen's body.

They sat in this state for 3 hours, but during these 3 hours, Owen had accumulated 10 times more World Qi than Zentian had ever accumulated in his life.

Suddenly a cell in Owen body began to pulsate.

*BOOM* the cell awakened, releasing massive amounts of energy. This energy is the energy that was initially stored inside the cell and the energy accumulated by Owen.

The energy flooded his meridians and rushed into his dantain.

His cultivation began to level up, Mortal body level 1, Mortal body level 2, Mortal body level 3, but it didn't stop there it continued to level up.

Mortal body level 4, Mortal body level 5...and his cultivation peaked at mortal body level 9 peak, then stopped all the energy had been used up.

"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. I didn't think the sky shattering dragon arts would be so formidable. I didn't feel any bottle-necks at all, the breakthroughs were as smooth as a river flowing through a canal. But this kind of speedy breakthroughs won't it affect my foundation."

["I have scanned your body nothing is wrong with it your foundation is also flawless."]

"Really that's great."

["I think it's either because of Lugo or because of the Sky Shattering Dragon arts or maybe it because of your demi-dragon body form now own no matter how fast you progress your cultivation your foundation will always be flawless. And as long as you have sufficient energy you can progress without worrying about bottlenecks."]

"Fuck yeah", said Owen as he clenched his fist and flexed his bicep.

["Now your base strength is 11,000, adding your Qi at Mortal body level 9 you should have a strength of 11,900. But your Qi seems to have a special property and I think it will affect your final strength"]

"Special property", Owen felt the Qi inside him each and every strand of Qi felt like a small dragon and these dragons were swimming around in his dantain and flying through his meridians. Owen revolved the Sky Shattering Dragon arts and all the small dragons inside him screamed in joy and circulated through his body.

"SB lets test my strength while circulating Qi", said Owen as he got in a punching pose.

*BOOM*, Owen punched the wall of the canyon causing a small crater to be formed on it.

["Your strength while circulating Qi plus base strength is 15500. It seemed that you gained 500 kilograms of strength with each level of Mortal Body"].

"So with even without my base strength of 11,000 I can jump ranks and fight",

["It appears so. So what now."]

"We try to awaken the second Sky Shattering Dragon cell and brake through to Houtian Body realm.", said, Owen, as he sat down cross-legged. SB began to revolve Qi according to the Sky Shattering Dragon arts while Owen chanted the mantra.

Once again Owen became a black hole of energy. He stayed like this for three days and nights. Snow accumulated over him.

["Owen, it's time to stop."], said SB in a grave voice as he stopped circulating Qi.

"Why? What's wrong?", asked Owen as he detected the seriousness in SB's voice.

["I have detected that Lugo has stopped supporting your body with nourishment, we need to get out of here fast and get some food"].

Owen's face darkened, he then sighed and got up, knocked off all the snow that had accumulated over him and walked to the canyon walls.