The Purple Thunder Ring

Looking at the tall canyon walls Owen sighed.

"It would have been nice if there was a rope".

["Remember those skeletons that you saw before"]

"You think there is a rope among those skeletons."

["Maybe, we should check it out."]

"But they are all buried under the snow", said Owen with a low grunt.


Owen let out a low grunt and began to dig at the snow with his hands.

Half an hour later he found one of the skeletons, there was no rope on it just some worn out clothes and a ring.

["That ring might be a storage ring."]

"Storage rings those are pretty expensive. What makes you so sure that this ring is a storage ring".

[According to Zentina's memories almost everyone that had entered the Everdark canyon, are powerful figures in the Wu continent. So it won't be surprising for them to have storage rings].

"I see, good point.", said, Owen, as he touched his jaw.

Owen reached to the hand of the skeleton and took the ring. He rubbed the ring and used the snow accumulated on it to clean the ring.

The ring was made out of a metal that Owen assumed was platinum, and it had a purple stone on it.

A name 'purple thunder', was curved on it.

"Purple Thunder, what does that sound so familiar."

["I browsed through Zentian's memory, 'Purple Thunder' is the nickname for retired sect master of the Purple Heaven Place."]

"WHAT? HE IS THAT PURPLE THUNDER", said Owen in shock as he looked at the skeleton at his feet.

Purple Heaven Place is one of the 4 strongest forces of Wu continent. The other 3 are Myriad Sect Alliance, Wu School, and the Merchant Alliance.

Of the 4 Wu School is the strongest and the oldest force, the comes Purple Heaven Place, then the Myriad Sect Alliance, and finally the Merchant Alliance.

Owen was excited, who knows what kind of treasures 'Purple Thunder' had accumulated over the years. If there are any rare fruits that contained a large amount of energy or high-class pills he can use them awaken more Sky Shattering Dragon Cell and advance his cultivation.

Sensing Owen's thoughts SB said, ["Don't get your hopes up. According to Lugo people that died here died due to starvation and I don't think 'Purple Thunder' is an exception. So if he had any rare fruits or high-class pill he would have already eaten them "]

Owen's face darkened as he heard this.

"How do you open this".

["I do not know. Zentian had never come into contact with a storage ring in his lifetime. Try putting it on"]

Owen nodded and wore the ring on his ring finger. Nothing special occurred.

As Owen was admiring the ring and how well it fit on his finger.

["Crap the ring is scanning your body."]

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing", asked Owen is a panicked voice.

["I don't know."]

Suddenly the ring glowed in a purple light, the light got brighter and brighter, till it covered Owen.

Owen disappeared and 'purple thunder' ring fell to the ground.


Inside the purple thunder ring.

Owen opened gently opened his eyes. He was shocked by what he saw. He saw a landscape stretching as far as his eyes can see, and the sky was covered by purple clouds, while the land was a grayish purple in color.

"Where am I?", he asked himself the obvious question.",

"You are inside the Purple Thunder Ring", said a voice behind him.

Owen turned around quickly like a frightened cat.

Standing behind him was a muscular old man. The man had white bushy eyebrows and long white beard but a bald head, his skin, and eyes were wheatish in color.

["Strange this person is actually a mass of energy rather than a mass of matter."], said SB after scanning the old man.

'So he is a ghost', thought Owen.

"Hello, fated cultivator, I am the treasure spirit of this Saint artifact, the Purple Thunder Ring, and my name is Burns, what is your name?".

'Fated cultivator', Owen thought about his words.

"Owen, Owen Deadwood".

"Well now Owen, you are now the slave of the Purple Thunder Ring, from now onwards you will live by its rules. Your first mission is to break through to Houtian Body level 1, you have 10 days to achieve this. Failure means death, success will be rewarded", said the old man Burns haughtily and turned around and walked off

"Wait, Wait, Wait", called out Owen but the old man Burns ignored his calls and continued walking away. Owen chased after him and overtook him and stood before him, blocking his way.

The old man Burns looked annoyed. He glared at Owen.

But Owen ignored it and asked, "What do you mean by the slave of the Purple Thunder Ring? And more importantly what is the Purple Thunder Ring?".

The old man sighed in annoyance, "Very well then I will tell you what I am allowed to tell you, the Purple thunder ring is one of the 8 rings made by Emperyan God Lacus to find a successor to his Dao. It is in an essence a training program to find a successor. Only those who have sufficient talent will be chosen to be a slave of the 8 rings, the 8 rings will then give missions to the slaves and if the slave completes it the ring rewards the slave while if it fails it the ring will kill the slave. Completing missions will also give you Dao points collect 10 billion Dao points and you will be freed from the ring and will be taken in as a disciple of Emperyan God Lacus."

Owen rubbed his temples, he kept mumbling to himself, "Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm.", Owen was

very angry but he kept his cool.

"Can't I just take off the ring??!", asked Owen.

"Try to take it off and the ring will immediately kill you", said Burns.

Owen punched Burns right in the face, but it was no use Burns was made out of pure energy not matter so Owen's fist just phased through him.

Burns was not offended, he kept walking leaving Owen in a dazed state.

"You can enter and exit the ring at will you can also store things inside the ring", Burns stated as he disappeared into the horizon.

"FUCK YOU EMPERYAN GOD LACUS", roared Owen into the purple sky.

At the same time at the palace of Emperyan God Lacus, Lacus was drinking tea while he noticed something.

'A new ring owner, wait there is a peculiar aura surrounding him, he also has a dense amount of destiny surrounding him, he might just pass all the test and become my disciple', though Lacus.

Lacus tried to look into Owen's past but to his surprise, something was blocking his vision into the past. He tried to look into Owen's future to but the result was the same.

'How strange? Could beings stronger than me have their eyes on him', thought Lacus as he touched his chin.

'Well this could be interesting, it's been a while since I have had any fun', he thought and smiled.