Zu Yuxin's storage ring

Owen exited the Purple Thunder Ring.

He was gitting his teeth and trembling in rage.

He suddenly kicked the snow at full power of 15500 kgs.

*Boom*, the snow exploded in all direction.

Owen kneeled down and started punching the snow.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

He kept repeatedly punching the ground as he screamed, the speed at which he punched kept on getting faster and faster. And finally, he punched through the knee-deep column of snow and reached the rock-solid ground below.

Owen punched once more making a fist-sized creator in it.

["That's enough Owen we don't have time to waste"]

Owen on hearing SB collapsed into the ground.

"Hay SB according to your calculation based on my absorption speed how long will it take for me reach Houtian body".

["According to the 'Sky Shattering Dragon Arts' we just need to awaken one more cell to reach Houtian Body stage. But based on the rate at which you absorb energy and the rate at which the cell is being filled with energy, it will take us at least 2 months to awaken the cell."]

Owen looked at the canyon walls.

["Based on your current strength it will definitely take more than 10 days to reach the top of the canyon"].

"We are totally fucked aren't we?", said Owen is despair as he stared at the purple ring on his finger.

"This is all your fault", said Owen in an angry tone.

["I do admit it is partially my fault for suggesting you dig up the skeletons in search of ropes, but it is also partially your fault for having such bad luck."], said SB in a slightly angry tone.

"SB....you are Fucking AI you don't believe in luck."

["I didn't believe in transmigration either but here we are."]

".......fuck you SB"

["We don't have time to waste bickering. We still have a chance at survival"]

"What chance at survival?, you just I need 2 months to reach Houtian body and it will take more than 10 days to reach the top of the canyon, so what chance do we have at survival."

["Do you remember a person named Zu Yuxin."]

"Yes, of course, I know of him he is the famous thief that stole from the royal treasure house and escaped."

["Then do you remember how he died"]

"No one knows if he really died all they know for sure is that he jumped into the.....Everdark canyon to escape from the experts of the Sun clan and the royal family"

[Which implies that he among the skeletons that we saw earlier.]

"Look I still don't get it. So what if Zu Yuxin is among the skeletons."

["You really are an idiot. Haven't you ever wondered why the Sun clan was chasing after Zu Yuxin."]

"That's pretty obvious he stole something from them."

["Do you have any guess what he stole from them."]

"How would I know? The Sun clan blocked all the information about that event."

["Yes, that is true but form the information that Zentian has I predict that the thing that Zu Yuxin stole was a year supply of Extreme Yang Fruit".]

The Extreme Yang Fruit is a special fruit that only the Sun Clan can grow. Because it contains the Sun's essence it is not directly edible but it is the major ingredient for making 'Limit Braking pill'. A pill that can help break through a bottleneck.

The Extreme Yang fruit is one of the major sources of income for the Sun clan.

Owen put his hand on his chin, finally, Owen saw a light at the end of the tunnel, to normal people the Extreme Yang Fruit cannot be eaten directly. If they do eat it directly they will be burned to death by the Sun's essence contained in it.

But Owen was different, he can eat any form of energy irrespective of the quantity or quality and use the Sky Shattering Dragon arts to awaken the Sky Shattering Dragon Cells.

"Are you absolutely sure.", asked Owen.

["I am 70% sure because of how the price of limit breaker pill sore after the event."]

"Only 70%"

["Its better than nothing."]

"But there is at least 500 skeletons how are we going to find his skeleton."

["From what Zentian knew there is one distinguishing feature that Zu Yuxin had was that he was a dwarf. And there was only one dwarf skeleton among the 657 skeletons."]

"But they are all covered by snow how are we going to find a dwarf skeleton under this snow."

["Did you forget that my scanning power can easily penetrate the snow."]

"Oh yeah, Hay why didn't you help me help me find a skeleton when I was searching for the rope."

["You didn't ask. And besides, I wanted to see how good your luck was."]

["We don't have time to bicker let's find that dwarf skeleton."]

And so SB began to scan using her scanning powers. And they quickly found a dwarf skeleton, and Owen dug it out.

He took the storage ring form it. But now both of them were stuck again, they didn't know how to open it.

Using the 'purple thunder ring' was based on verbal commands. If you want to 'enter' the ring you say enter if you want to exit the ring you say 'exit' if you want to store something you touch it and say 'store' and if you want to take out something you think of it and say 'retrieve'.

Owen tried these commands on the new ring but it was of no use.

["Let's try asking Burn's."]

"Ehhhh", Owen cringed as he thought of Burn's face.

["I don't like him you don't like him but he is the only person that can help us."]

With that that Owen entered the purple thunder ring the second time that day.

Inside the ring.

"Mr. Burns, MR. BURNS", Owen called out to him as he walked the endless purple world.

"What do you want?", Mr. Burns suddenly appeared out of the void and seemed to be annoyed as ever.

"Um.....", Owen suddenly imagined decapitating Burns.

"I was wondering if you could do me a favor", asked Owen politely.

"Gu...", suddenly Burns cringed.

'What do I do now? If I refuse him the 'Purple Thunder Ring ' will punish me. But if I agree then he might find out that he not the slave but I am.'

Burns was in quite the predicament now. He hated the fact that despite being the treasure sprite of an Emperor artifact he still the slave of the ring owner. So that is why he gave unreasonable missions to the masters and killed them all. Even last master Lin Mohan also know as 'purple thunder' died because he gave an unreasonable mission. And that mission was to explore the Everdark canyon.

'Wait, maybe I can pull this off. If I sound commanding and rude enough', thought Burns.

"What do you need? I am in a good mood so I will help you", said Burns in a rude tone.

"Oh it's quite simple actually, I just want to open this storage ring", said Owen politely while imagining killing Burns.

"Hmmmp, you need my help for that", said Burns rudely, "Oh I forgot you are only at Mortal Body peak you need be at least Xantian body to have sprite sense and be able to open a storage ring", he said mockingly.

"Hahaha.....", Owen laughed uncomfortably.

"Give me the ring I will take out all the contents inside it", said Burns.

Owen gave the ring to Burns and he did just as he promised.

And inside the ring was......