Abyssal Jade

The first thing that came out of the ring were 36 large black jade boxes. Then came out massive amounts of purple crystal coins forming a mountain as tall as Owen beside the 36 boxes, then came out many weapons like swords, bow, and arrows etc, then many smaller jade boxes came out. After the weapons came out paintings and statues etc and then came out the jewelry and other miscellaneous stuff.

Owen's eyes glittered as he saw the purple crystal coins.

Zentian despite being a village boy knew the value of purple crystal coins.

1 purple crystal coin is equal to 100 gold coins.

And 1 gold coin is equal to 100 silver coins.

And 1 silver coin is equal to 10 copper coin.

Zentian had only seen his father using copper coins he has never seen or touched a silver coin in his life.

Owen wanted to shout 'I'm rich', but he controlled himself because Burns was still here.

As Owen was thinking about how to spend all these money, SB scanned everything that was taken out of the ring.

SB noticed a strange pattern on all the 36 jade boxes. He concluded that this pattern was most likely a sealing formation.

"That's all there is in the ring", said Burns as he rudely tossed the ring at Owen.

'Where is the 'Extreme yang fruit'?', asked Owen with his thoughts.

["In the 36 boxes."]

"I am leaving now", said Burns

["Owen stop him."]

"Mr. Burns wait", Owen called out.

"What do you want now?", asked Burns in an annoyed tone.

["Ask him if he can remove the sealing formation on the all the jade boxes."]

Owen did not think he trusted SB.

"Mr. Burns can you remove the sealing formations on these jade boxes", Owen asked politely.

Burns looked at the jade boxes, then looked at Owen.

"You have good eyes kid, I will help you remove these formations", said Burns.

The reason why Burns decided to help Owen a second time that day was because he feared the punishment of the Purple Thunder Ring.

Burns touched the jade boxes, his eyes suddenly widened.

'Abyssal Jade, why would a box made of abyssal jade show up on this underdeveloped planet. Could it be that this planet has a mine of Abyssal Jade, and the natives are using it as ordinary Jade?', thought Burns as he frowned.

SB noticed all the small changed in Burns's face.

['Something is special about these boxes'], concluded SB. When SB scanned through it he found nothing special other than the 'Extreme Yang Fruit' inside it.

["Owen there is something special about the boxes other than it containing the 'Extreme Yang Fruits', we need to somehow force Burns to spit it out."]

'Something special about the box. Is it the sealing formation?', asked Owen though his thoughts.

["I am not sure. But you need to try to make him talk about the box."]

'I will try', said Owen.

"Mr. Burns can you open the boxes", said Owen causally trying to strike up a conversation.

As Owen and SB where talking Burns already examined the formation.

"The formation is a password protected and has a self-destruct formation if I try forcefully remove the sealing formation to open the boxes the contents of the boxes will be destroyed", said Burns.

"Can I use raw force open the box?", asked Owen.

"The sealing formation is extremely powerful you need to be as powerful as an Astral level expert to open the box forcefully, but even then the outcome is still the same the contents of the box will be destroyed if you forcefully open it", said Burns.

"Is there no way to open it", asked Owen who was beginning to lose all hope. The 'Extrem Yang Fruit' was his last chance at survival.

"There is one way", said Burns.

"What is it?" asked Owen who had regained his hope.

"Through aging", said Burns.

"Aging", asked Owen.

"That's right through aging the formation will decay and eventually the formation will lose its power and the box will naturally open. But take at least a millennium to occur", said Burns crushing the hope Owen recovered.

["Owen asked him what will happen if we remove the jade essence form the jade box"]

"Mr. Burns one more question, what will happen if I remove the jade essence form the jade box?"

"That pretty obvious the box will crumble without setting off the formation", said Burns, "Why do you have a way to extract the essence of the jade?", he asked.

"Well, you could say that I do", said Owen, "What is this box made up of?", he asked.

"It's made of corrosive jade, its essence is extremely corrosive so after you extract it pass it to me", said Burns, he wanted the abyssal jade essence because it can help him break the enslavement chains of the purple thunder ring.

But he suddenly realized that he lied to Owen and punishment of the purple thunder ring was about to descend upon him, 'Crap I was blinded by greed and made a mistake'.

"I WAS WRONG I AM SORRY I WON'T LIE AGAIN", Burns suddenly shouted at the purple cloudy sky.

["What happen to him?"]

"I don't know!", said Owen.

Suddenly a purple lightning bolt without any forewarning dissented on Burns.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", Burns screamed.

"WHAT THE FUCK?", said Owen as he closed his eyes backed away from Burns.


Normally lightning only lasts for an instant but the punishment for Burns lasted for 10 seconds.

Suddenly some of the residual lightning that struck Burns hit one of the jade boxes. And that lightning was absorbed by the jade box, like a dry sponge absorbing water.

This was of course noticed by SB.

Burns collapsed to the ground, his entire body was burnt.

Owen rushed to help him. Although he was a prick he still helped Owen open the storage ring.

"Mr. Burns are you alright", he said as he lifted his head, and placed it on his lap.

["He was struck by lightning, of course, he wouldn't be alright"]

Owen ignored SB's sarcasm and looked at Burns.

Burns was burnt all over like a barbecued fish, but he was healing at a visible rate. And within 10 seconds all his wounds were healed and he returned to normal.

Burns opened his eyes to see Owen's eyes. He sighed and said.

"Abyssal Jade, the boxes are not made up of corrosive jade but made of abyssal jade."

"Abyssal Jade, What is so special about that?", asked Owen.

"Find it out by yourself. Oh and if you don't cross over to Houtian body level 1 in 10 days you will be struck down by a similar lightning", he said rudely as he got up and disappeared into the infinite purple void.

"Just...just what the fuck did I do to make him so angry at me", Owen asked SB.

["That's not important? Are you ready to absorb the jade essence of the boxes and condense the Jade Emperor physique"]

In the Body Transformation part of the Sky Shattering Dragon is divided into 2 parts one is the Dragonification, the other is Physique Condensation. The Physique Condensation part describes the cultivation method of many physiques, such as Azure Emperor physique, Thunder Emperor physique etc.

And the Jade Emperor physique is one of them. It involves absorbing jade essence into your body and strengthening your body using it.

It makes the body as hard as jade but also soft and flexible like flesh.

But cultivating the jade emperor physique had a flaw to it, it is heavily dependent on the quality of jade used.

"I don't have a choice do I have if I don't absorb the jade essence and brake open these boxes I will be killed by this god darn ring ".