Houtian body stage

Owen exited the Purple Thunder Ring with one Abyssal Jade Box.

"Ok, lets began", said Owen as he placed both his hand on the box.

He chanted the mantra for the Jade Emperor physique in his mind.

The only awakened Sky Shattering Dragon cell, which was like a small vortex, absorbing all the energy around it, suddenly pulsated and exerted an attractive force on the Abyssal Jade box.

And slowly little by little a black liquidy-gaseous energy was extracted from the box. This black liquidy-gaseous energy is called abyssal jade essence.

The abyssal jade essence, then penetrated through Owen's skin causing and moved towards the awakened Sky Shattering Dragon cell.

It was then absorbed into the awakened Sky Shattering Dragon cell and inside the cell, the abyssal jade essence was refined into a condensed strand of energy.

This condensed strand of energy, under the guidance of the cell, is distributed throughout the body.

This energy is then absorbed by the cells of the body, which causes the body to change at a cellular level.

Owen's body was slowly condensing the Jade Emperor physique.

The process was extremely slow and extremely painful. But thanks to SB he did not have to feel the pain.

And soon 6 hours passed by, the Abyssal Jade box now has visible cracks on it. Owen condensed the Jade emperor physique by 2%

12 hours passed by, the box is now covered in cracks. Owen condensed the Jade emperor physique by 7%.

14 hours passed by, the box started to crumble and the contents inside are can be seen. They were fruits with a golden glow with the size of an orange. Jade emperor physique condensed to 10%.

14 and 1/2 hours the box collapses, the jade crumbling into ash all the contents inside scatter all around. Jade emperor physique condensed to 10.2%.

Owen opened his eyes and smiled.

["You have absorbed about 97% of the Jade essence the box"], said SB hinting at him not to waste the last 3 %.

Owen ignored SB and took one of the fruits that were scattered around.

The fruit was orange sized and felt warm to the touch.

"So this is an extreme yang fruit".

"So..... do I eat it directly?", asked Owen.

["It should be safe for you to eat it"], replied SB.

Owen nodded and bit into the fruit ripping out a chunk from it.

"Its taste really sweet", he described as he nodded and chewed.

If an ordinary cultivator were to here his words they would puke blood from resentment.

If they try to eat an Extreme Yang Fruit without proper supplements to counter the berserk energy within it, they would be burnt from the inside out by the Sun's essence contained in it and their dantain would explode due to the berserk energy killing them instantly.

He swallowed. As it reached his stomach it suddenly released golden colored berserk energy. This was the sun's essence.

The sun's essence was instantly absorbed by one of the hibernating cells inside his body. While the Sky Shattering Dragon arts automatically circulated.

"Hmm... what's this? Why is the Sky Shattering Dragon arts automatically circulating?", Owen asked himself and SB.

["I am not sure, but its a good thing. Now you can just concentrate on eating the Extreme Yang Fruit and your body will automatically cultivate."]

Owen nodded and continued to eat the orange-sized fruit.

After he finished one fruit Owen frowned.

He sensed that the 2nd Sky Shattering Dragon cell is only 1/4 full. This meant that he had to eat 3 more extreme yang fruits to awaken it.

Owen understood that this was a bad sign. It was just the 2nd cell and it cost him 4 extreme yang fruits to awaken it. A single extreme yang fruit cost at least a 10,000 purple crystal coin in the market and if it was in an auction it's price would blow up to 3 times its market price. This meant that at minimum he was needed 40,000 purple crystal coin to awaken a cell, but this is assuming that the cost of every cell was the same.

Cultivating the Sky Shattering Dragon arts was the same as eating money.

["Owen I understand your worries but look on the bright side we have 36 boxes and assuming that each box has the same capacity as the one we just opened and if the size of all the fruits is the same then each box can contain a maximum of 60 fruits. Then we have 2160 fruits. And if the cost of all the cells is the same then we can awaken 540 cell that is enough to reach Xantian peak. And don't forget the mountain of purple crystal coins that we got from Zu Yuxin's ring we can use it to buy more resources."]

"Your right its bad to be pessimistic all the time".

Owen quickly ate 3 more extreme yang fruits.

And then suddenly, Owen felt an explosion inside his body as another cell inside his body awakened.

The newly awakened cell turned into another vortex while releasing massive amounts of dragonic qi and the Sky Shattering Dragon arts revolved like crazy.

Owen body suddenly trembled and popping sounds could be heard from his bones and muscles. He his strength and defense was increasing at an alarming rate.

All the dragoinc Qi inside Owen suddenly rushed into his dantain. And with a boom, he broke through to Houtian body stage.

The Qi inside him calm down, his foundation automatically stabilized and became perfect.

"So this Houtian body stages power", said Owen as he clenched his fist.

["I have scanned your body it has gained another 6000 kg of strength 1000 kg due to cell awakening and 5000 kg due to you breaking through to Houtian body."]

Normally when one breakthrough to houtian body stage they would only gain 1000 kg of strength. The reason why Owen gained 5000 kg was due to the effect of the dragonic Qi tempering his body. This especially true when this dragonic Qi originated from the Sky Shattering Dragon, a dragon known for its raw strength.

"So what now do we meet Mr. Burns for the reward or do we continue cultivating".

["That is up to you to decide, I am just your AI I won't dictate your life for you"], said SB.

Hearing this Owen sank deep in thought. Ever since he crossed over he has only been following to SB's commands without having thoughts of his own. If this continued he would become a mindless puppet of SB. SB understood this and pointed it out.

Suddenly a thunderous roar could be heard.

And the source of this roar was Owen's stomach.

"Oh crap I think I have diarrhea", said Owen as he ran to a corner of the canyon.

After 20 minutes...........

Owen crawled to the center of the canyon.

"I...... am...... never eating ...........that thing again", said Owen as he gasped.

["I can't belive that eating the Extreme yang fruit causes diarrhea."], said a stunned SB.

["Owen I recommend you at least break open all the boxes open before you give up. You need to accumulate enough Extreme yang fruits for an emergency brake through."]

Owen nodded in response. And he began to absorb jade essence for another jade box. This time the absorption speed was twice as fast as he had 2 cells awakened.

What Owen and SB did not know was that the Extreme Yang fruit contained a lot of impurities in it and the diarrhea that Owen experienced was his bodies way to rid itself of these impurities.

If it were anyone else the impurities inside the Extreme yang fruit would be absorbed into there body. And these impurities will become blockages in the meridians of the person.

Removing impurities through diarrhea is one of the special abilities Owen gained due to his fusion with Lugo.