Nightmare Tower, Heart ring energy sutra, and Slaughter Seed.

After 7 hours of absorbing the abyssal jade essence, the box cracked open to reveal 60 Extreme yang fruits.

Owen quickly stored them in the purple thunder ring.

He took a short break and chatted with SB.

He then took out another box form the ring and began to absorb jade essence again.

He continued to do this till he condensed the first layer of Jade emperor physique.

And then he stopped. He checked out his new physique, it was as hard as jade but also flexible like flesh, hardness, and flexibility two contradicting properties existing together due to the specialty of Jade emperor physique.

He did not continue to cultivate the second layer of the Jade emperor physique as he was bored of just aimlessly absorbing jade essence from the black boxes.

Owen thought about what he wanted to do next. Should he go inside the purple thunder ring and ask for the reward he was promised for breaking into Houtian body. Or should he try to climb out of the canyon?

He weighed the pros and cons of both options.

He decided to ask Mr. Burns for his reward, as the reward might help him get out of the Everdark canyon faster.

Although he slightly disliked Mr. Burns and his arrogant attitude. But the thought of getting something that can either help him get out of the canyon or make him stronger eclipsed the dislike he had for Burns. He also hoped the reward was something that can edible as he had not eaten anything for days. Well except for the Extreme yang fruit, which although was delicious gave him diarrhoea.

A normal houtian body expert can go on without eating food for 5 weeks and still be perfectly healthy. But Owen did not know this and was worrying about food.

And so he entered the purple thunder ring.

As soon as he entered the ring Mr. Burns appeared before him wide-eyed.

" did you break through so quickly?", he asked Owen, unable to conceal his surprise.

'He broke through to the houtian body so quickly, and his foundation is perfect. But he should only have heaven step 6th grade talent, to reach such houtian body from mortal body peak just using natural energy would at least take 2 weeks. That is why only gave him 10 days. Did he find some fruit containing massive amounts of energy to help him speed up his breakthrough? No, that is unlikely as I have been in this desolate canyon for ages, except for that powerful dragon there are no other forms of life that can survive down here so how can a fruit containing energy grow in such harsh conditions. He did store some extreme yang fruits but eating those would be just suicidal. Then there is only 3 other possibility left for him to break through this quickly. Either that damned dragon helped him or he cultivating some evil arts, or he is cultivating a very powerful cultivation technique that is at least Overlord level grade 9. The last two are unlikely if he was using an evil arts then his foundation would be unstable and where would this block get an Overlord level grade 9 techniques in this desolated part of the universe. It's already surprising to meet a heaven step talent here. That only leaves the dragon. But why would that dragon help out this block ', though Mr. Burns?

"I want my reward", said Owen, interrupting Burns's thoughts.

"Ah!....what reward?", said Burns.

"What do mean what reward?! You said to me that if I breakthrough to the houtian body within 10 days that you would give me a reward and if I failed I would die"

"Oh that, fine kid you get 10 inheritance points, collect 10 million inheritance points to become a personal disciple of Emperian god Lacus", said Mr. Burns nonchalantly.

"That's it only 10 points", Owen was fuming with rage, he suffered diarrhea for just for 10 points.

"Would you like to see the list of treasures that you can exchange with the inheritance points, not that you can exchange anything really good with 10 points", said Mr. Burns as he yawned.

"Fine show me the list".

Mr. Burns reached into his sleeve and took out a jade stone, he threw it at Owen.

Owen caught the jade stone. He then looked at Burns and wondered what he was up to.

"What? Don't tell me you have never used an information storage stone before", said Burns as he grinned, making fun of Owen's ignorance.

Owen blushed, there was no information about information storage stones in the memories that he inherited from Lin Zentian.

'One day I will get you back for this Burns', thought Owen.

"Just put some qi into the stone and you can read the contents inside it", said Burns.

'So it is just like a USB', though Owen.

He followed Burns's instruction and poured his Qi into the stone, and his mind entered into the stone.

That was when Burns noticed something.

'His qi, its dragonic qi, and its high-class dragonic qi at that, so he a descendant of a dragon, no wonder that dragon helped him', thought Burns, 'Maybe I should be nicer to him, heaven step talent with high-grade dragon bloodline has more potential than overlord step grade 2 talent, he just might be my ticket to freedom from this cursed ring'.

While Burns was thinking all this, Owen was flabbergasted by the sheer number of things you can exchange for inheritance points in the ring.

Burns noticed it and said, "Haha, are you surprised your master the Emperian God Lacus put 1/2000 of his wealth into each of the 9 rings that he made, and all of the treasures are specifically chosen to help ring owners, his disciples, who are starting out there journey to immortality".

"What you hold in your hands is just list of things you can exchange for when you are at the houtian body stage when you cultivate to the Xantian stage you will unlock more things to exchange, provided that you have the points to exchange for it", continued Burns.

'I have scanned it and there 1,230,888 things on the list, but there are only 30 treasures that we can afford, from those only 3 are useful to us', said SB.

Owen looked at the 3 treasures and read there description.

Nightmare Tower:

Cost: 5 inheritance points


Some say that dreams are the gateway to a parallel world, and the time flows faster in this parallel world. The Nightmare Tower is based on this theory. After binding this treasure, the treasure will carve an array into the user's body and soul (beware that this array carving process is very painful) and as the user sleeps the mind of the user is transported into the tower, inside the tower the user can cultivate at a faster rate than outside. There are 999 level to the tower, at level 1 time flows at the same rate as outside the tower and on the 2nd level time flows 2 times faster, and on the 3rd level time flows 3 times faster, and finally on level 999 time flows 999 times faster. But beware that Nightmare tower works by absorbing the limitless inter-dimensional energy this energy can transform into energy-based lifeforms called Banshi, this Banshi's will attack you at regular intervals. Although the Banshi's themselves are weak it is their sheer number that matters. At level 1 you have face 1 Banshi with the same cultivation as you per minute, at level 2 you have to face 2 Banshi with the same cultivation as you per minute, at level 999 you have to face 999 Banshi with the same cultivation as you per second. Any physical and mental changes that occur inside the tower will occur to your real body and soul as well. That is if you are wounded inside the tower your real body will also be wounded and if the same wound heals inside the tower then the wound on your body will heal as well. If you die inside the tower your real body also dies with your soul shattered. If you have a breakthrough in cultivation inside the tower then your body will also have the same breakthrough.

Heart ring energy sutra:

Cost: 1 inheritance points.


This is a cultivation method Emperian God Lacus found after traveling to another universe, although this cultivation method is powerful and can be cultivated in parallel along with the 3 mainstream(body, essence, and soul) cultivations, to cultivate this technique you have to start cultivating it from houtian body stage or mortal body stage, this is because this cultivation technique relies the heart and cellular resonance circuit and when one reaches Xantian stage the body matrix changes, destroying the cellular resonance circuit making it impossible to cultivate this technique. By cultivating this technique, making the heart core will double your overall power, making the 1st energy ring will increase your overall power by 4 times, and making the 2nd ring will increase your overall power by 8 times, making the 3rd ring will increase your overall power by 16 times and so on. Note that this increase does not stack but replaces the one before. The number of rings that you can make depends on the toughness of your heart and cellular resonance circuit.

Slaughter seed:

Cost: 4 inheritance points.


Seed condensed from the slaughter dao. Absorbs the energy of enemy slaughtered by seed owner, refines this energy and gives it to the seed owner after absorbing all the impurities in it. Beware that overuse of this seed might lead to insanity and the energy is refined using slaughter dao so the energy is extremely berserk.

Owen was flabbergasted after reading the 3 descriptions, he looked at the cost of the 3 treasures again. How can something so awesome be so cheap?

He then looked at the descriptions of some of the other more costly treasures. They were even more amazing than the 3 SB selected.

Owen shook his head, the other treasures where far out of his reach right now, but he mentally noted down 3 treasures that he wanted.

The first was called Heavy Earth Mace. Since he cultivated the Sky shattering dragon arts his body is filled with boundless strength and Owen figured that the best way to harness this strength was by using a heavy weapon like a mace. The Heavy Earth Mace had a 4.5-meter long handle and at one end it had been enlarged to a 4-meter sphere. It was black in color and had a red design curved on it. This red design was a gravity array which is used to control the weight of the mace. It cost 60 inheritance points

The second treasure that he wanted was called Escape Emblem. Its function was simply to teleport the treasure user away from danger. It can be used only once a week. It cost 100 inheritance points.

And the last treasure that Owen desired was the Light-Lightning mace arts. Since he decided to use a mace as his weapon he also needs proper mace art, otherwise, he would be just swinging his mace around inefficiently. The Light-Lightning mace arts is a mace art is a martial technique created by observing and combining the laws of Light and Lightning. Both lightning and light are a natural phenomenon that reaches the pinnacle of speed allowed by the laws of the universe without using space tunneling. This mace art, unlike other mace arts which follow weight and strength this mace art follows speed. Owen figured that he already had an extremely high strength due to practicing the Sky Shattering Dragon arts, so rather than having more strength he should concentrate more on speed and agility as what is the point of having boundless strength when you can't hit your enemies. Its cost was only 20 inheritance points, the reason for it being so cheap is due it being incomplete.

Owen swore to get these three treasures and exchanged his points for the 3 that SB had selected.

Suddenly space before Owen started to crack open and a blue portal opened from this blue portal 3 objects were ejected.

The first was a pagoda tower, the second was another information storage stone, the 3rd and last was a small seed.

Owen caught these three objects.

At the same time, Burns was astonished.

'What is going own? Is there something wrong with the ring The Nightmare Tower cost 2000 inheritance points, the Slaughter Seed costs 10,000 points, I don't know what is in that information storage stone. But that does not matter I clearly only gave him 10 points he should not be able to afford these treasures'.

Burns was about to confiscate the treasures when a voice resounded in his mind.

"I gifted these treasures to him", said the voice.

'Its master, did he take a liking to this kid but he only has a talent of heaven step grade 9 talent, is it his dragon bloodline. No that can't be it.....', Burns could not figure out why Emperian God Lacus would gift treasures to this kid with such weak talent. 'Well whatever, I will figure it out eventually, but for now, I will be fair to the kid and not give him any crazy missions'.


Somewhere in the southern universe.

In the palace of the Emperian god Lacus.

Lacus sat on his stone chair in his garden, he had his golden hair that reached up to his feet in a braid, he had a handsome that could cause the downfall of nations. He wore a smile on his face that could cause any women to fall for him. He wore black loose-fitting silk cloths. His most noticeable feature was his sharp elven ears.

Yes, Lacus is an elf.

And beside him was his trusted guard, confidant and elder sister Lucy.

Lucy, although a peerless beauty rarely smiled her hair was not as long as Lacus's it only reached up to her hips, but she simply comped it and never tied it up. She wore a silver armor.

Currently, Lacus was observing Owen and Burns while drinking tea.

"Brother, why did decrease the cost of those 3 treasures?", Lucy asked Lacus.

"For this", said Lacus as he reached out into the air and conjured a red thread.

"Is this.....Red Karmic thread", asked an astonished Lucy.

"Yes, this is the Red Karmic thread that is formed between me and the boy called Owen", said Lacus as he released the thread and it vanished.

A Red karmic thread is formed between two individuals when they interact with each other in a positive way. For example if you gift someone something and they truly gratefully accepts it the gift, then a Red karmic thread is formed between them.

"But Brother why are you interested in forming a Karmic bond between you and this boy. From what I can see he is quite weak and his talent is not that good", asked Lucy.

"I tried to look into his future, but something blocked my vision, I also tried to look into his past the result was the same. Then I tried to figure out what was blocking my vision", said Lacus and then is paused.

"What was blocking your vision?", asked Lucy.

"One of the 108 Great Way, the Great Way of Dragon", said Lacus with a serious expression.

"*Gasp*, the protection of the Grate Way, this means that he is one of 108 chosen".

"Yes, that is right he is one of the 108 chosen, although his talent looks weak to us, being one of the candidates of the Great ways, he is destined for greatness. My injuries are worsening, death is nearing, I can only support my life for a few more millennia I have exhausted my potential there is no way I can have another breakthrough to extend my life. I have seen the future of our race. Our Elf race will be in grave danger once I die and out of all the possibilities the only way in which our race survive was under the leadership of a human, that is why I created the 9 rings and dispersed them in the human realm", said Lacus with a sad expression.

"Do you think he is the one, the one who will lead us away from total extinction", asked Lucy with concern on her face, she had heard the news of the future of her race from Lacus many times before.

"Perhaps, I am not 100% sure as I cannot see into his future. But from all the people that possess the rings he has the highest chance", said Lacus.

"As long as he has the ring there is a chance for the Red Karmic thread could accumulate and transform into a Red karmic rope or even Red karmic chain, when that happens he will have no other option left but to help our clan", said Lacus.