Cheska and Helen's Dilemma

Back at her own manor, Cheska was bleeding inside. Food tastes a lot better when it is forbidden. The prohibition in touching a delicacy adds spice and magic to every dish. Still confused of whether to follow the spiritual cultivation or not, the maid presented the dinner in front of her.

Presented in golden bowls, white crystals, and carved gems, the ten types of dishes were enticing her palate. The smoke coming from the hot soup and its aroma was breaking all the inhibitions she has left in herself. Just imagining the soft exquisite texture of meat and how it is moistened by the sauce made her stomach grumble and her mouth anticipate the heaven waiting with every bite. The meat adorned by edible flowers, carved vegetables and gem like berries were a part of the blessings of growing up in a rich family. It was like heaven on earth.

[I can't do this] Cheska shook her head. Impossible.

"Mia, take the food away, tell the chef that I want to eat a dish made of mutton, chicken, chevon, put more vegetables and fruits."

The maid was astounded by Cheska's request. She knows how her young mistress loves the dishes in front of her but why did she rejected it. The maid looked at Cheska's pained expression. She complied anyway.

When the new set of food came to her table, her heart ached terribly. Anticipating the juicy meat of pork, Cheska's tongue was filled with disappointment with every bite.

[I can't do this] Cheska frowned. That was just one small portion of spiritual cultivation. What more if she tries to follow all of them.

[Goodbye good life] Cheska was on the verge of tears. Was her love for Henry that strong for her to sacrifice that much?

She shoves in the food on her mouth. Can't eat blood, can't eat fat. Goodbye deep fry, good bye tasty meats. When she heard about spiritual cultivation she thought that it was all about worship, kneeling, praying or giving tithe.

[This could be a scam].

Meanwhile, Helen was experiencing the same predicament. Earlier she was very proud of her knowledge about the microorganism, pichubiomes, nandibiomes and so on. Eating food which was on the same level of food chain and on higher level exposes humans with harmful organisms. These organisms are on the third, fourth and fifth dimension which was rarely affected by the heat process. But now, after a few days of avoiding these foods her body was craving for it. It was like an unquenchable thirst. She gulped down her saliva.

[sometimes the memory in the cells can be very trouble some.. you dare yearn for that gay.. now you want to eat deadly foods.. I gotta give it to you Helen.. making me suffer like this]. Helen was blaming the previous owner of the body.

If muscles have memory, cells have their own too.. Who would have thought Helen's body would respond like it. It was like having a withdrawal symptom which was intensifying over time.

Sitting with her family on the dining table, she can smell the aroma of the dishes, the texture of Fun 'eur de moi, which was made from abalone and the Joc'en haustra which was made from the intestine of Faero (a pink panther) was deeply etched in her memory that she can even taste it while imagining.

[No! the pimples.. The fats.. The rough skin.. poor complexion.. her ugly face.. Don't you dare touch those foods Helen..]

She looked away with disgust.. She choose to eat fruits, but her stomach felt like it was looking for something.. It was crying for buhrgenoise (bar-b-q of lion cub).