I want my old body back

[I want my old body back!!!!] Helen cried.

Her stomach was crying with her too.

Remembering how ugly her new body was she felt more bitter. Compared to her present body, she felt like her previous body was like that of a Goddess back in planet hilan.

[This stupid girl! If only you ate something more edible each day, you could have been more beautiful.]

With or without the spiritual cultivation manual she would not eat unclean foods. It was a primary rule for interplanetary travelers.

"Do not eat anything that chews the cud, with undivided cloven hooves."

"No to flying creeping animals with four feet."

"Do not eat anything from fresh and sea water with no fins and scales"

There were different rules for each type of food and it was stated in general form. Not every planet ahs the samw types of species, or the same name. To help them recognize edible foods easily the rules were given based on the appearance of animals.

"Wait... The spiritual cultivation manual.. could it be something from an advanced society?"

Helen's heart thumped in anticipation. Electricity, Stealth technology, spaceship, AI (an advanced type of system). The comfort of modern living was a lot better than being an eldest miss in a primitive world. Besides being an educator she knows a lot of things that she can and is willing to share.

She looked at her room again. It was made from white smooth yet dull stone. There was a dim light from the illumination stone, a door which needs to be pushed, a window with no selective capacity.

The furnitures around her felt like a clutter. It was a good thing that she had storage ring which resembles the Reilan orb allowing her to bring things where ever she wanted. In planet Hilan the most expensive Reilan orb can keep multiple space ship and war ships.

"grrrk grrkk" her stomach grumbled again.

In the morning when Helen and Cheska came to school Francis was surprised.

"Good...." He stopped.

"your degree of ugliness seemed to have leveled up Helen." He continued.

She lifted her skirt and kicked him but Francis did not moved. It felt like hitting a steel.

"What the?.. are you an android or something?"

She asked while massaging herfoot and hopping.

Francis laughed uncontralably.

"I gotta give it to you Helen and your killer looks. You can cause heart attack you know."

Henry scolded her for being improper and unlady like, while Francis looked at her with a large sneer.

"Cheska help me, they are ganging up on me.." Helen hugged her.

Henry looked at them and saw Cheska's haggard face.

"what happened to you Ches? why do you look so.." Henry stopped as he saw her dark expression.

"Do you wanna say something Henry?" She asked in a menacing way.

Being trouble by their stomach's constant cry both Helen and Cheska were not able to sleep.

"To do, not to do.. to do.. not to do.. " Cheska fell asleep thinking if she will continue or not to cultivate her spirit. The heart says she should but her mind knows she should not.

After meeting up. They went on their own agenda for the day. Henry went back to the school counsil, Helen practiced her dance, Cheska went to the meditation room and Madel went to the concocting room.