I Like That Word

"I'm sorry," Hideyoshi started as he and Raven are sparring.

"I lost my cool a while ago. I shouldn't have answered back at her, knowing her personality. I suppose being nagged at a lot of times, I just reached my limit," he stopped attacking and sighed.

"I am concentrating and focusing on releasing enough ability but she kept on nagging that it's too much or it's not enough. I could no longer concentrate and ended up making so many mistakes."

"Both of you have mistakes awhile ago. Both of you are at fault. But it's good that you're seeing you're own mistake," Raven replied as their swords clash once again.

"But how are we going to continue from this," Mamoru who's watching on the sideline asked.

"I guess I'll just have to apologize to her."

"You do remember Eureka's words when she taught you this don't you?" Raven asked.

"I do. That she trusts us, on our capabilities," Hideyoshi answered as Raven knocked him on the ground.

"Then you have to accomplish this. Cause not just her but Karen, Mamoru and I feel the same way. We know you far longer than Eureka so we understand both you're capabilities more than she can."

Raven helped Hideyoshi up.

Hideyoshi smiled, "Thanks."

"Then we have to find a way for the both of you to synchronize even more," Mamoru added.

"I have a method," Eureka spoke as they walk towards the others.

"Oh, what is it?" hearing that there is a way to help them Mamoru asked interestedly.

"I had Feena and Karen try it a while ago and it works just fine. The two of them can use this method for their practice to further understand the attack we are practicing now."

"That would be of great help," Hideyoshi said.


Before the girls went to the training area.

"That's-" Karen exclaimed as she suddenly felt an energy coming from Feena's hand.

"Did you feel it?"

"Yes, I did. It's like she's releasing something on her hand."

"The strength of what you feel is the same strength as the water ball Feena released on her other hand."

"How is that possible?" Feena asked.

"As people release their abilities, their bodies try to cope up with the energy coming out with it. If this energy only comes out from one point then that part of the body will be damaged greatly," she started explaining.

"So the body releases the same amount of energy all throughout in order to keep the balance within it. That is also the reason why I can detect the people around me. Cause their whole body emits energy coming from within."


"So you're saying we have to hold hands?" Hideyoshi asked exaggeratedly.

"If you don't, how will the other party feel your energy? Do you want her to cling her arms on yours?" Eureka answered.

"I didn't mean that. I am just asking."

"Anyway with this method both of you will feel the energy the other was releasing. When you release the same amount of energy, meaning the same strength of power. When you hold each other's hand, you'll feel the energies reonating."

"Question?" Feena raised her hand.

"Why didn't you tell this to us sooner?"

"That's right, we wouldn't have wasted the time," Hideyoshi seconded.

"I never thought both of you would suddenly fight over a matter where both of you are at fault," with a monotonous tone, but sounds like a lecture, Eureka answered.

"That's right. Feena I'm sorry about a while ago," Hideyoshi bowed his head as he apologizes to Feena.

"Same here. It was also my fault but I blamed you for everything. I'm sorry."

"With that over, both of you should resume your training," Raven said as he motioned Mamoru to practice with him.

"Hideyoshi, release your wind ball. 50%," Eureka instructed as Hideyoshi followed.

"Close but not yet. Increase it a little. That's good. Remember that strength."

"Eureka, why 50%?" Feena asked.

"That is the minimum amount for the combination. I suggest you try creating one for now with that strength before we increase it little by little."

"Then 100% is the maximum?"

"If you want to be bedridden then we can go on until 100%," Eureka answered indifferently.

"What is the harm of using this?" Feena asked.

"You are releasing your own energy while the other party is doing the same thing. Both of you will release it towards each other, do you think you'll be unscathed with that?" she asked.

"Two different energies repelling each other without you dodging, of course, it has an effect. Didn't you feel anything the past 4 days when you succeeded in creating one?" she added.

"My hands started feeling numb," Feena said thinking back.

"That's right, me too," Hideyoshi followed.

"That is the side effect. That is also the reason why when you succeed three times, I'd let you rest."

"What a complicated attack," Hideyoshi shook his head in response.

"So when are you going to start? We don't have that much time left, we can't keep chatting can we?" Eureka remarks seeing that the other two still have no intention of starting.

"Uhmm yes that's right we have to start."

Both of them looked at each other as if weighing each other's gaze.

"Just do it, if you're too shy to hold hands in front of other people then Karen and I will just spar."

Eureka feeling an awkward air and that the other two are still hesitating suggested to leave them alone.

"No, it's fine, watch over us for a bit," Feena said.

After collecting their thoughts the two held each other's hand.

"I'll go first," Feena initiated.

"No, do it at the same time. In the battle no one can go first or else the enemy will destroy your plan," Eureka stopped her and instructed for the both of them to release their abilities at the same time.

Even though the two of them did their best to feel the other at the same time release their own ability, they just kept on failing.

"Both of your abilities are wavering. You're not fully concentrating on doing this."

Eureka commented with a tired sigh as she observed them for quite some time.

"You two, just end it here today. Try to comprehend it in you that you have to do this in order to succeed. You can continue tomorrow. For now, let's continue with physical training."

"I suppose you're right. Let's continue this tomorrow then."

Feena gave up knowing that her mind's still a mess. After all it is her first time holding a guys' hand, it may not be in an intimate way or Hideyoshi might be her friend but still, he's a guy.

Hideyoshi nodded his head and went to where the other two guys are.

"You're completely red Feena," Karen teased.

"Holding a guys' hand is not that easy," Feena sighed as she readied herself for the physical training.


Fifth day.

Feena went to their training area early the next morning. Upon arrival, she noticed a silhouette by the lake.

"You're early, that's new," she greeted as she walked closer.

"I want to win, so I have to practice even more than before. Plus if we succeed on this, squad two is no longer far from our grasp."


"Well, it was Raven who said that last night. He said that if we ended up creating something new and was able to sweep the floor, we'll have a bigger chance of being selected for squad 2 rather than the normal position of squad 3," he explained.

"You guys are really already sure that we will win first place. We may have been placed against Kyro's team on the first bout but remember we still need to defeat another team."

"In that case, I'll borrow Eureka's words, we have to trust each other," he said as his eyes clearly reflect determination.

"I like that word. Trust," Feena smiled.

"Let's begin our training towards that goal then," Hideyoshi held out his hand and Feena accepted it.


"You guys. Are you planning to become sculptors?" Eureka approached the two of them sitting, with tiredness visible on their faces.

"Oh Eureka, good morning," Feena greeted upon hearing her voice.


"What's this?" inspecting what was given to her, she found out that it was a first aid kit.

"You guys need to mend those wounds," she said gesturing fo thir arms. 

"You really are reckless, I told you that using it has a negative effect and yet you dare use 85%. The maximum percentage should be at 70% if you use more than that you'd end up the way you are now."

"Being at your level of controlling your abilities, your body could only hold up at 70% at most. Stop trying to destroy your own bodies. This 70% will become stronger if you train more and strengthen your powers."

"Woah, we ended up using 85%, aren't that amazing," Hideyoshi exclaimed.

"It's not," Eureka snapped back.

"Mend your wounds now."

As the two of them mend their wounds, Eureka approached what they created, upon touching it, "I am sorry."

The two of them looked at her in surprise.

"I really should have asked your opinion on this matter before deciding. I have a way to win this battle, but in the end, it has a negative side effect. I'm sorry."

She knew she was in the wrong and knowing how hard they were training, she knew she needs to apologize.

~"When you are in the wrong. You have to accept it and apologize. You can't always be right."~

Feena and Hideyoshi looked at each other before Feena answered back, "You gave us an opportunity to climb even higher. If we are careful then the negative effect won't be a problem. We were just too excited today that we ended up using too much."

"That's right, don't think too much about it anymore," Hideyoshi added.

Eureka faced them, "This should conclude your practice today. Train yourself physically for the rest of the day. For the next days, you'll train without holding each other's hand. You already got a grasp of how everything works. Your next training should be to use it freely."

"Got it," the other two responded.

"Woah, what is this?" Karen's voice was heard from behind

  She is walking toward them together with the other two guys.

"So you can do it after all," Raven said looking at the two approvingly.

"Let's aim for the win!" Hideyoshi suddenly cheered.

The others smiled and followed, well except for Eureka and Raven.

The next few days, they continued training both their physical strength and their abilities.