Stay Away From Me

Both of them started using the normal fire attacks as if testing each other.

Then Raven applied his ability to his sword and is currently wielding a blazing sword. He continuously attacked Kyro who uses his own sword to block him.

"He's distracted," Eureka, looking at the other two, murmured to herself.

"Hey I am your opponent, stop looking at them and battle me. I really wanna try you out right now."

After saying so Joji attacked her with wind arrows.

Eureka dodged some and blocked some.

She was not the least bit perturbed by his attacks and the generals could see that she can easily fight against him.

They also noticed that she would look at Raven's side from time to time.

'I have to finish this person fast. I have a bad feeling about the intention of this Kyro guy.'

Thinking to herself, Eureka split her sword and started moving faster. Her face showed a never before seen seriousness, as she defend and attack, intending to finish this in an instant.

While each of their battles is going on, a shadow started moving from the audience stand.

As the battle continues, Raven's superiority shows itself as Kyro could only defend.

"You really are strong, no wonder you're a murderer. Having the Head Knight as your father really is useful. You can get away with your sins," Kyro snickered as he continued blocking Raven's attack.

Kyro started backing out but Raven created a fire whip to capture his feet to bring him back to where he is. 

Kyro in return shot fire arrows as he was being pulled back. Raven used his sword to block the incoming attacks.

As Kyro comes closer to where Raven is, "Are you going to kill me now? Just as how you killed my brother?"

He paused for a second, when he's close enough he opened his mouth once again, "Or your guards? Did you hear their screams as you burn them alive?"

He then threw Disperse shot which split into multiple fragments and attacked Raven's surrounding.

Eureka who's still fighting against Joji, looked towards Raven and Kyro's side confused.

"Stop looking away, I'm still your opponent," Joji then released Earth Bomb on Eureka's side, by manipulating the pressure of the Earth under her feet.

Eureka jumped high enough to avoid the explosions. She landed on another side where Joji created Earth spikes just as she's about to land.

She was able to evade it with a deep wound on her arm. As their battle continues, she heard the commentator's words.

Her battle would be easier if not for the fact that Raven's battle was distracting her.

'Tsk, I need to fix that up. I can't always be distracted in a battle,' she thought berating herself.

"What's this? Raven suddenly stopped moving. And his face started contorting as if he's in deep pain."

On the other hand, the Headmaster, Kaoru and the Head Knight, Yukimura, furrowed their brows as if thinking something deep.

In just two minutes under the relentless attack of Kyro, Raven suddenly roared as the temperature surrounding the stage rises.

Yukimura stood up and shouted for the Barrier Ability users to create a barrier surrounding the stands, isolating the stage.

"Is he losing control again?" Kaoru then asked seeing the hint of panic in Yukimura's eyes.

"I suppose, did that Kyro kid do something?"

Just as they were contemplating whether to stop the fight or not, Raven's fire started engulfing the whole stage.

Raven kept roaring while Kyro laughed, "That's right, lose yourself even more. The best revenge is to break your mind."

Just as the heat of Raven's fire rose to the point where it could kill the other three on stage and just as Yukimura started instructing the water ability users to flood the stage, the fire suddenly disappeared.

On one side, shock is visible on Kyro's face, the same goes with Raven's. On the other side, Joji is lying unconscious and Eureka is squatting beside him exhausted.

"Wha-What happened?" Kaoru couldn't help but ask.

Yukimura looking at his son's face and knew that Raven was not the one who stopped his ability from wreaking havoc. Then what really happened?

The whole stadium fell in confusion, as Kyro started roaring, "What happened?"

Raven looked at him, "You dirty bastard."

As he took a step, he lost all strength and was about to hit the ground. He then felt someone supporting him.

"Just rest already," that's all and she helped him sit down.

"What happened? I remember losing control, but how did it all disappear?" Raven looked at her confused.

"Don't ask me. Even I am exhausted from your rampage," she said indifferently but her aura was as cold as ice.

"Who interrupted?" Kyro who's still shouting as a madman looked around the stadium.

He suddenly felt a murderous aura behind him.

Looking back Eureka, who was 5 meters away from him, has her eyes fixed on him.

Suddenly fear engulfed his heart. He threw another Disperse shot. Eureka stopped walking towards him.

The whole stadium is still quiet as the Generals of all the squads, Kaoru, and Yukimura all looked so serious.

"You can't defeat me, you murderer," laughing like a madman, he dashed towards her with his sword pointing at her.


Just as his sword was about to hit her, she raised her own sword and parried him.

"Wha-" shock was painted on his face.

He jumped backward several times before shotting her with Disperse shot and started chanting the attack for inferno.

The whole stage was engulfed with fire for the second time.

Like a madman, Kyro started laughing once again.

Kaoru stood up to stop the fight when an arrow was shot from the stage towards the stands, opposite where the higher-ups were seating. It grazed the cheek of one of the audience.

"Who shot that?" those who are near the man was confused at the same time mad. 

Because that arrow could have hit them.

In the stage, as the fire disappeared, Eureka, whose parts of her clothes were burned, was standing facing the stands holding a bow.

Thinking back, Kaoru realized that there is indeed a bow and arrow on Eureka when the battle began. But why did she use it now?

"Your crazy why are you hitting us?" the audience shout towards her angrily.

"Stop meddling or the next shot would be on your eyes," she said as she faced the man coldly.

"Could that guy be-"

Kaoru looked at the guard beside him, "Quickly seize that man."

The guard obliged and run towards the man, who was sitting still as his face loses its color.

Eureka then faced Kyro, who no longer knows what's going on, he then started swinging his sword as he saw Eureka approaching him.

"Stay away from me. STAY AWAY FROM ME!!" he started shouting as he aimlessly swings his sword.

Eureka dashed towards him, instead of using her sword, she used her fist, punching him straight in the face. Kyro lost his balance and stumbled on the ground. Eureka then bombarded him with punches.

"If you can't move on, then do so on your own. Stop pulling others with you. Your brother died heroically, he knows he can't compare to Raven so he sacrificed himself. What your doing is not revenge and your brother will never be happy towards what you are doing."

Kyro tried protecting himself from her punches but to no avail.

"Shut..... up... you don't... know any-... anything," he answered back with difficulty.

"Yes you know about it, but why are you pointing at the wrong person. Why are you getting mad at the wrong person? Why are you taking revenge at the wrong person?" she angrily snapped.

Revenge, revenge, revenge, everything always starts with revenge.

And that is why she hated it the most.

"It's no longer because of your brother. It's for your own selfish desire. You're jealous of him, he is far stronger than you are, he awakened his ability at a tender age. He's current ability control is far far greater than yours."

Second of which was jealousy, if not for this damned word, then why would others do everything just to pull down those whom the deemed to be unfairly gifted?

"And your jealous of that, so you think that if everyone knows that he's a murderer he would be an outcast, that's why you kept on blabbering the same thing all this time."

Her punches never ceased.

"But you noticed that it's to no avail so you used this battle to break his mind. You really are stupid, you're nothing but a weakling."

It was the first time Kaoru have seen her this mad.

After so many punches, Kyro lost consciousness.

A minute passed before the commentator returned to reality and announced the winner.

But then Kaoru announced that Kyro's team used a third party on the battle so the whole team was disqualified giving Raven's team the win.

He then announced the end of the battle for the day.

One by one the audience recovered from the shock and started walking out of the stadium as per instruction of the ones supervising the battle.