Best things For Others

It was supposed to be a simple graduation competition, who would have thought something like this would happen.

It was the most chaotic fight they've seen.

Some of them are chatting about the strength of the new knights while the others still couldn't comprehend what had happened.

When the medic runs towards the stage, they saw Joji outside the ring still unconscious, looking around Raven was sitting outside the ring as well. Although confused they still did their job.

Eureka walked towards where Raven is.

"Thanks for pushing us out of the stage," Raven said.

Before the inferno engulfed the stage Eureka swiftly pushed both Raven and Joji out of the stage, knowing that only the caster will not be affected by his attack.

"You know the story?" he then asked while being mended by the medic.

"When I was passing our arrangement, the ones receiving it were blabbermouths. They told me bits and pieces of it. I was only able to piece them up together with some thoughts of my own," she said sitting down beside him.

"Your hands," seeing her wounded hands, Raven pointed.

"I punched him that's normal," was her indifferent reply.

"I ended up doing it again, what happened 10 years ago. I lost control of my ability," Raven smiled bitterly.

"I really am a murderer, I killed those two guards even though they were so kind to me and was happily chatting with us about their family," he clenched his hands into fists.

"How many times have you heard the words, it's not your fault?" Eureka asked.

"Many times, but I know that it is still my fault. I killed them," he replied with a shake of his head.

"Those two were gravely injured. You've seen it a while ago," he pointed out.

"You knew what happened a while ago? That the third party was a Recollection ability user? He showed me that day once again."

"Then you should have seen the face of those two guards," she answered instead.

Raven looked at her and thought for a while.

That day was tragic, while on their way to the Western border to train. Hiro who was a zero had a higher sensibility than others. He felt the presence of 10 people not far from them.

He immediately understood that they were about to be ambushed. He pushed Raven out of the carriage as the horses were still running.

Their four escorts were stunned but Hiro just smiled bitterly at them and told them that they might die on this day.

Yukimura was careless on sending them off, he had four ability users escort them. But those four weren't that strong.

Raven, who was shocked from being pushed out of the carriage, run towards the direction it went to. Not far away he heard explosions and screams.

Upon arriving he witnessed the moment those bastards slit the throat of Hiro. His emotions surged and that's when he awakened his ability but lost control of it.

Upon waking up, he was still holding Hiro's body, the 10 assassins were burned to death. Looking around he saw that not far away from the body of the assassins were the bodies of the other 2 escorts, and they were burned.

"I can't. I was totally unconscious during that event. My body is moving on its own. All I saw were their burned bodies," Raven said after trying to remember what was shown to him by that other guy.

"What I heard was that they were happy," Eureka said.

"That's impossible!!" Raven exclaimed.

What Eureka said was too absurd, why would someone dying, be happy.

"One of those receiving the arrangements was the nephew of one of your escorts," she started.

"He said that those two were already beyond saving. When you lost control of your ability they actually smiled to the others, saying that their dream came true," Eureka continued.

"Dream?" he became even more baffled.

"To see their young master's ability. They would protect their young master with their lives and that it would be wonderful to stay alive until you awaken your ability. That nephew said that those four were your closest guards and that you became their youngest brother and son," she told him what she heard.

Though she didn't expect she could use it here.

"Knowing that war is still going on around the world, they know how unpredictable their lives are. So they had one dream. And that is to witness you use your ability."

She explained just as the medics finished mending their wounds.

She helped Raven to stand up.

"And that made them happy before dying? That's ridiculous," Raven said.

"Ridiculous indeed," Eureka shrugged as she repeated his words.

"But the simplest things are the best things for others. In a world where the strong remains, attaining such simple accomplishments are more than enough for others to say that they had lived their lives to the fullest."

Raven remained silent.

"Stop imprisoning yourself in the past. In this world sacrifices are necessary," she added.

"Are you telling me to forget it already and move forward?" he asked her in furrowed brows.

"No, I didn't tell you to forget."

Raven looked at her with confusion.

"Remember them, remember those who sacrificed their lives for you to live and keep on moving forward. Live and become stronger to protect those important to you."

She faced him, "That is the only way you could say that you lived their share as well. That is the only way you can face them and say that you paid them back."

He looked at her intently after listening to her words, an imperceptible smile appeared on his tired face.

"You do have a different kind of thinking."

"That's how I live. Anyway, you really need to control your ability. You couldn't even use 90% of your ability, losing control of it," she finally nagged.

"That's 90%?" he was shock.

"Up until now what your using is 80%. I suppose you really are strong. Even though you can still improve."

"Then how am I suppose to control it then?"

"Strengthen both your mind and your body. You've been strengthening your body. But your mind crumbles easily," she didn't hold back.

"You're too attached to things that you end up getting too emotional once others stir those bad memories up. You act cold and indifferent on the outside but you're too soft inside."

She shakes her head, she was aware than the others use their emotions so much. She didn't expect that this person was that soft either.

"You're watching me?" he raised an eyebrow as he asked her.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself. Anyone who stays with you for the same span of time I stayed with you, would notice. Try asking your friends. I think they know it better than I do."

Just as they exited the stadium.

"Raven, the Head Knight wants you and your team to meet him in his office this afternoon," one knight, who was waiting for them, said.

"I understand. Come on, let's get the others, eat something, then meet him."


In the clinic.

"Are both of you okay?" Karen hurriedly asked just as Raven and Eureka opened the door.

"Eureka your hands!!" Feena, whose hands are already bandaged properly and had a sling on her right arm, jumped out of her bed.

"It's fine. Those medics have bandaged it already," Eureka said nonchalantly.

"And you don't need any painkillers? Your muscles are ruptured. How did you fight with those two? And how did you survive that fire with minimum burns?" Akito entered the clinic as well, asking her non-stop.

"I'm fine. These muscles will heal in time. And Inferno is not proportionate. There are parts where the fire is at the minimum while there are parts where the fire is at maximum. With my sensibility, I suppose you know that I can detect those parts?" Eureka answered.

"Geez, your group are too reckless. This is just a competition, you're taking everything too far," Akito couldn't help but sigh.

"You should stop hanging out with Kaoru. You're starting to sound like him," Eureka said as she opened the door ready to leave.

Akito was stunned on place when he heard her equate him to Kaoru.

Of all people?

It has to be Kaoru.

"I'm hungry, let's go grab some food already," Hideyoshi stood up from his bed, ready to leave.

He didn't want to stay and hear whatever it is Akito will rebuke her about.

"How do you feel Mamoru?" Raven asked as he too prepared to leave.

He has no desire as well, but he found it amusing that she was actually this close with the Imperial doctor.

It was a known fact that Akito, the Imperial Doctor is not the same as Kaoru, whom anyone could just interact to. But Eureka who was an aloof person was interacting with him just fine.

"Good as new. I've slept more than enough," Mamoru replied standing up.

"Then let's go have some lunch," Karen said and followed the others together with Feena.

Akito returned back to reality only when everyone left.

He soon opened the door and shout at their retreating backs, "I DON'T SOUND LIKE THAT GUY AT ALL!!"


After eating they went straight to Yukimura's office.

"I suppose you know why I called you here?" he started the moment they entered.

"The attack Hideyoshi and Feena used was accidentally discovered," Raven was the one who answered.

"Accidentally?" he looked up from his a papers with a frown.

"Yes sir, while practicing they ended up using the same strength of ability and ended up creating such attack," Raven respectfully answered.

"How did you know they used the same strength?"

"I've noticed it, sir," this time it was Eureka who answered.

"And how did you perfected it?" looking suspiciously at Eureka, he once again asked.

"When they accidentally created such an attack, I had the habit of staying in the library. I found out that the body releases energy as a whole whenever one uses their ability in order not to give strain on that part of the body," she started explaining.

"By touching a part of each other they were able to familiarize with the strength of each other. I guided them on how they should release it and they practiced in order for them to be at ease in creating that attack," she finished not backing away from his gaze, she remained staring ahead.

"And that is the reason why their hands are broken? Cause you guided them," narrowing his eyes, he once again asked.

Seeing how the Head Knight is accusing Eureka of their injuries, both Hideyoshi and Feena wanted to answer back but was cut short by Eureka.

"If you are displeased of how I guided them, then you don't need to worry sir. Cause that is the last time I would guide them. After this competition we will go on our separate ways already," she answered indifferently.

"If that's all you're going to ask us, sir, then please excuse us," Raven initiated before standing up and pulling Eureka out of that office.

The others could only follow after giving respect to Yukimura.

Upon arriving at a place where no one is.

"Why did you answer that way?!?" Raven furiously asked.

"What's wrong with how I answered?" she asked in an indifferent way.

"It was our fault. The reason why our hands are like these are our fault," Feena complained.

"The Head Knight doesn't trust me. Do you think he'd believe you when you say that? He'll just assume that you're covering up for me. Plus it doesn't bother me, he can accuse me of anything he wants. I'll still keep doing my best to be a knight."

"Don't you trust us? Don't you trust our words that he would believe us?" Karen asked.

Pain crossing her eyes.

Eureka turned around, "I will be fighting in the individual battle tomorrow, I'll see you then."

"Could you let go of my hand now?" she asked referring to Raven.

"Why do you still act so cold?" he asked releasing her.

"Don't you remember, we are just using each other. You need someone to complete your group while I needed a group to graduate. No more no less. Goodbye," said as she turned to leave.

"Does she not feel anything?" Feena couldn't help but say.

"Raven why didn't she want to let them know that the idea of the new attack came from her?" Mamoru asked.

"She told me last night the same words she told us a while ago. The Head Knight does not trust her. If he found out that the idea came from her, he'd never stop interrogating her," he sighed in exasperation

He was not unaware of the distrust his father had on her.

"Why?" Mamoru asked again.

"Eureka came here unexpectedly. She came without her memories but she knows a lot. She had a lot of secrets, thinking that way it's pretty obvious that the Head Knight does not trust her."

"Isn't that unfair?" Karen asked.

"If someone suddenly appears without any background and with lots of secrets. It is suspicious," he understood very well just where his father is coming from.

"But all she did in her stay here was for the kingdom and the people, she saved the headmaster, she allowed us to create a new attack, she saved you from that crazy Kyro."

Karen couldn't help but complain and point out everything she witnessed about her.

"This kingdom lost a very reliable knight because they trusted the wrong person," Raven replied.

Because, in reality, even he does not trust her fully yet.

"Come on we still have a battle tomorrow, you guys need to rest. Will you be able to fight tomorrow?" he then asked Feena and Hideyoshi.

The two can only nod. The atmosphere around them is far from the joyous atmosphere the winners should have.


"I've heard what happened between you and sir Yukimura."

"I told you not to enter my room without asking, Kaoru," Eureka said as she sat beside the window.

"Why did you have to go and dig your own grave, you know that he doesn't trust you. Why do you have to anger him even more?" Kaoru asked as he sat across her.

"It doesn't bother me anyway," she answered as she drunk from her cup.

"And yet your drinking milk. For the past four years whenever something's bothering you, you always end up drinking milk. Don't think that I wouldn't notice your quirk after so long."

Eureka shrugged.

"Why do you love being so detached to everything? If you keep this up no one will ever trust you from this kingdom," he sighed.

"No one trusts me in this kingdom, from 4 years ago up to now. So no matter what it won't change anything," she finishes her drink.

"I trust you!!" Kaoru exclaimed.

She faced him without any emotion before answering, "Your constant barging here in my room. The way you always show up during our practices. You, always finding ways to know what happened to me on a certain day. That just shows how much you don't trust me. You became my guardian..."

She paused before continuing, "No, you became my guard in order to monitor me every day."

Kaoru couldn't answer. Indeed he was tasked to monitor her every day.

The king allowed her to stay because it is a mystery how she ended up in the middle of the forest which is in the middle of the kingdom without anyone noticing her.

"But don't you want to be trusted? To have some kind of bond to everyone?" he ended up asking her.

"I have so many secrets. I understand how no one will trust me. If they couldn't accept the fact that so many things shouldn't be said then I don't need any bond. I'll just continue protecting this kingdom on my own."

She stood up and opened the door, "I really need to be alone."

Defeated, Kaoru stood up and walked towards the door.

"One last question. Are you really doing everything for this kingdom?" as he stepped outside he asked.

"I will never do anything that will harm this kingdom. Never," she answered as she closed the door.


"It was her. The idea came from her."

"Are you saying that my son and his friends lied to me, Your Majesty?"

Yukimura went to the palace that night.

"Indeed. But don't be too harsh towards that girl. We can't trust her but we can't push her too much either," Akihiro, the king, replied.

"I don't care if I push her too hard. If that girl is a spy then I'd gladly push her to her limits," Yukimura didn't hold back as he gritted his teeth.

"She's not Chiaki."

"Why do you have to bring up that name, Akihiro?" Yukimura who's currently angry ended up using the king's name.

Akihiro and Yukimura are childhood friends. Yukimura has the Fire ability while Akihiro inherited their bloodline's ability, Magma.

"Yukimura, we agreed not to trust her but she never did anything suspicious ever since she arrived," this had always been the point of their argument.

"She might just be acting right now. Who knows when she'll suddenly use her fangs. It's better to be cautious than to lose more people who are important to us!!" Yukimura argued.

Akihiro who was sitting behind his table stood up and walked towards Yukimura.

"The way you speak. Are you currently mad because Raven's getting close to her?"

"Not just him but those five. Raven and Mamoru do not trust her yet but the other three seemed to be getting closer to her," those children are the children of their friends.

He can't have them placed in danger.

"They are starting to trust her. If that continues she might end up using them to do something on this kingdom."

Yukimura paused for a moment before continuing.

"That attack was her idea, she's starting already. She wants to get them by teaching them strong attacks. Those attacks might be used against us."

"Stop. You're losing your reasoning already," Akihiro could not help but reprimand him.

"Because of people like her who suddenly show up. WE LOST!!!-"

He gritted his teeth to calm dwn, "We lost Leo."

"I already told you Chiaki is not Eureka," Akihiro could only say these words while patting his shoulder.

"Too much trust is not good, but don't you think that too much distrust is not any better, Your Majesty?" from the door Kaoru spoke.

"How did it go?" Akihiro asked as both of them turned towards him.

"She's affected but she's still trying not to show it," he replied with the tone of a subordinate.

"She should be, look what happened to Hideyoshi and Feena's arms," Yukimura scoffed.

"That is not her fault. She warned them but those two didn't listen to her," Kaoru defended.

"And let me remind you that it was her who caught the one who stopped Mamoru from moving momentarily causing him to lose," he added.

"She's also the one who showed us the third party who made Raven lose control of his ability," Kaoru answered back.

"You're really too soft, that's her trick in order to get you," Yukimura answered back.

"Enough you two," Akihiro stopped them from fighting.

"Other than her we have to find out who stopped Raven from completely losing control of his ability," he said moving on to another topic.

These two had always been fighting when it comes to Eureka and he was already getting tired of it, admittedly.

"I've dispatched some knights whose abilities are Detection but to no avail. They couldn't find any trace of what was used during that time," Yukimura reported.

"Continue investigating. As for you Kaoru, continue monitoring her. That's all, both of you may leave."

"You don't have to remind me," Kaoru said with a hint of coldness in his voice, he then looked at Yukimura.

"Watch how your son will grow. If he does, you have to thank Eureka for that."

He turned his back.

"She wanted the fight between Kyro and Raven to happen in order for Raven to move forward. Both of you distrust her so much but what I see is a girl who's been doing everything she can for her kingdom."

And he walked away slamming the door behind him.


The next day, the final battle began.

Eureka was the first one to engage in battle and she finished it in a blink of an eye. Followed by Mamoru, then Feena and Karen, and the last, Raven and Hideyoshi.

Even with their injuries, they were able to sweep the floor with their opponents.

"Finally vacation," Karen, who's trying to lighten up the mood as they fix their things in the waiting area, said.

"I suppose this is where our agreement ends. Once again let me thank you for allowing me in your group. Giving me the chance to graduate," Eureka bowed in front of them.

"Don't say that. We might still be on the same squad after this," Feena tried to follow up Karen's intention.

"We won't. So this is goodbye," Eureka replied.

"Eureka, don't be this cold," Karen spoke up with a hint of pain in her voice.

Eureka sighed, "I'll be honest with all of you. I'm tired of playing friendship with you."


Even Raven was shock at how she used her words.

"Are you really being serious right now?" Hideyoshi asked and anger was hinted in his voice.

Eureka sighed before brushing her hair with her fingers, then she turned to face them again.

"Aren't you a bit too persistent? I already told you, we are useful with one another and that is why we were together. Now that everything is over, it is time for us to go our separate ways."

"But Eureka-"

Karen once again started but Eureka raised her hand to stop her from speaking more.

"Do you want to hear what I really think about you guys?" she then said with her cold tone and indifferent look.

Raven glanced at the girls before looking at the boys, all of them are waiting for what she was about to say.

But he couldn't help but feel that it won't be something that they would really like.

Eureka smirked and it was filled with ridicule, "I hate your group."

Their eyes went wide upon hearing this, she had been with them.

Gave them advise and help them train . She had even thanked them when she was added to their group.

Yet her words today were like knife cutting through the part where they started caring for her.


It was Raven who asked this question.

He did feel as well that she had somehow became an acquaintance of theirs. To hear these words, even he was affected despite always putting distance between them.

Eureka moved her head to face him, "Ignorance is a bliss isn't it?"

They were baffled by her words but they didn't need to ask because she had elaborated her words.

"All of you, who only sees what was in front and not what was ahead are ignorant in front of me. And I hate how you nonchalantly leaves the words friendship and camaraderie as if you know what it truly means."

She paused before continuing, "Let me give you a piece of advice. We are knights, we are people who will face dangers of every sort. If you keep on using your emotions then I wouldn't be shock if you are to just turn your backs to anyone when you are just a tad bit hurt."

After saying her piece, she didn't wait for any of them to speak up and instead turn around and left.

'Camaraderie, such word is something I truly despise,' she added in her mind.

Feena and Karen suddenly sobbed.

The guys looked at them, tears streamed down their faces even though it was obvious that they were trying to stop it.

Hideyoshi and Mamoru looked at one another before looking at Raven. Raven could only shake his head, he has no idea on what to say in this situation.

"It hurts but..."

Karen started as she grabbed her chest.

Then she looked at Feena and Feena nodded her head.

"It feels like, she was through so much that she ended up becoming like this."

They couldn't explain it.

Despite her harsh words, they cried not because they were hurt by it but because it felt like she had said it to protect herself.

As if she was hurt over and over again that in the end, she just wanted to close off herself from everything.

The guys couldn't understand but what Eureka showed today was enough to make them give up on trying to get close to her.

"Can't she at least be at a higher squad? She helped us to where we are now. I understand if she couldn't get to squad 3 but she was capable enough to get to the middle squads," Karen asked all of them.

"She is a zero," Raven was the one who answered.

That fact will never change no matter how good one's mind is.

Squads 1-4 are those sent to wars. Squads 5-8 are those sent for investigations and backups. And squads 9-12 are the ones guarding the kingdom.

They are a bit higher than those with low to zero ability who stays as escorts and guards in the palace and they are also sent as backups but most of the time they are guarding the gates of the kingdom.

"Why are we tasked not to trust her? Why can't we just get to know her? This kingdom is truly unfair!! And don't bother trying to reason it out Raven, cause that's how I feel you have no right to change it," Karen pointed at Raven as tears still flow from her eyes.

"Don't worry cause I won't. I don't fully trust her myself but I too feel that this kingdom is unfair towards those from outside of the kingdom."

He looked at th epath Eureka walked on, because of her words today. Of Ignorance is a bliss, he felt as if there is something going on that all of them are unaware of.

A few days later, their squads are decided. Raven, Hideyoshi, and Feena are in squad 2. Mamoru and Karen are in squad 3. Eureka is in squad 10.

"Too far. Her squad is too far," Feena commented looking at their squads.

"Not just that, I've heard she would be staying at the house near the northern gate, where Kaoru lives as well. They really are monitoring her but still outcasting her," Mamoru said.

Despite her words of her hatred for them, they couldn't help but to think that she deserves better.


"Welcome to your new home," Kaoru happily said.

He opened the door filled with excitement.

"Welcome to my prison," Eureka said without emotion.

"Oh please, what's wrong with you? You've been acting more detached after that fight with Kyro," Kaoru sighed.

"Thanks for my room. I shall be fixing my things now," Eureka said as she enters her room.

Kaoru could only shake his head, 'I really feel bad for her. Her secrets are too deep but the treatment is too extreme as well.'