First Time

Five days after they left for the mission.


An explosion suddenly interrupted them, no one have noticed anything. They were all resting and yet no one have noticed not until the whole place exploded. Those lower ranked knights were already injured. Raven and the others were able to jump out of the way just in time to avoid any grave injuries.

"This is so much fun brother Silver. We can finally start killing," a joyful voice echoed out.

"Remember White we can't cause too much destruction, You know our Lord didn't give us the go signal yet to destroy this world. He said that he is still waiting to find someone," another voice replied.

Upon looking up, they saw two caped people up in the air.

"Who are you?" some knights asked as they all stand on guard.

"Can I kill them now? Can I? Can I?" the joyful voice who was called White once again said ignoring those who were asking.

"Go on, I'll just watch," Silver replied.