Monstrous Aura

"We have to protect Azusa no matter what happens, remember that," Raven commanded as he once again conjured a fire Phoenix.

"We understand," they replied.

Their bodies are reaching its limit, their energies too little for them to even bring out their weapons. They made a mistake by bringing White down with all they got. And now, a far stronger appeared and they couldn't even do anything other than to put a cut on his cape.

Silver flicked his finger and another phoenix appeared devouring what Raven have conjured.

Azusa have lost consciousness a while ago when Silver almost got her. Mamoru was just able to create a ball of earth around her, Karen did the same and strengthened the earth. Hideyoshi and Theo placed another layer of protection with their winds, Feena added another with water and Raven finished it with his fire. Despite being inside this ball Azusa could still breath just fine.