Chapter.41.Shanghai 1

Shanghai Airport.

Xi has arrived at this airport to spend almost an hour. Flights to Shanghai are faster than the trip from Zhengzhou to Shincuan.

In front of the exit gate it usually uses which as a passenger pickup area, a gray-haired old man wearing a thick pair of glasses is standing while holding up a paper with the above words "Mr. Xi Yang, Zhengzhou."

So, Xi immediately rushed toward the gray-haired old man.

"I am Xi ... Did Young lady Song send you to pick me up here?" Xi asked.

The man sighed in relief then nodded.

"Welcome to Shanghai, Mr. Xi. My name is Song Gang Xin (钢 心) ... I am the person sent by the young lady to pick you up, Mr. Xi ..."

"Song Gang Xin( 钢心) ..."

" Yep ... Song of the steel heart. "

The old man nodded with a smile.

"A name that has an interesting meaning ..." said Xi.

The Old man just smiled.

" So ... "Xi muttered.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xi ... Please come with me. The car is in front of the airport ..."

Xi just nodded.


In front of the airport, a luxury car has been parked. The car is Gleegy Gee. A car that looks similar to Royal Roice. The color of the car is silver. The look of the car looks different from most cars waiting in front of the airport exit.

Song Gang Xin immediately opened the rear door of the passenger.

But, Xi immediately shook his head.

"No, let me sit next to the driver's seat ..."

Xi doesn't really like sitting in the back seat of the car. He felt that he was uncomfortable if he sat in that place alone. Or maybe it is more like that Xi is a man who likes to observe the scenery and the surrounding environment. If Xi rises as a passenger who is not alone in the vehicle, Xi will be willing to sit in the back seat of the car. However, if he is alone as a passenger, Xi sits near the driver's seat.

" But..."

Xi shook his head.

"No problem, Mr. Gang Xin (钢 心)," Xi said while nodding.

"Well... if you insist, Mr. Xi ... But, I hope you call me Old Man Gang Xin (钢 心), Mr. Xi ... That's a little too high for Mr. Xi who is a business partner of Miss Young to call me. With calling me Mister like that makes me uncomfortable ... " Old man Gang Xin said(钢 心).

Xi just nodded.

-I don't know what Song Nanhe said to her subordinate about me. However, isn't that too much to make an old man like Old Man Gang Xin (钢 心) call me as mister?

Xi can only smile.

He also felt a little uncomfortable call from the old man in front of him who called him mister.

Old Man Gang Xin opened the front door then invited Xi in and sat down.

"Please, Mr. Xi ..."

"Thank you, Old Man Gang Xin (钢 心) ..."


Shanghai at 12 at night.

Shanghai is so beautiful at night.

This city located on the banks of the Changjiang delta is the largest city after Beijing.

Shanghai is the center of China's most important trade, financial, economic and communication. The city is also a city with many dreams for peoples. The richest city in China.

Peoples had occupied the city in the 5th century during the northern and southern dynasties until the Sui dynasty.

The city of Shanghai is the busiest port city with the City of Singapore (Singapore) and Rotterdam (Netherlands).

In Chinese, the abbreviation Shanghai is Hù (滬 or 沪) and Shēn (申).

The two Chinese characters in the name "Shanghai" literally means "above" and "sea". Using this name took place for the first time in the Song Dynasty, at a time when there had been a river meeting and a small town called "Shanghai" in the area. It is not clear how this name originates or how the meaning must be explained, even though the literal reading suggests the meaning of "going to the sea".

" It's a beautiful place ... "Xi muttered.

"Have you been here before , Mr.Xi ...?" Old man Gang Xin asked.

Xi shook his head.

" No ... but, for some reason, it's like nostalgia for me ... maybe I've seen this city on television, I guess ... "

Xi felt comfortable seeing Shanghai for the first time.

Every corner of the city is enveloped by the light and bustle of many people. Even though it's too late at night, Shanghai never sleeps at all.

Yep, this city never sleeps.

"Then, where are our goals now, Old Man Gang Xin?" Xi asked.

He had not had time to ask Song Wujin to order accommodation for him.

"Miss Wujin told me to take you to the hotel ... The distance of the hotel is not too far away, soon we will arrive at the hotel ..." Old Man Gang Xin explained.

Xi just nodded.

"That's good ... I'm very grateful to the girl for preparing everything for me ... I thought I would enjoy a small tour in Shanghai for the next few days ..." Xi said.

He just smiled for a reason.


Shortly Old Man Xin's cell phone ringing sound rang out.

Initially, Gang Gang thought not to pick up the cell phone call. However, after Xi signaled that he didn't mind at all finally the old man Gang Xin picked up the cell phone call.

" Hello, Father ... Ning'er ran away from home ... My husband and I are now looking for her ... "

Xi's ear could hear the voice of a woman from behind of the cell phone even though it was rather faint.

Old Man Gang Xin's expression suddenly turned bad.

"Why don't you take care of her? Don't you know Ning'er can do something dangerous again ..."

Old Man Gang Xin's expression panicked.

He immediately stopped the car on the edge of the road.

"Father ... We've taken care of her ... However, as soon as she heard the news that the man had returned to Shanghai she was immediately hysterical and crying ..."

" How can it be like that? "

" The media has reported about the returned of the man ... She cried seeing the man on an official the news on television ..." "

"Well, I will come to look for Ning'er ..." Old Man Gang Xin said.

Old Man Gang Xin hung off his cell phone.

Xi only noticed Old Man Gang Xin carefully. This news was the worst news for Old Man Gang Xin.

Old Man Gang Xin glanced briefly at Xi he signaled to Xi to allow him to come along to find someone who had run away on the topic of the conversation just now.

" I don't mind you taking me to look for that person, Old Man Gang Xin ... "

Xi nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Xi ..." said Old Man Gang Xin relieved.

"No problem, Old Man Gang Xin ..."


South of Shanghai,2 at night.

The car took the two men around the city of Shanghai. However, they had not found the person for more than two hours.

So, Xi tried to get a little clue to help Old Man Gang Xin.

"If may I to know, who are you looking for, old man Gang Xin?"

Old Man Gang Xin looked grim.

" She is Sung Ning'er ... My granddaughter ... "

If seen at an advanced age, it is very possible that Old Man Gang Xin has a granddaughter or a grandson.

"What really happened to her ...?"

Old Man Gang Xin paused for a moment.

Then, he held the steering wheel of the car like he was holding something hard on the steering wheel.

" My granddaughter has a psychiatric disorder ... " Old Gang Gang replied with sad eyes.

Xi did not want to ask further about what could cause Old Man Gang Xin's granddaughter to suffer from a psychiatric disorder. If Xi sees it is something painful to tell about it to others.

So, Xi only stopped at the question about Old Man Gang Xin 's granddaughter.

"Does your granddaughter have a place she often visits when she runs away ...?"

Old man Gang Xin nodded.

"Ning'er can usually be found around the park that we just passed ... "Old man Gang Xin Said.

A few moments ago they passed a city park.

" Is there another place? "

Old Gang Xin shook his head,

"No ... we have passed all the places and she was not there ..." Old Man Xin said lethargically.

-I Think there's no harm in looking for the granddaughter of old man Gang Xin by using [Restart].

Xi uses [Restart] then takes out the cell phone from his pocket.

"What is the name of your granddaughter, old Gang Xin?" Xi asked.

Old Man Gang Xin was confused.

He only saw Mr. Xi suddenly take the cell phone out of his pocket after talking about his granddaughter, Ning'er.

"Sung Ning..."

Meanwhile, Xi immediately looked for the location of Old Gang Gang's granddaughter in the [Restart] search box.

* Ding

Sung Ning (Song Gang Xin's granddaughter) The current location is in an old cinema building north of Shanghai.

- Isn't that place far from here?

Their car had been going south for several hours. No wonder they did not find Old Man Gang X's granddaughter.

"Old Gang Xin, I think your granddaughter is in an old cinema building north of Shanghai ..."

"An Old cinema building in the north of Shanghai ...?"

Xi nodded.

Old Man Gang Xin initially did not believe. However, because he did not have ideas where his granddaughter was, he finally followed Xi's instructions.

The car turned to the north toward the north of Shanghai.


Author Note:

Sorry, I just updated this story. Yesterday I just discussed with someone about making this novel's front cover character. It's enough to spend a lot of time indeed to carry out revisions here and there. However, I think if you like the character part for the front cover of this novel later (Li Yuan), I think.