Chapter.42.Shanghai 2


On the rooftop (4th floor) of an old cinema building, north Shanghai city.

A girl wore a white frilly nightgown. The light illuminates her bright cheeks, the skin on her face is so bright and looks like it emits its own light.

The girl's black hair was neatly tied to the end of her hair with a blue butterfly-shaped ribbon.

She just walked slowly while stretching her arms and looking straight at the center of Shanghai City. A breeze touches her skin.

She just stared at the beautiful city(Shanghai). However, for some reason, there is no light and life in the girl's eyes.

Yeah, she just stared blankly in her mind. She just daydreamed while recalling the sweet memories between herself and her lover in this place.

A place that is the last memory between her and her beloved lover who left her.

She remembered the feeling of nostalgia in this place. So, when she watched her ex-lover in a television screen last night. She immediately cried and hysterical for a reason. That is a memory.

She wants to see and touch her lover again. However, all that will only be in her dream, will never happen, because her lover will soon do an engagement with another girl in two days.

She wanted to see her precious lover one last time. Before the man she loved was engaged and would definitely marry the girl who hated her the most.

"... I miss you ... Miss you so much ... I miss you so much ... I hope that you will turn around and look back at me ..."

"I think I really have gone crazy now ... Seeing and hearing your engagement on the television screen makes me miss you even more ... Even though, it hurts me a lot ... Listen to the news about you who will be happy with other people ... "

"Can we change the time that has separated us from the start so that that bastard will never tarnish me? So your family will accept me as their future daughter-in-law ..."

"Can we hold hands again one last time ...? So that I can feel the warmth of your palm again so that I can see you up close and feel every breath you have ..."

The woman just looked straight ahead.

However, her memory looked far behind. All sweet and bitter memories reappeared in her mind. It appears like a real piece of a small picture.

It was a memory of time and a memory of a spot of stains that made her body unclean. A bitter memory and a small point from a stain that made she lose her lover lost a light in her life.

A speck of that stain will truly break a woman's soul and heart. Break their fragile souls and hearts.

She will never clean from a speck of the stain and will continue to be a nightmare for this girl.

So, the girl will always try to forget everything for the rest of her life. However, how many times he will try hard to forget the stains in her, the memory of the stain will always appear and never disappear from her head.

That's what made this girl stand in this old building now. She wants to recall the sweet memories she once had with her lover. So, she would not regret later if she buried everything in that memory through her death later.

The girl planned to end her life and her bitter memories. So that the girl will be able to be free from the memory of the stain given by that bastard.


"I don't know that the former building of this cinema is so big ... "Xi said, looking out from the window.

While Old Man Gang Xin still looked restless before he found his granddaughter.

"Mr. Xi ... I will immediately rush to find a location where my granddaughter is now ... I hope Mr. Xi can be patient waiting for me in the car ..." Old Gang Gang said.

Xi shook his head.

"No ... Let me help you to find your granddaughter, Old Man Gang Xin ..." Xi pleaded.

"But ..." Old Man Gang Xin said hesitantly.

Xi nodded that he will help Old Man Gang Xin, then he got out of the car.

"Thank you, Mr. Xi ..." Old Man Gang Xin muttered.


"Okay, Mr. Xi, I will search on the first and second floors ... can Mr. Xi search on the third and fourth floors ...? " Old Man Gang Xin asked.

Xi nodded.


The old cinema building that has been stretched seems unkempt. Some moss had grown on the walls of the building, the smell of the place smelled terrible and some weathered smells also smelled, and the air condition was quite moist so Xi felt an inconvenience to linger in that place.

Also seen were several graffiti and graphs drawn on the wall. Sometimes the shape is beautiful and has high artistic value, and sometimes its shape is just a scribble that damages the scenery. Maybe, some people often come here scribbling this wall.

Xi stepped slowly.

His legs sometimes step on some weathered wood and the wood will produce a broken sound that makes Xi surprised and almost jumps in surprise.

His legs carried Xi to the fourth floor at the top of the old cinema building.

Xi can see a girl wore a white nightgown at the end of the fourth-floor area.

-Don't say that this girl is Old Man Gang X's granddaughter.

"Hi Miss, what are you doing at this place late ...!?" Xi asked exclaiming.

The woman only glanced for a moment with a flat and empty look, then she turned around again.

-What will she do?

The girl walked slowly so that her body would almost certainly be able to plunge freely if the girl stepped one step further.

-Don't say ... Damn it!

Xi runs as fast as he wants to hunt down the prey and immediately rushes to the girl.

The girl slowly spread her arms then leaned forward.

The girl was ready to accept her death.

As the only way for her to be free of all contempt and blemishes that have polluted her body.

The girl wants to end her life ...

Most people will always think that ending all suffering and pain through a method called suicide is a solution their common sense can accept that.

But, do you know, kid? That they had only been running from all the bitter truths they had experienced in their lives to a place I called eternal hell.

That is their way to overcome everything that is not in the hope of their dreams.

They will do all this if the reality they have experienced is not what they had hoped for.

They will do all of this if their happiness disappears and turn into torture against themselves. Likewise, this girl. He wants to end it all.

However, my story won't be interesting if this girl dies ...

Xi's hand grabs the girl's body and hugs the girl's body then drops her body backward.

"WHAT WILL YOU TRY TO DO !!!?" Xi snapped at the girl.

The girl looked at Xi with blank eyes and a speck of tears flowing from her brown eyes.

Xi pulls the girl's body away from the corner of the building.

The girl was just silent without words.

The girl is like a doll; The girl does not have the soul and enthusiasm to continue to live.

"What are you thinking, miss? Have you been tired of life ...?" Xi said sarcastically.

The woman looked down, her face gloomy.

"Why ...?" The girl asked.

Xi looked painfully annoyed at the girl.

"Why? Why did you make a question like that ... Are you out of your mind ...?"

The girl is silent again.

She just lifts her eyes and stares at Xi with her empty eyes.

"I am already insane ... I am a crazy person ... So why are you blocking me from jumping ..." She muttered.

Xi doesn't know that much about people like this. He met no one who wanted a death.

Many people want death, while many people expect life. Xi condemns people who do not respect their own lives.

Xi hates people like this girl.

- Throw away life for a stupid reason? Is this girl stupid? If you waste your life, you should look at people who have lost valuable people to them like I have lost my father.

"Don't jump from this building ... It will hurt so much if you do it ... "Xi muttered.

Xi just released his hand from the girl's body.

The girl shook her head.

"I am ready to bear and feel all the pain ... I don't need your sympathy ... So leave now ... "the girl muttered.

Xi shook his head.

"Who said that would hurt you ...?"





"What I mean is not you, but someone who loves you ... Don't think that I currently sympathize to you ... You look disgusting as a human who doesn't respect your own life ... "Xi said irritably.

The girl paused and then looked down again.

"I ..." the girl murmured.

However, before the girl continued her words Old Man Gang Xin had arrived.


Old Man Gang Xin ran towards the girl.

-Ning'er? Don't say that this girl is Old Gang Xin's granddaughter.

Xi just glanced at the girl who almost jumped from the fourth floor.


Sung Ning could not believe that her grandfather (Song Gang Xin) had been in this place.

"Why are you here, grandfather ...? " Sung Ning'er asked.

But, old man Gang Xin did not answer his granddaughter's question.

"It worries Grandpa about you ... What are you doing in this place? Don't run away from home again, Ning'er ..." Old Man Gang Xin said as he hugged and rubbed his granddaughter's head.

Tears faintly dripped in the corner old man's eyes.

"But ... He, Wang Xi ... He will do an engagement, grandfather ..." Ning'er muttered sadly.

So ... So ... I want to apologize to him before he gets engaged to the girl ... I think jumping from this building will make him forgive me, then I'll be clean from the humiliation I have, right? ... my body is this dirty can be cleaned and purified again, isn't it, Grandpa ...? "

Ning'er's tears slowly dripped from her eyes. It began to wet her bright face.

In contrast to her eyes that look like there is no life through her brown eyes. That is the eye for a void in life.

The tears dripping from the blank gaze had wet his face.

"* Sniff ... Don't say that again, Ning'er ... Don't do it again ... Don't you think of grandfather, your mother and father will suffer if you kill yourself ...? Grandfather begging you to stay alive for us. ..Grandpa begs you to keep fighting to continue to live even though you cannot forget the bad memories of your life ... We love you very much ... Don't expect to die ... Don't expect to commit suicide ... Don't do that again..."

The old man's voice was really hoarse and sobbing. He held his granddaughter's body even tighter.

"Why ... Why ..."it was the last words of the girl's mouth before she fell into the warm embrace of her grandfather, Song Gang Xin.

Sung Ning'er was unconscious.

Xi gasped in surprise.

He thought that something bad might have happened to this poor girl.

Old Man Gang Xin just shook his head.

"No problem, Mr. Xi ... Ning'er will always be like this if her mental state collapses ... She will be fine ..." Old Man Xin muttered.

Xi sighs in relief after hearing that the girl will be fine.


In the car to the hotel.

Old Man Gang Xin's granddaughter lies unconscious in the back seat.

While Xi and Old Man Gang Xin just kept quiet, they didn't talk about any topic.

Xi was actually quite curious about Old Man Gang X's granddaughter.

-What really causes this girl to have suicide?

However, Xi did not reveal the question because he did not want to interfere in other people's business, so he threw away the question from his head.

"Are you curious about what happened to my granddaughter, Mr. Xi? "asked Old Man Gang Xin.

Xi paused for a moment.

Then he had thought that knowing a little of the cause of someone else's problem would not be the same as interfering in someone else's business, right?

So, Xi nodded his head.

"Ning'er is a rape victim ..." Old Man Gang Xin said hoarsely.

It stunned Xi to hear Old Gang Xin's words.

The sad expression on his face was clearly visible.

That expressed a grandfather to his granddaughter being raped by a bastard.


Author Note:

I already got the Li Yuan character design that I will make the front cover of this story.

I hope you like our front cover ... hehe …