A new Chu Jiayi and a hero who doubts of the facts! (Part 1)


It was another day running in the capital Nan Kan, the winter was as strict as ever, but people kept working, much livelier than normal, the streets and roofs were free of snow, the streets were no longer made of earth, but they were paved with black stones that absorbed the water of the snow and allowed an easy walk.

Besides the streets there were some small ditches, that served to channel the water of the snow and the rain, that were sent to a place of purification of water and then was carried out by a giant metal tube that contained a magical thrust formation that carried this purified water to a structure similar to a large iron box. So, the water there it was stored and distributed to the homes of ordinary people through thinner tubes and which had pulse and bond formations.

Then a strange type of pipe that contained a controllable opening, called a faucet, was installed in all the common and noble houses, so everyone had access to drinking water, of course, the citizens had to pay a small amount more on their taxes for to enjoy this magical equipment.

An interesting thing was the new equipment that was created last year, a sanitary basin, a shower, and a sink, all made of polished stones and magical formations, also a beautiful wooden bathtub that uses a "magic" paint that leaves the waterproof wood.

In addition, the poor and street dwellers were hired by the local government to clean the snow from the ground and roofs, they were paid with money, about 1 silver coin a day, three basic meals consisting of chicken broth, barley bread, a medium bowl of rice and a fruit, and a change of warm clothes for each month that lasted the winter.

The money came from taxes on the new and revolutionary products, which generated an absurd amount of profit!

There were still more surprises in the capital of Nan Kan, which would soon be radiating all over his area of ​​Nan Kang, there was a large school that ran with local government money. This is a school that was divided by levels, there were 4 levels. The first level is ordinary people who would learn to read, write, basic maths and basic accounting.

The second level is the level of ordinary people who already know the four basic subjects, at this level the following courses are offered: Mason Course, Handyman Course, Forger Course, Farmer Course, Commerce Course, Nursing Course, Course of Cook and Course of Assistant of the Basic Government (something like clerk or secretary).

The third level was already for the families of merchants, Chef's Courses, Cookery and Baker Course, Martial Arts Course, Basic Cultivation Course, Financial Administrator Course, Advanced Accounting Course, Entrepreneurship Course, Craft Course Basic, Pharmacology, Celestial Gardening, Human Body Study, and Basic Medicine.

The fourth level belonged to the upper class, the nobles and the leaders of the trade union, at that level offered the courses of Arts, Poetry, Sculptor, Chinese Chess, Simple Formation, Technical Formation, Formation of Great Monuments, Magic Formation, Alchemy, Basic Physics, Strategy, Government Administrator (for prefectures), Beginner Level Magic, Cultivator Body Study and Advanced Medicine.

This school was an innovative construction made of wood, stones, and iron has four floors, each floor belonged to a different stage of teaching and had its own environment, the size of each floor is at least two courtyards of a noble mansion.

Around this building was a glorious square with a fountain that squirts pure water and received energy from heaven and earth, an ideal place to cultivate techniques of water and ice. On the north side there was a forest full of plum trees, which perfume the whole site, each tree had a formation emblem that drew energy from heaven and earth which allowed many rare plants and herbs to flourish there.

In that place, the alchemists, pharmacologists, medical students, and heavenly gardeners study about the plants and their properties, it was also an ideal place to practice the cultivation of the earth element and feed the soul to align with nature. (1)

The name of this school was Tao Celestial Way School, the school motto was: Every way gives to the Tao and all this is the way of heaven! It was much more advanced and had innovative concepts than the Imperial School.

Many incredible changes are occurring in the Nan Kang Region, it has been about two years since these changes come.

"Did you know, young master Chu Jiayi will open a new factory?" Said ordinary citizen A talking to his friend's ordinary citizen B.

"Yes, a garment factory, a friend of mine is going to work at this factory, he said that everyone will be able to wear good clothes and have a longer duration!" Citizen B said excitedly.

"Yes, even ordinary people are going to have comfortable and affordable clothes to wear! I also learned that young master Chu Jiayi will open another company, only this was just women, and it was kind of a restaurant that only sells sweets and a handicraft company for women who want to earn their own money." Said citizen A with a tone of gossip.

"What? So, the women are going to work now, but is not this strange? It is not the husband who has to support the wife, how will we have control over our women if they start to have their own money ?!" asked citizen B disgruntled.

"Don't be a narrow-minded person! My wife even applied for the craft company, she knows how to embroider very well, and then she applied for the vacancy of women's clothing embroiderer, each embroidered piece costs 30 pieces of silver, after ten pieces, increases to 40 coins each piece of embroidered clothing. So with my salary and hers, we can send our son to level three of the Heavenly Tao Way School! My son will get the chance to be a doctor or a pharmacist! "Said citizen A said with a lively smile and slapping the head of citizen B.

"But what if women revolted against us men?" Asked citizen B indignantly, after all, he himself had a ferocious woman and now that she could work to have her own money, would her ferocious wife not become worse ?!

"Are they going to rebel? Only if you're a bad husband! Hey, do not think I do not know you're like this because of your dragon woman, if you do not want her anymore, you can divorce, the new law says that both men and women can get divorced and that during the first year of divorce our local government would financially help the weaker party. So, you can divorce quietly, the government will support you! "Mocked citizen A, so citizen A and B began their war of words on the street.