A new Chu Jiayi and a hero who doubts the facts! (Part 2)


Good reading!


Beyond was a group of young ladies who had gathered in front of a painting, which had a name of "Poster," which said information on employment and government investment. They read the jobs for single women, there was a service assistant for the new candy store, nurses 'places in the new women's hospital, embroiderers' seats in the new craft business, and a receptionist's vacancy in the trades union.

"So what are you going to choose?" The young maiden A asked the young maiden B, the young maiden C and D looked at Miss B.

"I'm going to finish the first module of the Nursing Course, so I'll try the nursing position. I already talked to my family and they said it would be good, that I might even meet a doctor there in the hospital or an administrator! "Said Miss B excitedly, with her beautiful, dreamy eyes.

"It's a good idea, I'll finish the one handicraft module, which is all about basic embroidery. I knew they were hiring women for simple embroidery of napkins for restaurants, each piece is 10 silver coins, if you make more than 10 embroideries, you get a bonus of 20 silver coins in the next piece. "Said Miss A with her bright eyes.

"You know, young master Chu Jiayi will now open a studio company, where there will be several rooms for artists and sculptors to work, they will pay rent for the room and could directly sell the department stores around the Nan Kang Region and even as luxury art for the empire! "said Miss E, who came running with her friend F and excitedly joined the group of young girls. Miss E and F were daughters of middle-level merchants and take the Arts course at the fourth level thanks to a scholarship, which is a financial aid to help pay the course and support the student.

"I also knew, the young master Chu Jiayi adopted a strange little girl, after facing an evil sect!" Said Miss F in a low tone of voice, speaking very low, the girls gathered even more.

"Master Chu Jiayi is so incredible! He is only seventeen, and he is already in Stage Soul Nascent, elemental level of the perfect circle! "(1) said Miss C with passionate eyes, the other girls agreed with full of passionate sighs.

"This is nothing, young master Chu Jiayi is not only the Stage of the Rising Soul, at the elemental level of the perfect circle, but he is also a great master of magical formations and is an exquisite architect, it was he who designed the whole School of the Way of the Celestial Tao, has set up several companies and still has time to help the poor and needy! "Said Miss D with bright eyes, speaking fast, like a fan of a celebrity.

"Not only that, but young master Chu Jiayi is also an animal tamer, I saw him being followed by two bright red birds and two black tortoises, I heard from some cultivators, who were sacred beasts, the phoenix, and the immortal black tortoise!" Miss A said gossipily as well.

"I saw the young master Chu Jiayi with two small white snakes with wings and two very cute white tiger cubs! My older brother said it was the legendary sacred dragon and the white tiger with silver wings that is sacred level! So incredible! "Said Miss B with passionate eyes and shaking her hand excitedly.

"That's nothing ..." the girls began to argue again who had more knowledge about the young master Chu Jiayi, she thought they were talking quietly, but in fact, everyone who passed the street listened to their conversations, some even gathered around and formed their own groups discussing the young master Chu Jiayi, like the modern fan groups of young idols!

Chu Jiayi was the idol of these young ladies and young men! Everyone knew who Chu Jiayi was and how talented he is!

Chu Jiayi has become a kind of celebrity, mixed with divine faith and sincere admiration of the ordinary citizens of Nan Kan!

In the crowd were a tall young man with short black hair, amber phoenix eyes, broad, thin lips, a perfect-toothed smile, a medium straight nose, and a square chin that had a very masculine, heroic aura.

This young man wore a simple black cultivator outfit consisting of a short-sleeved shirt with a row of white buttons at the front, long loose pants, leather shoes, the clothes had not embroidered, and it was quite simple.

He appeared to be about 20 years old, but as a martial cultivator was, it was difficult to determine if that was his real age.

The black suit was fit for that masculine beauty, which had broad shoulders, medium waist, narrow hips, muscular legs and arms, and an explosive force.

The man was incredible-looking but seemed to go unnoticed by people.

With the great difficulty that heroic-looking young man held his will to vomit blood!

"How come the shameless Chu Jiayi is now a cultivator on the stage of the Rising Soul of the perfect circle? Helping the poor? Adopting orphans? Building companies? Making new laws of equality? Founding a School for all people? "Thought the confused heroic man, the more he thought he thought he was in some parallel world where the sky turned the earth and the earth turned the sky!

"Was not he just a useless shameless man who had a great harem and lived flirting around ?!" thought the young man with trembling lips, not knowing if he should mock or be disbelieving.

"Chu Jiayi is the hero or am I the hero ?!" thought the young man in a tone of ridicule.

Yes, this handsome hero is quite narcissistic!

If the girls knew what he was thinking, it would be very likely that they would point the finger at the handsome cultivator and say,

"You do not reach the feet of young master Chu Jiayi!" while devouring it like real dragons!

To the luck of this young cultivator the girls, fangirls, could not read minds!

However, they could continue to speak the poisonous words that could slap the face of this young narcissist:

"But Master Chu Jiayi is still single, is not he?" Asked Miss A, who seemed even more passionate in speaking about these matters of romance.

"Yes, many noble families sent their daughters to marry him, but in the end, he converted all of them into competent cultivators and these women now work in the Heavenly Tao Way School as teachers and supervisor, the worst among them being a cultivator Aurorus Core element level and you have not yet chosen the element you will cultivate as your element of life. "Said Miss C excitedly, if she could she would be holding a screen with the image of Chu Jiayi and shouting like a crazy fan.

"Master Chu Jiayi had said in his speech a few days ago that he is not interested in marriage and that he will focus on cultivating and developing our region, which wants all citizens to be rich and prosperous! He's so good! "Said Miss D shaken by the emotions, the faces of all the young ladies were flushed, as if they could see Chu Jiayi himself before their eyes.

The young narcissistic cultivator felt his face turn red as if he had taken several slaps in the face!

Then before they could continue to talk, the girls felt a near shake and they were frightened, so they realized that they stood in the middle of the street gossiping for a long time, quickly the group of young ladies walked away ashamed.

Not just them, but the other groups that had formed on Chang Avenue also dispersed, all had a face flushed with shame.

"What we can do, young master Chu Jiayi is so incredible!" they all thought as the multitude dispersed.

The cause of the quake was the heroic young man who had kicked a hard wall of one of the new buildings in the city of Nan Kan, the wall was made of stones and had a powerful bonding agent called cement and had small circles of magical resistance formation around the wall that fed energy from heaven and earth, that is, the cultivator would have to be more than an immortal to be able to destroy these new constructions!

The heroic young man only managed to make the wall shake, which already proves that this person is a powerful cultivator, probably immortal level!

"Chu Jiayi has changed so much?" Thought the young man with a confused look, he felt no pain as he kicked the sturdy wall with only a slight numbness in his foot.

"I do not believe! I need a chance to find this scum face to face! "Thought the young cultivator as he walked through the crowd.

"I'll take it all clean, otherwise, my name is not Tao Kang!" Thought the handsome hero with a cocky smile on his beaty face.