Long talk and a flower that attracts all kinds of insects and birds! (part 1)


Hello girls!

I am publishing another chapter, with lots of talks, little action, and more romance. Yes, they are still in the room, but elsewhere we will get them out of their little world!

One reader suggested the appearance of MLs, so I decided to bring a selection of beautiful MLs in the following chapters.


1. The chapter without R18;

2. More fluffy romance and a bit of comedy;

3. Do not get angry at the ML, again, after all, it will change your stallion nature and cultural morale just for a night of sex, the best of his life, this is not very realistic! But having sex several times in one day, is that realistic? Well, I do not know if that's where you live, but here in Brazil sex is not such an important basis for marriage, I'm not talking about sex being unnecessary, but not making the foundation factor for a marriage.

4. ML will have to think about whether he will be able to change his concepts and accept the independent Chu Jiayi.

5. Chapter divided into up to 4 parts.

6. Sorry for the grammatical errors, even if I edited them, they do not disappear!

7. I would like you to make evaluations of my stories, which you read, of course, especially this, you can write with sincerity.

Good reading!


"Don't be afraid," said Tao Kang keeping young master Chu in his arms, depositing a kiss on his slender neck.

"What do you mean I'm not the same Chu Jiayi, are you saying I'm not equal to that of your past life?" asked Chu Jiayi if he calmed down a little, he had been caught off guard.

"No, I am saying that you are not Chu Jiayi, "said Tao Kang with a soft smile on his thin and rosy lips, he liked how this young man calmed down quickly and became rational, those gray eyes gleamed with an intelligent light, leaving him even more beautiful.

"If I'm not Chu Jiayi, then who am I?" asked Chu Jiayi in a low tone, but he could feel the challenge and discontent in his sweet voice.

"You are not Chu Jiayi, but I do not care that you are not Chu Jiayi original and nor who you were before. Who Are you now? Will you be my wife? "said Tao Kang with a tone full of jest, rubbing his nose against the sensitive skin of the young master Chu's neck.

"Tsk, Stop It! We're having a serious conversation here! And who said I accepted you as my partner? If we're going to have a relationship, I won't be the wife! "said Chu Jiayi with his ruddy face and his trembling fingers, who tried to ward off the shameless Tao Kang.

"Right I'll Be the wife! however, you will have to take responsibility for me! "said Tao Kang excitedly holding the hands of Chu Jiayi, staring with his bright amber eyes at the shamed Chu Jiayi.

"You!" said Chu Jiayi even more ashamed, not knowing where to look, since he could not look directly into the eyes of Tao Kang.

"As long as It's you, I don't mind being your wife!" said Tao Kang with a sweet smile on his lips, leaving his prey to the sample, which made Chu Jiayi's heartbeat even Faster.

Chu Jiayi did not resist and took the initiative to kiss Tao Kang, with a kiss as light as the flapping of a butterfly's wings, which left the young hero so Speechless.

"Oh, you finally stopped talking shameless things!" said Chu Jiayi with a malicious smile, while his fingers fondled the short black hairs of the stupefied Tao Kang.

Tao Kang as a child sank his face into the breast of Chu Jiayi, who had noticed that he had red Ears.

Then a sweet moment of silence spread in the room again.

"When did you know that I was not the original Jiayi chu?" asked Chu Jiayi calmly, with his slender fingers still stroking the hairs of Tao Kang.

"I at first thought you were reborn just like me because you had changed a lot of the previous Chu Jiayi that I met. Then we had sex without any thought, yet I thought you were just being the same immoral as Ever. Then you looked at me with a look full of confidence, coldness, and earnestness, when we discussed earlier, there was no pride or false humility, you looked at me as if we were equal and stood firm in your Actions. The previous Chu Jiayi was pampered, mocked the feelings of the people and took everything in jest, if it had been the previous master chu, he would have laughed and would have played with me without caring or with no concern for the Future. "said Tao Kang with a low voice , his eyes were closed appreciating the affection in his hair.

"The previous Chu Jiayi, would not bother to be honest and honest with me. He would also feel fear of my power, but you stared at me and challenge me, even though I know I'm stronger than you! The moment I saw you all fearless, I felt the urge to take you into my arms and make you know what it was to be afraid! " said Tao Kang with a laugh in his voice.

"Chu Jiayi earlier would not have told me this secret about his body, for it would have been very humiliating, not to mention that he would not have spoken so coldly about this Problem. So it all made me realize that you weren't the original master Chu, just when you talked about the attack of a soul to expel your soul, so I figured that part was true, but it wasn't the whole truth. Somehow the soul of Chu Jiayi was expelled and you took over his body, didn't you? "asked Tao Kang lifting his face and looking directly into the grey eyes of Chu Jiayi, who had a serious look, but there was no fear in his eyes or in his expression.

"Yes, It was something like that Happened. Now I can't tell you the whole truth, because I don't know if You'd understand, "said Chu Jiayi calmly, with visible relief in his voice. He felt a great weight come out of his back and smiled sweetly at Tao Kang.

"When you're ready," said Tao Kang stealing a light kiss on the bright and red lips of Chu Jiayi.

"Because of these events, I also have knowledge of what will happen in the future," said Chu Jiayi in a whisper, looking quickly at the face of Tao Kang.

"So you already knew about me?" asked Tao Kang lifting one of his dark sword brows.

"Yes, I already knew about your existence. But I didn't know who you were. It is as if I had seen everything through a book, where I knew the plot and the few characteristics of the characters, but had not seen anything in reality. "said Chu Jiayi with a thoughtful look, trying to explain in the best possible way, that he could know about the plot of this world.

"So you're like the wise or Taoist monks who can describe People's possible destinies?" asked so curious Kang, he had seen many things in his past life but had never seen the powers of seeing the future as strange as those of Chu Jiayi.

"Something like that, but it's not really just a destination. I can see how this world will move, how people will evolve and what disasters will occur. For example, These ruins you want to go, I already know everything inside of it, which traps, the magical beasts, the magical herbs, and all the Treasures. I also know that some of the "righteous" sects will enter the territory of ruin to try to steal the legacies left by the Ancestors. "said Chu Jiayi in a calm and analytical voice, as if he were reciting a report.

"Wow, This is so cool!" said Tao Kang in a manner, his eyes seemed to shine like stars, which left Chu Jiayi a little uncomfortable.

"Ehhhh is not for you to be surprised and fill me with questions?" asked Chu Jiayi without understanding the hero who had become a great child with bright eyes.

"What's there to ask?! What matters is that you're amazing! It is decided, you will be my husband! I Tao Kang can only marry an amazing person! "said Tao Kang rising up and taking the delicate hands of Chu Jiayi, the amber eyes looked as warm as the sun, almost blinding Chu Jiayi with this loving warmth, out of nowhere!

Chu Jiayi knew that Tao Kang was only joking, but he could not avoid his thoughts wandering in the possibility of marriage between him and Tao Kang. Who wouldn't want to marry the hero of the world? That would be amazing. Chu Jiayi amazed those foolish thoughts of the mind. No matter how good the sex was or that Tao Kang was a nice and understanding guy, he was still a man of ancient times, so for these people, the wedding was seen as a collection of flowers!

"Huh? When did I say I'd marry you? besides, aren't you a harem man? I, Chu Jiayi, am a man who will only have one companion all my life, and I will not share him with anyone else! " said Chu Jiayi casting a discontented look at Tao Kang, trying to free himself from the clenching of the tanned hands of Tao Kang.

"Do you even know about this?" said Tao Kang Surprised. In fact, Tao Kang had not thought if he himself would have a single companion since it is normal for men to have several women, even several male wives!

"Of course I know!" said Chu Jiayi sighing, He stood a moment in silence seeing as Tao Kang was also silent without saying anything, for some reason, Chu Jiayi felt disappointed.

"Tao Kang, we're good in bed, but that's not going to be enough to build a relationship, not to mention that we've only known each other for a few hours. I have my limits and demands, my morals and my thoughts are different from Yours. I want a single companion, you may find it unusual and selfish, but for me, a loving relationship can only exist between two People. I'm not going to fight for anyone's favor, nor get into intrigues just to gain any attention for my "husband". I also do not want to be restricted to marriage, because I have a much brighter life than that, I already have 3 children and many responsibilities, so I will not abandon all this because of a marriage " said Chu Jiayi with his tone of voice calm and placid , there was no anger or discontent in his expression, nor was there blackmail or demand in his voice and his eyes shone full of confidence and sincerity.

Tao Kang also breathed deep and loosened the hands of Chu Jiayi. Young Master Chu felt even more disappointed with this action.