Long Talk and a flower that attracts all kinds of insects and birds! (Part 2)


Hello girls!


1. Couple fight;

2. Yes, ML is kind of slow about the 1x1 relationship.

3. Just remembering: Chu Jiayi's Special Body produces Yin energy in excess, I think I explained this in another chapter, saying that there was a moment when it produced Dark Yin energy and that it could be frozen to death in two situations . 1. First Full Moon and 2. When his emotions became strong. >>>> This is the case of normal Yin energy, which can also kill Chu Jiayi.

4. In the case of Dark Yin energy, the opposite occurs 1. First day without moonlight or day of storm 2. When emotions reach a point of coldness and indifference, something like icy fury.

5. The edited chapter with a lot of sleep! So again, if you can in the comments point out the unbearable mistakes to you.

Thank you and good reading!


Chu Jiayi took a deep breath and let the pain of broken hope break into his breathing, closing his eyes for a few seconds.

"Forget what I said, let's eat," Chu Jiayi said with a simple smile as if they had not had a tense conversation.

"You ..." Tao Kang tries to speak, but Chu Jiayi interrupts him.

"Let's not talk about it anymore. I'm already glad you did not get scared of me, I was being too foolish hoping you'd change your mood because of a night of sex, "said Chu Jiayi in her calm voice as she went to a booth and took off a silk robe to cover their nakedness.

"I did not want to hurt you!" Said Tao Kang nervously, even Chu Jiayi being calm he could feel a certain coldness in his voice.

"It did not hurt, do not think too much about it," said Chu Jiayi, turning to Tao Kang, he had a serene look on his handsome face.

"So why are you so far away?" Tao Kang muttered, watching Chu Jiayi take the plate with the food, placing it on the dining table in the room, separating the hashis and picking up some meat.

"Are not you going to eat with me?" Asked Chu Jiayi after chewing a juicy piece of meat.

"I did not get it for me, you can eat it all," said Tao Kang picking up his clothes, since he reached the immortal stage he does not eat more often.

"Right," said Chu Jiayi, returning to pay attention to his meal.

Tao Kang already dressed sat on the bed again and watches the handsome man eat, his actions were carefree, but gracefully.

"He is also handsome eating!" Tao Kang thought disturbed. This new Chu Jiayi not only had the beauty of overthrowing an empire but also had a gentle energy around his body, this energy gave people a certain tranquility and peace.

The two of them were silent, one could only hear Chu Jiayi eating and the soft sound of the steps of the officials serving the guests.

Chu Jiayi finished eating his meal and ate another apple as dessert, then wiped his mouth with his napkin, releasing a long sigh of satisfaction, which was interrupted by the laughter of Tao Kang, who was trying to contain his laughter.

"What's so funny?" Asked Chu Jiayi, standing up and leaving the dining room table.

"Nothing just did imagine a man as gentle as you would eat so much and in such a hurry!" Said Tao Kang trying to contain his laughter.

"Yes, I like to eat, even though I do not need so much food because of the level of my cultivation, but I enjoy eating and the best my body does not get fat!" Said Chu Jiayi with pride, very happy... Certain things will not change even if you become a man!

"A beauty that is a glutton! I'm surprised! "Tao Kang said with a few more laughs, Chu Jiayi rolled his eyes and shrugged, after all, that was funny about a man than eating too much?

"Hey, you said you were going to the ruins, when are you going there?" Chu Jiayi asked in a placid tone as he sat down next to Tao Kang in bed.

"Three days. I must leave in three days, "said Tao Kang, laughing, he felt a strange feeling in his chest, an inexplicable fear in his heart.

"Three days ..." said Chu Jiayi thoughtfully, then to the surprise of Tao Kang, Chu Jiayi's thin arms encircled him in a hug.

Chu Jiayi leaned his head on Tao Kang's strong shoulder and took a deep breath, inhaling Tao Kang's body fragrance, feeling a gentle warmth in his chest.

"Well, three days will do. After three days, we'll pretend we never met! You will live a life full of adventures out there, so the likelihood of us meeting again is very low. "Said Chu Jiayi turning his face to look at the surprised amber eyes of Tao Kang.

"What does that mean?" Asked Tao Kang, feeling anxious again. Chu Jiayi's eyes carried a frightening resolution, which made Tao Kang feel nervous.

"It means that after three days each will follow a different path, as it should be!" Said Chu Jiayi with his voice growing colder and his gaze becoming more distant.

"If I do not agree?" Asked Tao Kang, moving away from the male beauty, which looked like a frozen beauty now.

"If you do not accept, you can leave and we'll split up right here, I will not force you to anything!" Said Chu Jiayi raising one of his beautiful eyebrows and casting an icy glance at Tao Kang.

"What if I want to see you again after going to ruin?" Asked Tao Kang getting more and more nervous with the icy look of Chu Jiayi.

"Are not you a harem man? Soon you'll get someone else to have fun, or who knows more than one person! "Said Chu Jiayi in his even colder tone, casting an indifferent glance at Tao Kang as if he did not care what he wanted!

"You really were upset about this harem thing, were not you?" Tao Kang asked in a very careful tone as if he feared that the masculine beauty would explode and begin to speak with his poisonous and cold tongue.

"No, I do not care. But I will not want a man who will be contaminated! "Said Chu Jiayi in his tongue-in-the-tongue mode and aura of domineering CEO, which could make even the strongest of immortals tremble with that tone.

It was as Tao Kang feared, Chu Jiayi was calm before he began his icy attack, the funny thing is that he only knows Chu Jiayi to one day, but already felt when he was going to use his poisonous tongue or worse that cold look full of indifference!

He knew when Chu Jiayi would become the ice emperor, but did not know why Chu Jiayi was annoying ?!

"You can not talk about being contaminated or about harem! You're in the body of someone who also had a harem, which was even bigger than mine! "Said Tao Kang defensively, then regretting to talk about it when the temperature plummeted below zero.

"What does this have to do with me? I do not sleep with anyone and I have no harem! What the previous Chu Jiayi did has nothing to do with me! I'm not the Chu Jiayi you met! "Said Chu Jiayi, his eyes glowing with a blue light, the air around him freezing.

"Alert! Alert! Dark Yin is getting out of control! The host is in danger of life! It is recommended that the Host calm down, consume 10 medium grade Yang pills and start meditating the Black Heart Mantra to suppress the violent Dark Yin energy. If the Host does not do that his body will be frozen! "Karla-03's voice sounded in Chu Jiayi's mind, waking him from his fury, but it was a little too late.

Chu Jiayi's arm was already freezing, a layer of black ice was already on his delicate wrist.

"What's going on?" Asked Tao Kang, surprised by the transformation around Chu Jiayi, soon he was startled to see the black ice covering half of Chu Jiayi's arm, that ice was the famous ice Dark Yin, the coldest ice and almost impossible to melt ?!

Chu Jiayi did not respond, he tried first to calm his mind and his uncontrolled mana. When Tao Kang spoke of wanting to meet him again, even though he knew he could be with someone else in the future, he made him feel the same way as when he discovered that his fiancé in his past life had betrayed him to his cousin.

So Chu Jiayi cannot contain his anger, which soon became icy fury when Tao Kang accused him of being involved in a harem, because of the previous Chu Jiayi!

"MASTER!" Kan'er's voice sounded at the door and soon the door was destroyed showing the small figure of the twelve-year-old child, yet she was a little different, with her eyes full of concern and intent to kill, the aura around the young maid was different than usual, there was a violent and bloody energy around the young girl.

"Kan'er the Dark Yin got out of control... Damn! "Said Chu Jiayi closing his mouth so as not to scream in pain, the dark yin energy was attacking his body from within.

The young 12-year-old girl crossed the portal and went straight to the young master Chu, who was growing paler, his once red lips are now turning purple.

When Chu Jiayi felt himself falling, he felt the arms of Tao Kang supporting him and he leaned back weakly on the strong body of the hero Tao, who was still very confused by the situation.

Kan'er looked at Tao Kang for a few seconds, then took the arm of the young Master Chu and closed his eyes, soon a transformation happened before the eyes of Tao Kang.

The young 12-year-old girl became an incredible female beauty with the appearance of a 20-year-old woman, brown eyes became violet, brown hair became black and longer, the whole immature body evolved into a mature, beautiful, that would make any man go into a trance!

"Devil!" Tao Kang said on alert, but he did not know what to do, because Chu Jiayi did not react much to Kan'er's maid's transformation and it did not look like this maid came here to injure Chu Jiayi. But the devils do not kill humans? How much greater is the cultivation of the human being the better the flavor they have for the palate of the devils?