People's thoughts are wild!

Chu Jiayi didn't know why the second prince was so confident years ago to chase him (Chu Jiayi) like a man in love! Honestly, Chu Jiayi wholeheartedly never did anything to make this second prince think that even remotely he would be interested in imperial xx!

The second prince is a handsome man that can't be denied, but he wasn't his type, tall men like willows and as handsome as a painting… Blergh! He preferred tall men with broad shoulders, healthy wheat-colored skin or warm bronze-colored skin, strong legs, big hands… The kind that will make you feel safe all over or make the person set a fire in the room… Cough… Cough… even in his past life, Chu Jiayi already had a strong desire for this kind of man.

Ironically, his ex-fiancé was totally opposed to his personal tastes, and honestly, what he liked most about that guy was just his strong demeanor, not his skinny chicken appearance and colorless skin, even his light brown hair was embarrassing...

Yes, he was a stupid blind man! But Tao Kang was more than making up for his lost years with an "unattractive" boyfriend!

While Zhao Shinou fantasized about having that masculine beauty in his bed and Chu Jiayi thinking of his ex-fiancé who looked more like a weak chicken, Assistant Lee was already "talking" amicably with Patriarch Sheng, as Patriarch Chu seemed to be a bad mood.

The imperial guards also calmed down and just watched with hostile glances toward the Chu Family and the Sheng Family. The white-bearded, dark-brown-eyed teacher stood next to the little concubine Pan and next to Fen Yue, his eyes sparkling as he watched the whole scene.

The second prince's personal guards exchanged glances with a very handsome man, who had phoenix eyes with orange irises like fire and golden hair like the sun. The overwhelming power of this martial cultivator made the heart of the second prince's personal guards cool, that man was very dangerous!

Zhen Arcamany who stood by Chu Jiayi also stood out for his beauty, not escaping the eyes of Fen Yue, who felt that this masculine beauty was to her liking. Honestly, after her heart became distorted after living in a flower-filled harem, she also wanted to have this kind of life, in which she would have several men to serve her!

Yes, Fen Yue is becoming what she hated most about the previous Tao Kang, but she liked the power and being praised, that was a feeling you couldn't forget. In the past she had power, thanks to the considerate Tao Kang, but there were also many men who passionately pursued her, but Tao Kang's existence blocks all her admirers, which made her feel wronged since her "beloved husband" had a harem, why couldn't she have it either?

Now in this new life, she will have everything she ever wanted, having Tao Kang in the palm of her hand and she will have several handsome men around her, such as Zhen Arcamany. She already planned in her heart how she would seduce this handsome man, of course, she completely ignored the almost slavish closeness this redheaded man had to Chu Jiayi, which demonstrated his status as an assistant, servant, or personal guard.

"Forget it, first of all, I have to regain my grip on Tao Kang and increase my cultivation level. When I become strong enough, I will apply for one of the seven heavenly sects, so it will only be a matter of time before I become strong enough not only to have a harem but to build my own empire! " Thought Fen Yue smiling very kindly, anyone who saw that smile on her pretty face would think she was a kind and loving woman, not suspecting that his thoughts of her were ambitious and massive!

The universe had many worlds, the hero's world is the world that goes on in this story, but in this universe, there are seven sects that have such extraordinary power that could destroy these planets!

These sects are called heavenly sects or sects above the sky! Commanded by powerful gods and goddesses of martial cultivation. In each world, there will be a branch to recruit and train new and powerful disciples.

Of course, people only know these heavenly sects as the old sects that are in ruins, but things are not quite like that. The ruins of these sects hold secrets and tests that test the cultivators, if the cultivator has a talent and passes the test, he will be taken to become an internal or external disciple of the heavenly sect. Of course, if the cultivator has no talent, even if they pass the test, that person will only win some rare item and will be taken out of the core of the ruins.

Fen Yue remembered these heavenly sects, for in her past life Tao Kang was accepted into one of these sects, but she and the other girls could only follow Tao Kang as assistants and did not have so much access to the sect's resources, just what Tao Kang shared with them.

Well, with a harem full of flowers, resources were limited, Fen Yue herself received more than the others, but in her heart she wanted so much more, so she would often flirt with the people in charge of the logistics or sell some information from Tao Kang to the superiors who were interested in recruiting that talented young man, so little by little she was accumulating more and more resources, so she managed to cultivate herself to be the strongest of that harem.

Unfortunately, she could not be stronger than Tao Kang, no matter what she did or how many elixirs she took, even the precious herbs and divine weapons made no difference when it came to the difference in power between her and Tao Kang.

In Fen Yue's heart this difference is due to the fact that Tao Kang had received much assistance from the heavenly sect early on, she in her heart did not want to admit that Tao Kang was true talent and had an almost divine body, besides Tao Kang he worked harder than anyone and bled more than many martial cultivators.

Tao Kang collected flowers wherever he went, but also fought where he went and won sworn brothers wherever he went, his charisma and thick skin was a hallmark of Tao Kang, as well as the inhuman effort in everything he did since a simple squat until the swing of his spear, the effort and time spent was almost inhuman!

However, Fen Yue did not want to admit that Tao Kang was better than her, if she admitted that then she would always have to be the submissive "wife" in the midst of the flower harem, she would never be different or special to Tao Kang. Over time and with the addition of flowers to the left and right, Tao Kang's love and struggle for attention turned to hatred and determination to overcome this unfaithful husband!

Of course, Tao Kang knows nothing about it, he really was a man of many flowers, only to realize that he preferred chrysanthemums and would only have one for his whole life! Well, who sent the goddess of his heart to be a man of beauty that destroys nations?

Definitely, Tao Kang was a well-bent man and very happy will probably shock Fen Yue a lot in the future!