Men With Conflicting Hearts (Part 1)

While everyone was lost in wild thoughts, Assistant Lee Fu had already convinced Patriarch Sheng to welcome them all to the celebration party that would take place at the Sheng Family's main residence.

Lee Fu was quite different from Zhao Shinou, he knew that here he had to act very friendly if they wanted to keep their heads on their necks, if the Chu Family decided to kill them, the emperor would at most demand a monetary recovery. Who asked for the Nan Kang region to be practically a natural fort?

On one side the ocean, on the other the Ancient Forest or Forbidden Forest, on the other several hills and small mountains, cut by winding rivers, and on the other a green and flourishing meadow, but which would make imperial troops, if they invaded the area, targets easy to crush!

The second prince has to maintain imperial pride, so he could not easily submit to the Chu Family and could not be very humble, but Assistant Lee would play the role of being a humble and shameless person to insist on attending this party. Since it would be very good if the second prince could obtain the goodwill of the Chu Family.

Chu Jiayi was tired of being watched by the second prince with those wolf eyes, so he brought Zhen Arcamany, Zhen Ling and Kan'er into the mansion, so they all followed Chu Jiayi's example including the second prince's entourage. Only the imperial guards could not enter, so only the second prince's two personal guards could enter.

The party that was once to be animated now had tension in the air and people were no longer relaxed. However, they could not leave the party as it would be slapped in the face by the Sheng Family and the Chu Family, and furthermore, it could be a great offense against the second imperial prince.

As this was a planned celebration, the servants were ready to attend to everyone, but the Sheng Family Chef had a big problem, as the second prince and seven other people turned up extra at the party. So the Chef had to urgently order more ingredients for the main courses, the luck was that the entree and the small snacks were overcooked, so there was too much food to snack on.

Another poor employee who had a headache was the party organizer, who is Butler Shen, as he is responsible for table seating during dinner, yes, this would be a party that would start in the morning and end with a sumptuous dinner. Lucky there was still time, but there was still the headache of where to put the second prince ?!

When the Sheng Family and the Chu Family were clearly against the Imperial Family, placing the second prince anywhere on their side would create tension, but if placing the second prince in a place with low-status nobles would be a slap in the Imperial Family! Yes, butler Shen really had a big headache!

As the party began at the Sheng Family home, Tao Kang, who was meditating near the artificial lake, suddenly opened his eyes. He felt a strange urgency in his heart since his beloved, handsome husband left for the inauguration of the new hospital.

"Would it be nice for me to take a look at him?" Tao Kang thought for a moment, after all, his handsome husband didn't like it when he was domineering over his schedule. In fact, Chu Jiayi only let him be dominant in the bedroom, but otherwise, he was very straightforward to say that he didn't appreciate his chauvinism/patriarchalist… Even if he doesn't know what that means!

Tao Kang tries to ignore this feeling, closing his eyes again to meditate, but the feeling of discomfort seemed to get worse and worse, in the end, he could no longer concentrate on his cultivation.

"I go there! I'll just have a quick look and not even let him see me! "Tao Kang thought a little hesitantly. But he'd rather be scolded by his beloved, cute husband than let something dangerous happen to him!

Going back to the party, now let's focus on the dilemma of two very strange people.

Chu Fang wore more formal attire, which made him look bolder and more beautiful. His long dark brown hair was tied with a simple silver harp, leaving his haughty forehead free and his phoenix eyes even more fascinating, his eyes a reddish tinge, a fairly light brown.

However, Chu Fang hated these formal, slow-moving clothes very much, he who often wears loose-fitting, light-weight martial cultivator's clothing, even though it is made of sturdy fabric, literally even preventing a sword from cutting his body, he felt that formal clothes were very uncomfortable.

Soon Chu Fang was in a bad mood, so he dodged most people and as he was already known to the Sheng Family, he like some other people chose to roam in the large back garden, so he had a bottle of wine and a drinking glass near an artificial lake.

Even though he hated those clothes Chu Fang looked like the image of a young nobleman drinking peacefully while enjoying nature, the breeze played with his hair and made the sleeves of his clothes float like a deity, an unreachable beauty.

That was how Sheng Ling found Chu Fang, he could not deny that he felt his heart beating faster seeing this side of Chu Fang. Unfortunately, every day he only saw this person's shameful and perverted side!

"What are you thinking so much?" Asked Sheng Ling as he approached Chu Fang who seemed to stare at the stunning lake.

"Of course, I could only be thinking of you, Ling Ling!" Chu Fang's voice was naturally deep, those voices that made goosebumps just listen. And they were not shivers of fear! Along with the dreamy image he displayed, Chu Fang looked like the ideal gentleman of several women, if not for his shameless words!

"I told you not to call me Ling Ling! We're not that close! "Protested Sheng Ling, looking away from the image of the perfect man.

"So should I call you darling or honey?" Chu Fang said mischievously, the smile was really seductive and Sheng Ling had to look away not to show that he had thirsted for a certain shameless gentleman!

Chu Fang looked at the handsome Sheng Ling and could not resist pulling the beauty into his arms, his hair was dark green and Sheng Ling's turquoise eyes glowed softly, he shyly lowered his eyes. Usually, Sheng Ling was quite fierce and still fighting a little before giving in to Chu Fang, but this time he was very cooperative.

Never say clothes don't make a man!