Two weeks later

The second thing that changed with Fen Yue's arrival at the Chu Family mansion was that a couple of men every night had heated "fights." It was only a few days since Fen Yue entered the mansion, but Tao Kang was very jealous.

This was not uncommon, as Chu Jiayi and Fen Yue have become ever closer as if they were sisters if Chu Jiayi, were a woman. However, Tao Kang was not enjoying any of this, after all, Chu Jiayi is a man and Fen Yue is a beautiful and quite smart woman.

Of course, Tao Kang didn't know is that Chu Jiayi was also jealous of Fen Yue and Tao Kang, even though most of the time the two only argued. People show their jealousy in different ways. Chu Jiayi became increasingly sympathetic to Fen Yue, already Tao Kang was becoming annoyingly sticky.

For Fen Yue none of this mattered, she was living very happily in the Chu mansion in recent days because she returned to see her friend Chao Mei, now by the name of Chu Mei. She's only 10 this year and Fen Yue is at least 18 this year, there was a nearly ten-year gap between the two.

When The life of Chu Mei and Fen Yue crossed paths in the past life, Chu Mei was 18 and Fen Yue 26, but as both were martial cultivators, age made no difference between the two for them to become sisters.

Now that Chu Mei was 10 years old and Fen Yue was older, Chu Mei called her Professor Yue, as Chu Jiayi told everyone that Fen Yue was an alchemist brought by him to teach his children.

Fen Yue was incredibly grateful to Chu Jiayi for taking care of Chu Mei and spoiling her as a daughter, so Fen Yue did not hide anything from Chu Jiayi, she was afraid he would drive her away from the mansion if she lied.

How could Fen Yue allow you to stay away from your old friends? Even Grandma Rong Lu-Chu and Grandpa Shan Qi were in the mansion!

In the past life, Rong Lu-Chu and Shan Qi were Tao Kang's martial partners, but they always treated humans like children, given their status as black turtles of nearly 1000 years of life.

Fen Yue later discovered that Zhen Arcamany was this handsome bodyguard, but Fen Yue was surprised by the appearance of this Zhen Arcamany because it was quite different from the phoenix she remembered.

Anyway, Fen Yue's life has been particularly good these few days, she wakes up in the morning and has breakfast with Rong Lu-Chu and Jiang Li-Hua. Gradually Fen Yue realizes that these people have no memories of past lives, but still had similar personalities. Rong Lu-Chu with his peaceful and patient personality, while Jiang Li-Hua was somewhat fierce and taciturn, as are tigers in general.

After breakfast, she would meditate to increase her level of martial cultivation. She had already learned that the Chu Family was a family of dragons and the weakest of adults was already in the Rising Soul Realms.

When she thinks about how arrogant she was days ago, Fen Yue feels her body tremble with fear. Wasn't she looking for her own death if she attacked Chu Jiayi suddenly? She was still a martial cultivator of the Aurore Core Realms. This was very weak and even the housekeepers had a higher level than herself.

In the afternoon, Fen Yue would have lunch with Chu Jiayi, Tao Kang, and the children. She was very fond of talking to Chu Jiayi, on the one hand, Chu Jiayi seemed like a kind and sensible person, on the other hand, this would make Tao Kang uncomfortable, which was wonderful for Fen Yue, who could view this as a little daily revenge.

After lunch, the children went to study with Fen Yue. She took very seriously teaching these children what she knew about Alchemy, but she couldn't turn milk into stone, so the one who took the most from this class was Chu Mei and Chu Jian. Chu Bohai was a smart kid, but he had no talent for Alchemy, his talent was around stealth and daggers.

Chu Jian being the weakest and who always received many remedies and precious herbs for the maintenance of his own body, so he had a better understanding of how to deal with the reagents of alchemy.

However, the true genius of Alchemy is Chu Mei, for sad reasons, unfortunately, since her poisonous body was very suitable for alchemy practices.

The night Fen Yue met with the Chu Family from the main branch, only at these moments, she felt extremely uncomfortable. All had no memories of their past lives, so far only Tao Kang and Chu Jiayi showed memories of the past.

Fen Yue felt bad looking at Chu Wang who was 10 years old and Chu Lifen also of a similar age. The first was seduced by her and betrayed the Chu family and the second child also set up the death of that child.

Of course, things were quite different from the past, with Chu Wang following Chu Jiayi like a small tail and learning matrices from him. Chu Lifen, on the other hand, became even bolder as she went the way of the sword, being much more talented than her brothers and cousins.

The biggest difference was that these two children were truly kind and good-natured, which differed a lot from Chu Wang's corrupted nature from his past life, and Chu Lifen's arrogance was nowhere to be seen.

There was still Chu Jiayi's mother, Chen Daiyu, who looked at her full of hope. It wasn't hard for Fen Yue to guess what this woman who looked like an immortal fairy was thinking.

Chen Daiyu: (...)

Be my son's concubine!

Yue Fen: (...)

Ma'am, your son is quite a bent man! Impossible for me!

The two women always exchanged this kind of look, being a tiresome clash and that made Tao Kang look with a look full of hatred and death at her.

Yue Fen: (...)

It's not my fault! Your mother-in-law who's trying to pressure me!

Tao Kang: (...)

My mother-in-law is just a little confused, you should show up less for her!

Fen Yue thought Chu Jiayi was a very noble person at heart, which made her feel ashamed and guilty for setting a trap for him in his past life. She thought so, because Chu Jiayi even though he knew about the past life, still took particularly good care of his younger brothers and was also not treating her badly. On the contrary, he was truly kind and cut, if he were someone else, he would already be looking for ways to kill her for all the suffering she caused him in the past life.

Of course, she did not know that Chu Jiayi wasn't the same soul of the past life, but rather a female soul of a modern and that she did not practice the common sense of this ancient era of revenge and death.

If people can be shaped and become better, then why resort to extreme methods?

After dinner Fen Yue returned to study and practice her alchemy, she could not be left behind these people. If even the Chu family maids are top-level, she couldn't be too far behind, right?

When Fen Yue talked about the past with Chu Jiayi and Tao Kang, they discovered that there were more people behind plotting everything, one of whom was the mysterious old man who handed the necklace to Fen Yue. It was as if he wanted Fen Yue to stand by Tao Kang to monitor him.

Tao Kang was silent upon realizing this, Chu Jiayi thought he was in shock to learn that the "predestined" encounter between him and female leadership was false. Well, even Chu Jiayi felt complicated feelings when he heard Fen Yue's story. On the one hand, he was relieved that the hero and the female leader didn't have a predestined encounter, on the other hand, as a reader of the novel, he felt a little deceived.

Fate it's sucks!

Anyway, which led to the following conversation between Tao Kang and Chu Jiayi. Well, it was supposed to be a conversation. However, for Tao Kang, his husband was acting jealous and coquet, so everything ended up in bed and Chu Jiayi had his tofu eaten clean for an entire night.